Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The adults for enabling this

>asking a girl out who hardly knows you in the most embarrassingly way possible

I wonder

That fucking stuck up white cunt

Two thumbs up! - Siskel and Ebert

Poor Garret never had a chance.

>Who was in the wrong here?
The boy.
I mean, he's a straight white male, so he's got to be guilty of SOMETHING

What is up with the teabagging silhouette?

fucking Chad...

Who is the jailbait? Sauce on full name please.

c h a d

a l w a y s

w i n s

these other girls are just happy that this cringeboy did not choose them

>me sitting alone in the other room

His wrists are really small
>t. dude with really small wrists and definitely not Chad

Everything is small. They're like 14.


Garrett was in the wrong. This whole idea was just incredibly misguided. I don't know why this video went viral in the first place, he's not doing anything extraordinary. She only pretends to be impressed because the cameras were on and that's the narrative the moment had to follow.

The studio who encouraged and gave him the means to do this despite knowing better

His mom is probably Shari from Shari's Berries.

Even their dicks?

>yfw this little bitch played young Sarah in an episode of Chuck


>a pretty girl who has acted in hugely popular television shows

If Garret thought he could land her, he's delusional.

Well he goddamn tried didn't he?

Well he done more then I would ever do, so props to him for at least trying



>everything is small
>6 ft+
>implying your wrists grow substantially
>knew a girl who looked like this freshman year college
>was extremely beta, but never asked her out
>she's married now
at least I didn't completely embarrass myself, other than staring at her without making a move

Is this the girl with the sharkbite?

Cancer scars

>knows [insert something impossible here] is impossible
>still does it anyways

stupidity and lack of rational thinking isn't a good trait, stop pushing this "at least he tried" shit you cuck


>Who was in the wrong

white people, as usual

What is wrong with her upper stomach/lower ribs?

woah calm down and just be yourself asshole

Ewww. Garrett could do better.

Whats Alexa full name? Does she have an Instagram?
MOAR, please.
Also the fedoratard was in the wrong, fucking retard, she choose right.

Fuck I never noticed that

i know she is underaged but that girl is so hot

she must be of age nowadays - anyone find her?


She had cancer when she was a baby.

It's funny because you're most likely some overweight beta who has an actress as a waifu.



Not trying is the most cuck thing I ever heard. The more you do it(asking a girl out) the more immune you are to the rejection retard.

Blame every movie where the nerdy kid does one cool thing and immediately 'wins' the attractive girl who previously hated him.That's not how attraction works.

I'm sweating bullets as I view every pic. It just a matter of time one of you show her getting blacked...

Holy shIt BTFO

why don't you try stopping a car going 60mph with only your bare hands? are you some sort of cuck lol?

Thank you user, downloading all her shit.
I bet she loves anal.

This, also you have shit in your brain faggot.

You just compared the rejection of asking out a girl to death.

>you will never go back in time and be a high school teen chad
why does life suck so much

I am comparing something impossible to something impossible

There's no wrong in asking someone out where you are sure that you have a chance with or at least you know she's at least interested in you.

>these comments

Poor girl, she'll never live it down. I wonder if she even still knows Garret.

Oh. I gotchu.

Fuck staying in your lane bullshit. Reach for the stars or crash nigga no in between

Do you Garret has master the blade or found his inner strength by now?

I'm sure Alexa will pay eventually.

Fuck off

Betas like Garret or Garretas BTFO.

Seriously, though, I'm fucking glad I went through my embarrassing phase before mass social media.

>spent hundreds or thousands on jewelry to ask a girl to fucking homecoming
Jesus Christ, what a spoiled little cunt.

>you will NEVER, EVER love and be loved by a girl like this


Where do you think Garret is at now?
Does he know?
Does he care?
Has he killed himself yet?

me too

I want her to step on my balls

its ok, she has a gross scar on her chest from cancer

Really? Christ.

this does little to dull the pain

Studying the blade

>manlet faggot is mad that he didn't get the Alexa teen pussy.

>t. Garret

You know that your girlfriend at the same time can be your best friend right, stop being so mad Garret, get over it and find some (((nice))) 3 or maybe a 4 U to be with.

shitposting on /r9k/ prob

Pretty sure they fugged, there's a difference between calling a hand-hovering beta a friend and calling a Chad a friend while he holds her by her lower waist and towers a foot over her

>Hell yeah! Now I have finally gained the CONFIDENCE to make an international embarrassment of myself and the girl I like!
I thought it was a cute vide desu

>all these thirsty betas ITT
Why though? She's no Jenny Nicholson.

you're right. she's way hotter

This Garret BTFO.

>no one's posted the quintessential Garret pic yet

That doesn't make sense.

Jenny is cute, but I can't even make it through one of her rant videos without wanting to hit mute. I can't imagine what it would be like to date her and have to listen to that all the time.

fpbp. this is actually child abuse

years later this still cracks me up

he should never live it down

>I can't imagine what it would be like to date her and have to listen to that all the time.
She's a lesbian, so what does it matter?

>all these betas thinking this lanklet with no jaw is a chad

Seriously though, why do guys like that ALWAYS dress like that?
Like it's not more comfortable or anything. It doesn't look good. It doesn't send any positive message, such as wealth or creativity. It's not flattering. It has NEVER been fashionable.
It's one thing to dress zuckerbergcore, because that's easy and lazy. But these guys literally go out of their way to find these huge jeans and long, ill-fitting polos, "classy" fedoras, and most without exception pair it with some kind of chunky wrist accessory to accentuate their skinny arms, narrow shoulders, and unwieldy hands.
Like, it takes effort to build a wardrobe like this. That's what baffles me. They ALL KNOW how they're supposed to dress if they have that personality. Why is this?

>mfw it's a stealth Jenny thread

>literally wearing a fedora and doing a mating dance

you can fix being overweight. you can't fix disfiguring scars

It was viral marketing for the store or whatever and everyone watched the video because of how cringey it is.

>Garret, you are MORE OF A BROTHER to me then my actual brother is

>Thank you user, downloading all her shit.
>I bet she loves anal.
It's funny how you think no one has reported you or that her gram is in no way a honey pot.
Kids like you these days are hilarious.

>She's a lesbian,
Is this canon?

probably their parent's shopping m8

what is this shitty meme

Have you seen what happens to fat fucks like you who drop a shot load of weight? All that extra skin is fucking disgusting. Fucked either way.

kill yourself newnigger

He should have asked someone who wasn't the hottest girl in the entire classroom.

>this one's for you

Even then, why? No sane parent wants to see their kid become a fedoralard