The Duke of Deserts

>The Duke of Deserts

Other urls found in this thread:

>the BTFOer of Messhit

> 40 salads away from being absolute GOAT striker
> squander it for 3rd world italian peasant disgusting food

baka desu

>american food

>connoiseur of canned SPAM

Why are you posting his old pics

t h i c c

>When you're more effective at stopping Messi than any defender ever been

The Emperor of Empanadas

Brazil has pizza with ice cream on it and nutella

And they're delicious.

>The Boss of Burgers

i'd rather eat sopa de macaco

>not liking based chocolate pizza
time to sudoku

>The Butcher of Burritos


you can be sure that no camiseta es grande enough for him, unlike missi

And it's God tier.

The Sultan Prince of Smoked Salami

>The Jarl of Jamón



> the margrave of marzipan
> the Don Corleone of provolone
> il capo di caponata
> the khan of cannoli

>the Tyrant of Tarallucci

>The World Cup Eater

Really? I didn't know it. That sounds disgusting.

>JUST hairline

>the archduke of almonds
>the beast of bouillabaisse
>the count of canoli
>the daymio of dough
>the emir of escargot
>the freiherr of fish and chips
>the general of gourmand cuisine
>the hetman of halva
>the inquisitor of ice cream
>the jarl of jalapenos
>the king of kudzu
>the lord of lambchops
>the master of mutton
>the negus of nutella
>the Obersturmbannfuhrer of olives
>the prince of pudding
>the queen dowager of quesadilla
>the raja of rizoto
>the sultan of soup creme
>the tsar of tortillas
>the unterleutnant of unagi
>the viceroy of vanilla
>the warlord of watermelons
>the xenolord of xmas cooking
>the great ynca of yogurt
>the zephyr of zucchini