What the fuck is up with Japanese culture in cinemas?

What the fuck is up with Japanese culture in cinemas?

I was in Japan when Rogue One released, so I watched it on release day there. And while it was practically a godsend as to how quiet the audience was, not a single fucking person moved for the entire credits sequence.

Everybody just sat there in silence and watched useless credits. In Australia everyone just leaves as soon as the credits roll.

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You should see a movie in India next

They read all their names in sign of thanks for making the movie

does everyone start taking a shit

I was watching the English audio with Japanese subtitles version. There weren't any subtitles for the credits.

The theater was filled with Japanese people.

Probably expected an after-credit scene. Like I did with Logan...

epin meme

> Australia everyone just leaves...

that's just a bunch of convicts compared to a civilized superior race

I know it weird. No one even talks to each other the whole time.

I always feel a little bad walking out while everyone else is just sitting there.

At least they don't clap at the end. I started seeing that in the states around 2004.

Close enough

not falling for that 1 again

You no rikey bukino code? Firthy gaijin!

how do i become japanese


why do they do this

commit war crime

They are like the opposite of blacks

>Japan culture.
>Dosent clap, silence is the praise.
>Respects the film maker by viewing every name that went into it.

>Anywhere else.
>Talks thru the whole movie.

>Watch a movie in India.
>Every ending has people singing and dancing to the credits.
>Half the movie theater joins in with them and celebrates.
India even has intermissions because the movies are sometimes 3 to 4 hours long!

Maybe they are just waiting for post credit egg



Every single person in the theater?

>complain blacks being too loud
>complain Japanese being too quiet

>get up and leave during the credits
>the theatre samurai hunts me down and cuts off my head for my disrespectful behaviour

>Half the movie theater joins in with them and celebrates.
No lie that actually sounds like a lot of fun

Australian here too

I find it really bizarre how quickly people get up when the credits start rolling. literally as soon as the first credit screen comes up everyone jumps out of their seat as humanly quickly as possible.
Normies need to chill the fuck out

Doesn't silence after a movie in Japan mean the audience really fucking liked it?

The crowds are to cover up the rape that's going on in the middle of it

everyone stays until the lights go up so they can all pick up rubbish at the end together.

>10 seconds after credits start an outtake reel starts playing
>tfw watching everyone scurry back to their seat
>a few people just stand in the aisle - staring at the screen with anticipation of the next joke

Its not a joke really, every big blockbuster movie they have is around 3 to 4 hours long, with an intermission where people can stop, go pee, get snacks, discuss the movie and come back.

Then at the end "similar to American movies lately, mostly comedy's since they ripped it off from them." Has a big song and dance number at the end where everybody joins in, even the bad guy even if he is dead.

The movie even has one big musical! They all end up being one big festival, and during the credits its Bollywood music, people sing dance, cheer, talk about the movie, and then clean up after themselves and leave. Iits like a big fucking event to just watch movies there!

In capeshit movies everybody does the same thing anyway.

Marlels have been trained to wait for post-credit scenes.

>They read all their names in sign of thanks for making the movie

>Second unit
>Animation assistant Indian branch
>no animals were harmed during the making of this movie

That sounds fucking fun!
I want to join in and dance with the poo in loos

It sadly never happens in cities

Once I stayed to read the credits

When I came out my friends were so mad as if I have embarrassed them

>sittign thorugh ten mintues of creitds to wacth 30 secnods of bullhsit

I live in south korea and it is the opposite.
Lots of chatting and you see an odd phone here and there in the distance.

everyone just leaves as soon as the movie ends.

Do Japan theaters also have No-Singles policies?

>country with large amount of single men and suicide rates
>having no-singles policies

sometimes certain parts of their arcades do

>A country whose values are based around honor
>Letting dirty NEET otakus with no honor or future into a movie screening

Only men who have secured a female and a chance of procreating offspring for grorious Nippon are allowed to see movies.

is japan proof that whites aren't the master race?

>not dancing along to musicals


>Has a big song and dance number at the end where everybody joins in, even the bad guy even if he is dead.

I have seen dozens of Bollywood films and I have never seen the villain join in at the end. If there does happen to be a musical number during the credits it's usually just the main hero and some (almost always white) backup dancers, or it's something like Farah Khan's stuff where they do a skit at the end while the music is playing.

Go back to facebook


What was their honest appraisal of the flick?

They are hoping for Jackie Chan bloopers.



I only do it because I gotta get up and take a piss straight away.

OP you have read manga right? Japanese people are from the future, they are more evolved than the rest of us.

I stay in Japan and can confirm almost nobody leaves before credits have finished. It's considered rude as the film is still technically playing.

