Is Logan gonna be alright bros?

Is Logan gonna be alright bros?

Is Charles gonna be alright bros?


>the boat, sunseeker
and then people laughing while logan is smashing the truck. fucking plebs

Don't worry, he'll appear in deadpool 3 with a different actor

what's the reference?

>with a different actor

will they make him wear heels?


>people laughing while logan is smashing the truck
this pissed me off in the cinema. i have autism

watch the movie :^)

Laughter is a coping mechanism, just like destructive behaviour

I don't know if I have autism, but how hard is it to understand his frustration? people can't watch a sad scene without comic relief

The scene WAS funny, you ridiculous autist. Laura was looking at the juxtaposition of the kind-looking man and his dog fishing as a potential father in comparison to her own, who was bloody, tired, and beating the shit out of their car while screaming expletives. Yes, it was sad. Yes, it was funny. And yes, you're fucking retarded for not picking up on what everyone else in your theater did.

>people laughing at the fat black kid running from army guys

the scene was written to be funny, you fucking autistic edgelords. you're the types to shoot up a movie theater. i hope the FBI finds you soon.

Charles had the best sleep in years Though he didn't deserve it

The scene was clearly intended to be funny, retard.

>not when Charles was spouting sorry in the casino scene

>Charles killed the X-men

Looks like Magneto was right all along

can we at least agree this was a much more fitting send off than hurr durr PHOENIX blarrrga boooga

>Not when "it wasn't me" happens

that line was unnecessary. i didn't believe for a second that charles actually though that was the real logan.

now there are theories online that the "that wasn't me" line was in reference to logan actually having something to do with killing the x-men. that would be more deep.

he is a senile old man
and he literally blurts out "logan" when he stabs him in the chest

professor X was great in general, definitely a proper send off for him

>people laughing while logan is smashing the truck
fucking this

>haha it's so funny look at him

Pierce literally says Charles is a living breathing WMD

where was magneto and how did he die? didn't he have a helmet manufactured by reddit that protected him from charles' cancerous brain?

Nah, both actors are on the Harrison Ford road.

>logan, we have to deport this mexican to canada
the writing in this movie was truely brave

It's the Marvel effect. Audience expects a quip every other line.

why were we expected to believe that this powerful, wealthy global corporation would immediately stop operating at the canadian border? that was so stupid

they didn't mention, but if Charles was in his 90s he was probably dead of old age or whatever.
They don't give any details on the incident besides a place and death toll.

You're a retard

I'd like to see those corporations try to pull one over on based Justin.

I started laughing and midways it turned into a sad laugh, so there is that.

I was smiling at the scene because of what happened earlier. Logan tried to give a speech and show his emotions but he couldn't. So he goes to the car, the car won't start so the first thing he does is venting off all his frustrations.
While the scene was rather serious, it was also very cathargic. And again, it was something Logan would do.

so who killed all the X-men was it wolverine, Xavier, The doctor dudes syrum?

the doctor killed the mutants as a whole

the x-men specifically were killed by charles and wolverine

the movie say that xavier killed 7 and he probably injured a lot more

Xavier did.

This movie was dark as fuck. I also didnt expect them to show Laura getting hurt or pierced but they did without a worry.

Also it was funny because the girl kept looking at him getting unnecessarily frustrated while seeing a functioning truck they could steal right over there

i will boycott capeshit movies for the rest of my life if this casting happens


What I'm more concerned about is what timeline this is.
Also how many would be years is this after DOFP?

They're gonna miss that single ticket with you gone you fucking manchild

they mentioned new york

When was this? I just saw it and can't recall when that was mentioned.

I never watched Apocalypse so i thought Kaliban was that one creepy lobotimized mutant who uses Cerebro but sane because it was another timeline.

it was on the news, guess it was when they were running from the casino

When the clone wolverine kills him

>will they make him wear heels?
>to play wolverine

radio broadcast after the casino scene mentioned the x-men deaths

Its not outright stated but its made pretty clear. Food enginering killed most mutants and erased the mutant gene, but Xavier killed the Xmen in one of his attacks. Thats why he says he doesnt deserve to have a happy night and thats what he remembers before x-24 kills him.

>Laura was looking at the juxtaposition of the kind-looking man and his dog fishing as a potential father in comparison to her own
No she wasn't you fucktard.

She was looking at his car thinking, hey I could take that.
And then she looks at Logan who is taking his anger and sadness out on the car that isn't working.
She realises that she can help by getting a new car that works.

