Jordan Peele explains 'Get Out's' creepy milk scene, ponders the recent link between dairy and hate

>Now that Jordan Peele’s horror satire “Get Out” is No. 1 at the box office, it’s time to talk about the most insidious moment in the movie: The milk scene.

>Milk, it has been argued of late, is the new symbol of white supremacy in America, owing to its hue and the notion that lactose intolerance in certain ethnicities means that milk-absorbing Caucasian genetics are superior.

>A Mother Jones article even asked, “Are the U.S. dietary guidelines on milk racist?” citing a study that shows not every ethnic group, African Americans in particular, requires the three glasses of milk per day that the federal government recommends to combat osteoporosis.

>The source of milk’s recent spin as the beverage of choice for white supremacists is more directly the product of alt-right Internet trolling.

>And yet the parallels to “Get Out’s” disquieting dairy derangement are strangely well-timed. So what is it about the traditionally wholesome milk that nowadays feels so … evil?

>“There’s something kind of horrific about milk,” said Peele, not a dairy drinker. “Think about it! Think about what we’re doing. Milk is kind of gross.”

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In other news: Water is racist, oxygen is homophobic and sunlight is sexist.

>drinking milk is now racist

I hope nuclear war happens this year and all humans die.

>It's no coincidence that milk is often referred to as the Ku Klux Klan of liquids

Jesu Christ

Is this what passes for film criticism and journalism nowadays?

>Subhuman shitskins are lactose intolerant
>It's white supremacys fault


I like kooky horror films so this just makes me enjoy the movie more. Shit's hilarious.

>offended Sup Forums faggots can't into sarcasm

What evidence is there that the author and director are being sarcastic about milk being a symbol of white supremacy and hate?

This isn't a fucking Onion article, this was published by the Los Angeles Times, an ostensibly credible newspaper.

>tumblr faggots dont understand sarcasm implies being disingenuous

>Just two weeks before “Get Out” opened nationwide, a gaggle of Sup Forums trolls hijacked Shia LaBeouf’s anti-Trump art installation #HeWillNotDivideUs, an Internet stream in New York City intended to be a public forum of protest throughout the next four years of the Trump administration.

>The livestream was shut down after the disrupters commandeered it by spewing hate speech, dancing around shirtless, showing off Nazi tattoos and — yes — defiantly chugging gallons of milk, right from the jug, directly into the camera.

>“Hey you nonwhites: I can do this and you can’t,” mocked one white male visitor at the #HeWillNotDivideUs exhibit between performative gulps of milk while mugging for the cameras. “We must secure the future of our diet and the future for milk-drinking!”

That last bit is pretty funny.

Why is it always sarcasm?

wtf is going on with america I thought race relations are supposed to improve with the passage of time

...Peele has an entire dairy-free dietary lifestyle as an elaborate joke?

>patently ridiculous claims
>from a comedy director
>not sarcasm

is that guy part frog?

The racist neo-nazi Drumpf supporters turned back the clock for a bit. Don't worry though, they're on the wrong side of history.

Even kids understand the concept of "making something up".

>patently ridiculous claims

SJW's regularly make these and expect them to be taken seriously.

They are improving. Soon no one will ever listen to anything a black person ever says again, and the problem will be solved.

Maybe Peele is being tongue-in-cheek, but the author of that article certainly gives no hints at being sarcastic. She seems to take the whole "milk as a hate symbol" conspiracy seriously.

>and — yes — defiantly chugging gallons of milk, right from the jug, directly into the camera.

My god. The horror.

Here's more comedy for you

It's a way to retort without really saying anything

Saying it's sarcastic or ironic makes pseudo intellectuals respect you. Tim heidecker has made a career off it

How is that in any way related to Peele's joke, user?

>offended tumblr faggot can't into obvious jokes

try reading the article you dumb cunt. you see that sentence in there?

It's almost like some of these people can't recognize it when they're being fucked with.

It wasn't a joke.

I understand autism may be hard to live with.

>Liberals are literally so retarded they are labeling milk as a symbol of """White Supremacy"""

>some stupid liberals are doing this
>it means Peele condones it

Makes me think.

>tfw white
>lactose intolerant

Is almond milk white supremacist too?

Well he didn't exactly refute it or disagree with their conclusion, did he? Not to mention including that scene in the first place, as a joke or not, reinforces these ideas in the minds of the viewers.

>Jordan Peele doesn't hate white people, he just spends his life ironically shitting on white people as a joke

I hope him and his unfunny thin skinned kike wife have 24 miscarriages

lol j/k

What about chocolate milk?

Uncle Tom beverage.

He's apparently half-white himself.

Your autistic train of thought doesn't make his joke any less funny.

Pretty hard to get less funny than "not funny at all"

Although judging by this shitpile, that is a goal Peel aims for.

Where was the joke?

>it's sarcasm because surely my side couldn't be this fucking absurd


The article is written as a serious discussion on the "racism" of milk, actually taking real interviews and doing investigative journalism. Nowhere does it actually acknowledge the ridiculousness of it's claims.