It can be annoying but the plus side of jp cinemas are nobody talks during the film, the cinema is always clean, chairs are comfy and there are no fat or tall fuckers blocking my view

I still don't believe it

True, India comes second tothe best audience experience in a cinema

>everybody joins in, even the bad guy
That explains Kung Fu Yoga.

In australia being the first person out the door makes you the smartest person in the room.

Have you ever been on an Australian domestic flight? You'll know what i mean.


Maybe if we carefully mix the two races we can have a perfect race?

It's the same in norway almost. People don't sit for the credits, but the theaters are clean, comfy and no one talks (or use phones etc.).

>Be britfag
>On a date with a girl (She's Asian)
>Movie ends, credits are rolling I get up to leave but notice she's still sitting
>I ask "why do want to watch the credits?"
>she says "Because they are meant to be watched, that's why they are included"
>Hits me in the feels
>Sit down and watch the rest of the credits

I still watch all the credits to this day. Also it's half and half here, when it's a capeshit movie most will stay to the end, but even for just normal movies you'll still see about 20% staying behind to watch the credits.

This only works in ethnically pure places, and sadly this is not even racist.
Fuck off, capeshit normie pleb

I get the film watching manners. Cleanness. Quietness.

It's just the sitting through the credits I don't get. I don't believe Japanese sit through the credits. What's there to see? It's not even in Japanese.

what is that movie? An overweight indian john wick?

Trust me user, it's true. They sit there in silence. They don't even talk to each other about the movie they just watched, it was awkward as fuck.

Cut half your dick off and staple your eyes down

Maybe they are just enjoying the music.
But seriously I think it's their culture. If everyone does it it's ok to do it. Nothing awkward about it.

But me in my culture...well I am
And I can tell you my friends are NOT okay with me afterward

>In Tunisian cinema, while on a study trip before the Islamic cry babies fucked the country up
>Every 10-15 minutes, they pause the movie turn the lights up for people to order a coffee, walk around, chat and make phone calls
>Cinema manager occasionaly walks around the audience, and asks how they are
>Meanwhile I'm realising this 90 minute flick is turning into 3 fucking hours of this shit

no that's jewish
you're thinking of sticking your dick in icewater permanently and stapling your eyelids down


im fucking dying

The only time I've ever stayed during the credits was for American Sniper. What a fucking based movie that was

>leave movie at credits
>hear from people there was an end credit scene
>go on youtube and watch it

>me on the right


They don't leave before the credits finish because that would be a sign of disrespect to the people who worked on the film. In other words, they're just as retarded as Americlaps.

They're exactly the same at their wrestling shows. They stay silent for the most part in order to show respect for the performance.

what's the joke?

>theatre samurai

>and then clean up after themselves and leave
I find this extremely hard to believe.

No lie, that would be awesome. I'm sick to death of manchildren and entitled cunts thinking they can do whatever the fuck they like.

Although the thing you're missing is that Japanese theatre goers probably don't drop shit all over the floor anyway.

That sounds hilarious

>implying anyone cares what a tripfag thinks

This can't be true


>mfw you are the fat tall fucker blocking everyone else's view.

>not wanting a pure Japanese race


it wasn't a joke. they really do that. same with any public event. during the world cup the fans clean up at the end.


You know what you have to do, user.

>this country has the largest population of genius-level IQs in the world due to its sheer population
Hopefully they can carry that weight.


OP is butthurt angry because he wanted to stand up and leave as soon as the credits roll but was too faggot embarrassed to be the only one to stand up but he really really really needed to go to toilet and poop shit.

You shouldn't have eaten so much, OP.

It's called culturally inherited respect. Ausfailians don't have it because their culture comes from drunken convicts.

>it wasn't a joke

I believe you, I wasn't mocking them. I would love that.

If my school had made the kids clean the classrooms every day (like in Japan) then they might have learned about responsibility and wouldn't be fucking shit up for everyone else.

People are shit in my country, I have nothing but contempt for most of them.

>Watch the Sword Art Online movie in the cinema yesterday
>Literally everyone watching it sits through the credits hoping for an after-credits scene
>After-credits scene starts and its just the bad guy literally getting away with everything he did and teaming up with another bad guy swearing vengeance
>"SAO Will Return..."

I'm not even joking everyone fucking groaned and then giggled.

Our country isn't great mate but stop perpetuating the convict crap. Britain sent just as many convicts to America as they did to Australia.

There's very little else you can shit talk about Aus apart from being convicts though. I've hardly seen any aus hate posts that didn't contain "convict" or "prisoner"

Not falling for that 2 you mean
Checked shit heal

i'm not an aussie and i'm not the user you anons are talking to but just wanna say sooooo many aussies are sooooo handsome.

>There's very little else you can shit talk about Aus

All in due time user