What's your favorite Star Trek movie?

What's your favorite Star Trek movie?

Wrath, followed by Motion Picture and Voyage Home (tied with each other. But enjoyable for very different reasons).

Undiscovered Country is decent.

The rest are pure shit, and I will debate to death anyone who claims otherwise

>tfw I like The Final Frontier and Nemesis


Guinan is easily the best character in it.

The first one actually

hello mike

The Motion Picture


Undiscovered Country is the single best /trek/ anything. A beautiful send off to a great cast.

I always felt TUC was kind of boring. Once Kirk and Bones end up on Rura Penthe it gets bogged down

Motion Picture personally.

After that, 2-3-6 but not in any specific order. I find them hard to order since the three come together to tell an ongoing story.

I loved their dynamic there. And it is the heaviest TOS film in terms of subject tebehe.

I like farscape and Babylon 5, will i like star trek? Where do I sart watching it from?

TOS, TNG and DS9 are all worth watching.

Look for a viewing guide for TOS and the first two seasons of TNG or you might get burnt out though

Star Trek has no ongoing story like those shows do, they're episodic.

Wrath of Khan > Search for Spock = Undiscovered Country > The Voyage Home >>> First Contact = The Motion Picture > Generations = Final Frontier >>>>> Nemesis >> Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NuTrek

I don't consider any of the TOS or TNG films to be bad, the very worst being Insurrection which is just a mediocre film. Boring in some parts, good in other parts.

Insurrection is probably the only TNG movie where each member of the cast gets something to do and they appear to genuinely enjoy being there.

>I like farscape and Babylon 5, will i like star trek?
No, stick to your reddit geek culture you underage fag

Am I the only one who likes the current Trek movies?

Not my favorite, original Wrath of Khan is my favorite. But I thought Discovery and Into Darkness were both good flicks

Of course not including the Beastie Boys scene. Couldn't stand it

will check out some episodes to see if i like it

Nemesis is a masterpiece


>Am I the only one who likes the current Trek movies?


Tough call. I like all of them for different reasons. I'd hate to be pleb, but probably II for all of it's great little moments and the death/funeral scenes. I love TMP for it's visual effects and artistic style (V is also kino, pic related), IV for the comedy, VI had some really great McCoy moments.

>My God, man, I tried to save him! I tried to save him! I was desperate to save him! He was the last, best hope in the universe for peace.

The original series, at least, is episodic, so when you're watching it just pick ones that seem cool and interesting. There's no big plots, it's just space problems and space solutions.

Of course some like Amok Time; Naked Time; Mirror, Mirror; Space Seed are absolute classics.


>II: The Wrath of Khan
>VI: The Undiscovered Country
>The Motion Picture
>IV: The Voyage Home
>First Contact
>III: The Search for Spork
>V: The Final Frontier
>Star Trek
>Into Darkness

NuTrek shouldn't really be considered and judged like Star Trek movies.

Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
Voyage Home
First Contact
The Motion Picture
Search for Spock
Final Frontier
new trek 3
new trek 1
new trek 2

Nemesis was innovative, at least. For one, it was shot like an actual movie and not a TV episode. And many elements were reused for NuTrek so obviously thy worked.

The Voyage Home was a 10/10 experience

It's a toss up between the first movie and undiscovered country.

2. TMP
3. FC
4. TVH
6. TUC
7. TFF
8. Generations
9. Insurrection
10. Nemesis
11. NuTrek
12. Beyond
13. Into Darkness

What was innovative about it?

Every on this movie is inovative

>Every on this movie is inovative

Insurrection is just forgettable. Without looking it up right now, I can barely tell you anything about it

Insurrection is the most forgettable out of all the movies, I can even tell you what happens in Motion Picture wtf

"Enterprise" is the very best Star Trek series ever produced.

Trektards hate it because it isn't filled with gay, PC bullshit like the rest of them. That's why they won't recommend it, and shit all over it at every opportunity..