Maybe, I started tuning out because I knew that wasn't really Logan over him

Exactly. Laura doesn't really know of law and order, only what she has to do to survive.

>biggie smalls wobbling away from the cops
>start laughing
>only one in the theatre

Fuck all ya all

>I started tuning out because I knew that wasn't really Logan over him
Jesus, your life must be a constant struggle.

the black people near me in the theater were like "what da fuck, fuck dis shit" after the ending. they didn't like logan dying.

>people who find shovel-truck scene funny exist
I blame Marvel Cinequipping Universe.

So while I did enjoy the movie, does this mean all of the popcorn friendly X-Men film franchise was leading up to this aggressively dark, bleak, depress-fest?
Granted the movie on it's own was good, but I can't even register that is a part of the same franchise as the last movies.
Like imagine if Avengers Infinity Wars ended with Tony Stark getting his head chopped off with an axe or something, and Black Widow gang raped.

The struggle is real, my friend.

Wolverine is like 5'2" in the comics so Kit is perfect.

Don't worry user, I was laughing too.

Days of Future Past erased most of those films leaving Logan to be part of a new timeline.

Wolverine is so fucking cool

>roll my eyes every time they restate something that was already made blatantly obvious
>my normie friends were all still confused


that's what bothers me about this otherwise good movie

all the other good x-men movies were a waste. all of our heroes are pending a horrific outcome and death so logan can meet his spic daughter.

So the comic books....what were they about? Was those coordinates just a random place the kids gravitated towards or is there a bigger organisation behind it?

It's six years after DOFP. 2029.

you mean like this guy?

You're the "normie", you retard. Just like a normalfag to think they aren't one and are special in some way.

the wolverine was a more serious film, even though the third act was horrible, and DoFP/first class didn't have as much cheesiness

I know but the film franchise as a whole was always PG-13 superhero franchise and that sort of established a universal tone for the franchise. Logan was great but it felt like a super depressing fan fiction that, tonally, just doesn't fit with the rest of the franchise at all.

>Granted the movie on it's own was good, but I can't even register that is a part of the same franchise as the last movies.

>Like imagine if Avengers Infinity Wars ended with Tony Stark getting his head chopped off with an axe or something, and Black Widow gang raped.
It doesn't suit Marvel.

Still, you could make a movie about alcoholic Tony Stark, how he loses company because of this. You could make a movie how Cap is alone in the crowd. Or movie about Daredevil and Frank Miller's run on him.

There's plenty of R material in these comic.

Seriously, whats next? New actor for Wolverine? Just Laura? I cant see anyone replacing Jackman but i also cant see them throwing away the cash machine that is the character.

So what timeline is this? Does it somehow follow X3? Or is this part of the First Class timeline?


>why did Logan die when he is invincible?

New Mutants and Old Man Logan.

>so Kit is perfect.
Wut? No.

t-too soon

That's a legit question.

Did you walk out half way through it too?

He's not invincible anymore in Logan.

They can either retcon it with timelines or start a diversity goonies sequel that will just flop

>haven't seen the past couple of X-Men movies
>no idea who Caliban even was

Understood, but am I alone here in how absolutely absurd it is that the X-Men franchise ends like this? An R rated movie designed to make you feel incredibly depressed? The same franchise that has those quirky Quicksilver scenes ends with Xavier killing all the other X-men and getting dementia? What the fuck?

they'll probably find a way to introduce adult x23 to the regular cast, maybe with cable in deadpool 2.

i've seen every single x-men movie and i had no idea who or what the fuck stephen merchant was supposed to be or why he was in a capeshit movie

Caliban was briefly seen in Apocalypse and played by a different actor. I don't even know if they mentioned him by his name. This was really the first film where he's a character.

He refers to himself multiple times in third person in Apocalypse.

I kinda remembered him from xmen evolution, but had no idea what his abilities were and even why he was with professor X

Xavier's realization in the bed while x-24 is listening was basically the movie saying Xavier had a seizure in the mansion and killed all of the X-men, which is why he was saying he didn't deserve to have such a nice evening.

I think it was intentional to make the last surviving mutie some ugly literal who

If it was Storm or Cyclops or something it'd have been much less bleak

Kys Kang

>The only relevant thing is his height
You're an idiot

>no Venom T-Rex

shit movie

So why didn't have subtitles when Laura spoke spanish?

>Logan dies and is buried
>No more ingestion of food with anti-x gene chemical, no expenditure of energy on anything
>Healing begins...

because america is ours, gringo.

Because 60% of America already speaks spanish