Why is everybody such an asshole to Dwight?

Why is everybody such an asshole to Dwight?

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Because he's an asshole to everybody else?


Social hierarchies generally treat their omegas like this.

It's called being professional

No one likes a mega autist in the work space.

that model cara looks like the guy on the right

Dwight is incredibly annoying. He constantly mocks and insults everyone around him, whether he's aware of it or not. So everyone else responds. The only guy who fucks with Dwight in a way that's undeserved is Jim, who's been tormenting Dwight for so long that he's probably forgotten why he started in the first place.

Kevin is an omega and he doesn't get ripped on anywhere near as often, at least not by his coworkers (the show's writers, on the other hand....).

I just realized Steve Carell got a hair transplant sometime during the show's run.

I would say right after the first season. That's when it's really noticeable

Because this is a show for normies.

I remember reading something about this, I think it was regarding his haircut, how it made him look like a heartless corporate douche so they changed it.

Reverse Pete Campbell

Oh, so he shaved it that way to begin with and then let it grow back normally? Elaborate.

Imagine how much less sympathetic Michael would be if he was bald.

Oh I was just saying if the hair transplant thing was true, Carrell would have done the opposite of what Vincent Kartheiser did.

The fuck is with normies and "sympathy" ? It's just hair, jesus christ, you guys get fake sad boners over bald girls with cancer, but now bald guys are "extra mean" ?
btw I'm not bald or balding, you're just dumb.

I hope your hair grows back soon user.

Lol, what are you getting so upset about? I'm just saying he'd probably be less likable if he was bald.

wtf i love nature now

Sounds like you miss your hair already, baldy...

kill yourself baldy

Enforcing a health benefits program where everybody has to publicly reveal their medical problems in order to get coverage isn't professional, it's autistic

They're professional in return.

Dwight goes home, alone.
Sits depressed in his room, the closest thing to a friend is Jim.
He hates himself for the way he treats others, but he cannot shake the lessons taught by his drunk father.
A father he fought to escape. He did not want to grow up to be a farmer, although he has trouble leaving aspects of the beat life behind.
Stern professionality was the only way he felt he could secure a future.
A future away from becoming what he always feared.
A drunk farmer lashing out on his children.
Goodnight Dwight.

except he has a huge extended family, repeatedly bangs 9/10's without even putting in effort, pursues hobbies all while working at his twin passions of beet farming and paper selling, is married to Angela now, and is running a massive farm he inherited from a dead Aunt.

Dwight has a better life than you or I could ever dream

But that's the thing...

oh fuuucck