What's with all the reposts?

into darkness

Flakka... Not even once.

>Trektards hate it because it isn't filled with gay, PC bullshit like the rest of them.

Yea that and it's garbage

TOS: This Side of Paradise
TNG: The Inner Light
DS9: Duet
VOY: Tied: Year of Hell/Blink of an Eye
ENT: Twilight
MOVIE: Wrath of Khan

TOS: Spock's Brain
TNG: The Child
DS9: Profit and Lace
VOY: Threshold
ENT: These Are the Voyages...
MOVIE: Nemesis

>This Side of Paradise

Really? I mean, it's good, but there's several others that are better.

For the most part, Star Trek is a nothing but a bunch of gay, ham-fisted, preachy pc/sjw bullshit… especially tng, voyager, and ds9.

The only Trek really worth watching is the original tos pilot, "The Cage", and Enterprise… because reasons.

I really wish Star Trek went more in the direction of "The Cage" than it ended up doing. Not that what we got was bad, but what could have been...

if there was one movie I could choose to have never, ever existed, it would be ST nemesis. I have an intense hatred for it's canon.

Captive Pursuit >>>>>>>>>> all star trek movies.

Like? That episode is so therapeutic. Spock is great in it.

Balance of Terror and Amok Time come to mind

Both are good episodes, just really liked This Side of Paradise.


Whales for fun movie.

TMP for feelings.

>gay, PC bullshit

More like the cast has no chemistry/intrigue so it's not even fun to make porn of them.

#1 was fine as HELL and I really wish they had found a role for her instead of twisting her into Nurse Chapel who, for some reason, despite being the same woman, was much uglier.

The motion picture, duh.

I don't know if it's because I'm assburger or what, but for a long time I didn't even realize that Nurse Chapel and #1 were the same actress

First Contact hands down

I didn't either for the longest time. Blonde + that updo was just a very unflattering look for her.

Are you aware that she's Gene Roddenberry's wife and the voice of the computer and Lwaxana Troi because then you might be the ultimate assburger?

>they couldnt even photoshop their heads to the suits properly

The only good thing about the show was Archers cute doggo

I mean, I know those things now of course, but I didn't for a while. She looks so much different as #1, Chapel, and Lwaxana.


boring and cerebral, just how I like my Star Trek

Just admit that you're a flaming queer and move on.

I don't think it quite lives up to DS9 or some of the better parts of TNG but yes it is criminally underrated and a lot better than voyager.

Unofficial "What's your favorite Star Trek movie?" Answer power rankings

>Patrician Tier
The Motion Picture
The Undiscovered Country

>Fanboy Tier
First Contact

>Synthwave Tier
The Voyage Home

>Ignores the second half Tier
The Final Frontier

>Trolling Tier
Search For Spock

>Normie Tier
The Wrath of Khan
JJ Trek

dont take the baite

>Couldn't stand it
I know you planned this

The one with the whales
The one where Picard smashes the enterprise models

How about this... go eat a dick.

This 100%

Friendly reminder:

>Roddenberry wanted men making out in "Encounter at Farpoint"

>Roddenberry hated God so much that he needed Q to deal with his endless hatred of God even though no one else wanted Q

>Roddenberry wanted no interpersonal conflict, not even minor disagreements

>Roddenberry was the one who demanded dresses on men as well as women instead of a formality that existed by the end of Season 6

>Roddenberry gave the franchise to Berman who, despite his flaws and agreement with Roddenberry's vision, knew it would fail if it went down that route

We should all thank Rick Berman and Mike Piller for saying no to that gay commie after he croaked.

>tries desperately to push het when all of the good chemistry is between same sex characters

I really wish they'd stop this. Either write better romances or stop doing them all together.

What are the best Babylon 5 movies? In the Beginning was ok, but are there any genuinely good ones?

tie between Khan, First Contact, and Beyond

I wish we got a DS9 movie.


Flip those around.

close enough