NEW GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Movie Clip - Greatest Pilot


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>so we saving galaxy AGAIN!?

people pay money to watch this...i mean fuck me

Those jokes suck.


>poop jokes

Any Marvel fans here want to explain this?

People pay money to fuck you?

This is Reddit. This is memes.

Looks pretty good, the wife's kids will love it.

they're obviously saving all the good jokes for the actual movie, stop bitching nerds.

You faggots are just mad this is going to earn another billion bucks
I'm going to watch it and enjoy it. As far as capeshit goes, this is one of the better

>I have famously huge turds

Heheh poo

I remember how much this board loved the original GotG trailers, everyone was hype as fuck.

You contrarian losers.

Haha poop

So are all the jokes in this movie just based around the characters rambling on and almost saying rude words?

As soon as a couple of fags started telling this movie is 100% for reddit and that reddit likes it, Sup Forums started to hate it



I never said that part wasn't retarded...
Because it was.

Who even likes this shit?

GotG 1 was pretty good. The purple-y part near the end was one of the best CG-heavy moments in a movie ever.

This looks like they went overboard.

>quipping about shit during an action scene
>meme music kicks in

This plays like a fucking parody of a reddit movie

So is it a bad sign that none of the jokes in the trailers or this clip are any good? Because being "funny" was all the first one had going for it.

James Gunn was given complete creative freedom after the overwhelming success of the first film

>poop jokes

Bad choice?

All these quips in every situation feels sociopathic at this point


Kekking at some people on reddit saying they dubbed in these jokes because the clip played at the Kids' Choice Awards and they won't be in the actual film. Keep grasping at straws.

no, you insecure pleb, I hate GOTG because I watched it and it was garbage. Believe it or not, people who don't like capeshit are not always "contrarians".

Even leddit is losing faith


It's starting to seem like to James Gunn a joke is just a sentence with funny things in it.

wtf i like GotG 2 now

that leddit poster is right about the obvious dub at the start.

WOW was that bad. chinese bootleg tier.

absolute scatkino

>poop jokes
so this is the state of marvel

True capekino is about the piss jokes.

Time to start liking this movie boys


shit sounded like lines from those off-brand straight-to-dvd disney sequels like pocohontas 7

Jokes are fine when they're actually funny. Raimi's Spider-Man movies are funny, Iron Man 3 was funny because of Shane Black, and Taika Waititi is funny so I have hope for Thor 3. But most of the other MCU films just aren't funny, Age of Ultron wasn't funny, Doctor Strange wasn't funny, Ant Man wasn't funny.

That wasnt a joke though. It was symbolism

I'll still go see it lol. I don't support other marvel films and haven't gone to see them but I enjoy Gotg

Guardians isn't even really a capeshit movie tbqh

The way the drag every joke is annoying as fuck too. In this particular trailer for example, it would suffice if they both said "I am", exchanged a dumb look and carried on with the scene. But no, we gotta have 20 seconds of meaningless banter about poops so redditors have time to swallow their popcorn and get the joke

Have you seen the first one? It's actually pretty good, probably one of the most entertaining and least cringey capeflicks. Great visuals tooo


Same goes for the latest trailer and the "I thought guns were my thing" joke. Too long, just kinda of peters out without a punchline.

I have seen it and thought it was pretty boring.

>Gif related

You were saying DC cuck?

The GotG 1 had a genuinely hype as fuck trailer though. Sets up the characters, doesn't reveal a load of plot but flashes the action set pieces and makes good use of sound and music. it also helps that the jokes aren't cliched stuff like "POOP"

This isn't the first one

Holy shit this guy is in full damage control mode in the youtube comments.


>this thread

Dude was this you?

You think they're going to diverge from the formula of the first movie?

Will GotG 2 and Deadpool 2 usher in a quipfadfest?
Are quips going to become the new capes?


meme-off bro, you and me.

very nice

>peoples enjoyment triggers me

yeah poop is funny you tryhard faggot.

>also marketing baby groot so hard

I hope this movie fails.

Would be fun if it's Marvel's newest flop after Iron Fist since their track record has been safe cause of the formula..

They really need something new, all these past Marvel flicks have been tiring me out

I'm a huge fucking fan of James Gunn and have been since Slither, so I've been looking forward to this movie for a long ass time, but everything they've shown so far has been fucking terrible. I still have enough belief in Gunn that I'm holding out hope that these are just some bad trailers, like maybe the movie just can't be cut well for trailers I dunno, but signs are not looking good.

The Deadpool 2 teaser is the worst fucking thing ever, it's 3 minutes of rambling to tell one joke.

I'm glad somebody gets it and isn't just shitting on what could be amazing for no reason. GotG1 was a solid enjoyable film, one of only three Marvel films that stands on its own as a genuinely good movie. These trailers have so far looked terrible.

may not have been a joke but I sure was laughing.

that's kind of the point of the character desu

I enjoyed GotG and hated Deadpool, where does that place me on the redditquip spectrum?

It means you have taste, what it means for memes who fucking cares.

i like the way that in this webm you can see the tall ladies jiggly bum and also a bunch of one of her bubs.

The point of him is that he's not funny?


>I hope this movie fails.
confirmed for box office smash

she has the sluttiest neck

yes, he's annoying, unfunny, gets sidetracked and rambles a lot, except in one mediocre iteration he's not a quipper he's more like a lolsorandumb asshole that gets on everyone's nerves

Poop jokes are funny get over it.

Did George Bush paint this? Looks like one of his paintings

Oh so it's supposed to be bad, I get it.

you don't know shit about the character and still runs your mouth but what to expect from reddit

Why does Marvel cast waifus while DC casts fridges and skeletons?

>you don't know shit about the character and still runs your mouth but what to expect from reddit

A character being faithful to the bad source material is still bad.

yeah I've noticed that me and w have a similar aesthetic. he actually uses good technique and thick paints though and is probably considerably less intoxicated he's blasting out his spicy memes.

So you painted them? They're really nice user

thanks bud

>reddit movie

but nolan isn't directing this


actually the issue with the movies is that they keep the superficial attitude but don't delve into the reasons, in the good comics Deadpool is a pretty tragic character.

but Villeneuve is not directing this?

Oh my




>6'3" with that bod
What a prize. Too bad I'm her height.

Wow they really ramped up the reddit factor on this one. This is what happens when a flick breaks the 1bil barrier. Anyway, this is cancer and i hope you all die

>mfw patiently waiting for new debicki content

I won't watch that. The fist half of the first movie was enough to convince me never to watch non-Snyder-directed capeshit again.


the point of the character is that he's a very fucked up dude who uses humour as a coping mechanism.

the film and the new trailer did fuck all to show that

I have a new fetish now