Don't be naive user. These writers are committed to a culture of outrage and ideology, and whatever seems more obnoxious to you in their world is something that is "bold", "new", or "brave".

Sorry, but the guy is just an angry black supremacist:

He's just trying to use his shitty comedy as defence from criticism,

He is, yes.

>he just spends his life ironically shitting on white people as a joke
So do you have a problem with that when Dave Chappelle or Eddie Murphy make jokes about white people?

Sure do. Thank God their careers are fucking dead.

>calling someone else autistic when you're quite literally defending "milk haters"
No it doesn't work like that. Not today.

>tfw drink milk every day

a-am i racist?

a guy adopted by a white family and married to a white woman is a black supremacist because he hurts my feefees

>quite literally throwing a tantrum over milk
>not being autistic

Dave Chapelle didn't focus on White people. To the contrary; he actually focused on Blacks in his comedy.


So you're saying Peele is autistic now? Is everybody in the world autistic except you?

Ironic racism is getting pretty old desu

Are you saying everyone in the world hates milk?

Wow, he wants to fuck white cumdumpsters, like every black guy with inferiority complex, so not racist.

He hates his white mother ( i don't blame him) and hate fuck his white hoe. The dude has issues.

What does that make this """investigative report""" if I'm autistic and throwing a tantrum?

>some stupid liberals are doing this
>Peele writes an article legitimizing it

Yeah, what a shock people think he condones it, shithead.

Everyone except Armond White

>The Unbearable Whiteness of Milk: Food Oppression and the USDA

Are you saying this report hosted on an academic site was done ironically? Seems like quite a stretch 2bh.

>it's a secretly racist black "comedian" uses the current anti-white climate to come out and start blaming everything wrong with his race on white people episode





I have some bad news for you

Chappelle made fun of everyone.

These fucks are afraid to make fun of anyone non white

HAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAH Nothing like a tall cold one eh boys

Why do they always do this? Are they just opportunists or did they always hate whitey?

Can we so somehow trick these Neo Nazi trolls into drinking bleach next?

I read Patton Oswald's twitter too. upvoted

Time to go to bed Patton Oswalt

That would be cultural appropriation

>A Mother Jones article even asked, “Are the U.S. dietary guidelines on milk racist?” citing a study that shows not every ethnic group, African Americans in particular, requires the three glasses of milk per day that the federal government recommends to combat osteoporosis
>they can't drink milk without dying

So every time a man in Africa fucks his own daughter, he is culturally appropriating American redneck culture?

No? Pretty sure Africans have been doing that for 70,000+ years

Why so disingenuous? Why not just admit you hate white people and stop pretending to be ironic about it?

What happens in the scene?

Did you even read the article?

>As the race-fueled carnage unfolds, it all leads up to a jarring — almost unbelievable — moment where Williams sits serenely in her childhood bedroom, headphones on, jamming out to the theme from “Dirty Dancing.” Munching on dry Froot Loops, she coolly quenches her thirst by sipping a tall glass of milk through a straw.

Drinking milk is racist


I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>These fucks are afraid to make fun of anyone non white

The blacks do accept Key and Peele as their own. They arent "black" enough. So while they do well with white audiences no matter the material they have to throw that black attitude in there to try and keep what little cred they have among basketball americans

>paperboy will score the next Peele film
I hope he's fucking happy

>Neo Nazis

SO literally anyone who contradicts your SJW shit?

So not only are the reviewers stupid, they're also plebs.

It isn't about "muh white supremacy", it's someone retreating into childhood comforts.

>Did you even read the article?

No, because paywall. Anyway, what's so creepy about drinking milk?

>Think about it!

Huh, never thought about it like that before.

Are cold climates racist as well? Is vitamin D white privilege?

Milk scene in the film is a comedy scene that makes the Femme Fatale look infantile.

Inherently satirical. But Klansfolk don't do satire. Why are there no great right-wing comedians?

When will you guys stop harping on everything a celebrity says?
This is exactly what they want. Look the other way and ignore them.


Are you saying the L.A. Times writer who penned this article is a Klansman?


It's not a random celebrity, it's the director of a highly-acclaimed and commercially successful film who is revealing his intent behind certain scenes. How is that not a relevant thing to discuss?

>get out


There are like 10 people in the entire world which would imply this yet they are given media attention, stop overreacting


You know why. Don't get cute.

No he has a dairy-free lifestyle because he's a nigger and will experience violent diarrhea from consuming milk


>>“There’s something kind of horrific about milk,” said Peele, not a dairy drinker. “Think about it! Think about what we’re doing. Milk is kind of gross.”

I think Peele might be retarded.

>Inherently satirical. But Klansfolk don't do satire. Why are there no great right-wing comedians?
I don't know. Why do the majority of the NEWS and ENTERTAINMENT media in America have JEWISH executives despite JEWS only making up about 2-3% of the population?

The cereal scene. she had the colored cereal away from white milk

>There are like 10 people in the entire world which would imply this yet they are given media attention, stop overreacting

Life imitates art nowadays, user. These ten people have disproportionate power to project and broadcast their views to the masses and alter their perceptions of reality. That is why their bullshit needs to be called out when it is published.