Does this really happen in America?

Does this really happen in America?


me in the box

>libcuck so triggered by trump thread he starts spamming cuck shit


Daily sometimes 4 times a day, it's why Detroit is so shit now.

Wait a minute, I recognize that video.

nigger probably watch this and think it's a documentary

he's actually triggered by the waifu threads

>yfw it's not lesbian but interracial threesone

porn kino

does this really happen in america?


Pretty much everyday. Why do think so many niggers get arrested. They want to fuck those white women officers

This is kino porn, been watching these lately. The T H I C C goddess needs to show their tits though.

I don't know where this is from.

Hey this came up in suggestions for me on Pornhub the other week.

What did Pornhub mean by this?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

blackpatrol is the sixth season of the wire

that you're a paranoid faggot

>not using xhamster

Hola Reddito!

>Not having an account on all major porn sites, opening 73 tabs to spending hours meticulously searching for the perfect scene to fap to
Found the pleb

Xhamster fucking sucks spankbang is the best

>sticking to ONE website

Nice try reddit, but I use xhamster too.

Oh good I thought it meant I was a cuck

What did he mean by this?

I thought you were thinking they knew you saw these threads or something. nevermind. blackpatrol is kino

Pretty self explanatory

So what are the best BlackPatrol videos? I don't want to spend 3 years looking over them all to decide which ones look the best.

Honestly this. It has to be top-tier and I have to be taken by surprise (i.e. I never really rewatch porn). I have a estimated 15% success rate, most of the time the scene changes to something boring just as I finish up and it's really unsatisfying and I get all frustrated and angry.


so I went to the website to see if your opinion has any merrit and looks like you are the one whos trash. Literally half of their fucking website doesnt work. Top Liked by year, day, month... NOPE doesnt work. Trash ass website

he's british you retard

this desu

any nudes?

Oh fuck why is the black guy not in the thumbnail?

>pic related is not an uncommon sight on your average city

Yeah, it kinda looks like lesbian scat porn based on the thumbnail 2bh