What were the implications bay tried to portray on these scenes?

what were the implications bay tried to portray on these scenes?

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Aside from the great meme potential of all that man meat on showcase, this movie did so much else right. I really don't know why it doesn't get more praise from Sup Forums beyond a couple of 30-40 reply threads.

whats this from?

Do gruntcucks always have this big of a chip on their shoulder looking up go POGs?


This movie unintentionally made gruntcucks out to be complete fags

wtf im downloading grindr now

Michael Bay's Benghazi movie 13 Hours

That crossfit paid to have their bullshit inserted in the film?

>dude has a beard
>literally no other body hair

Consistent with his transformers and action movies
Americans work out in a place where working out seems pointless and out of place
This is because the poverty and crime of the place have distorted the meaning of everything and working out doesn't give you balance or a healthy spirit anymore

michael bay
is gay

Because bay flew under the radar for both the left and the right with scenes like these

It was ok

damn...really made me contemplate stuff


What did Bay mean by this

White Powwer

>that camera shake at 0:10

wow its gay

>working out doesn't give you balance or a healthy spirit anymore
why not

Only Sup Forums can notice hes things

why do they even have a gardener?

Hes taking short shorts back from the queers,

and god bless him for it