I finished TOS and the animated series and started TNG

I finished TOS and the animated series and started TNG.

One thing that can't stop bothering me is how there's fucking kids on the ship. I don't fucking get it. You're sending the ship off to go where no man has gone before and you send untrained civilians?

I understand Kirk had to sometimes transport people who weren't in the military as well but they were transporting diplomats and high profile people who needed protection.

I can't seem to find a single reason for The Federation to send children and untrained civilians off in the Enterprise besides the crew missing their family while away.

Don't come at me with the "The ship can separate." bullshit. All that does is just leave the enemy with an easy target or forces the Enterprise to leave combat to secure the civilians.

Picard complained about it too in the first episode, they kinda phase them out later on so you don't have to think too much about it

I know he does, I'm about 2 episodes away from finishing the first season.

But that doesn't answer the question of why the Federation thinks it's a good idea.

They are on the edge of the know universe with no idea when they'll be back to earth. They brought their families along. This isn't a tough concept. Most of the time, they are just traveling through empty space, and they aren't in an assault ship, it's a glorified science vessel.

>no idea when they'll be back to earth.

I thought most of them weren't from Earth.

So Kirk's vessel was more of a battleship this is more of a research ship. That makes a lot more sense.

it's so much worse than TOS it's kinda sad
also no scotty and mccoy

Don't real life military bases abroad have similar setups with family housing and whatnot? This doesn't seem too different from that.

garbage compared to TOS

they're all primarily exploration/science ships, they're just designed to be able to handle any circumstance

Its to reinforce the fact that these are generational ships. where we've surpass traveling to it or through it, were inhabitants of it.

I know the airbase near me has a section for the family members to live on. The navy ports as well but they never actually send family members on the ship when it's on patrol.

>tfw no "The ship can't handle it!"
At least Data is pretty cool.

>Do something stupid then back it up with "It's an idea maaan"
The show is still enjoyable just annoying whenever I see someone not part of the military on it.

Seriously does it get better or what? I'm on episode 21 of 1st season and there were no memorable episodes yet. Every part of the crew except maybe Data (aka meme spock) is literally bland and useless.

theyre not spess mehreens

>I thought most of them weren't from Earth.
The United Federation of Planets base is on earth, so they all technically "came" from there to board. Starfleet training is in orbit around earth, and I think only (most) Vulcans and people not on a command-track cadet plan are exempt, but it's been a while.

The series takes awhile to ramp up, no one really had any idea what to do after re-launching the franchise on television at first. There's a documentary on this hosted by Shatner, called something like Chaos on the Bridge that explains things pretty well. But once Riker grows a beard, it's smooth sailing all the way until the phenomenal series finale.

And if you're looking to continue on with the franchise, which it seems like you are, DS9 is going to throw you off even more than the first two and a half seasons of TNG; it's nothing like what Roddenberry wanted for his franchise, which makes it all the better. DS9's plot is gritty, the characters are impassioned, and the subplots in the later seasons that flesh out the non-Federation/Enterprise lore make for an enjoyable watch if you can get past the showrunners deliberately avoiding the utopian hallmarks of the franchise up until Sisko. Standouts being the Klingon episodes thanks to Moore, the new series whole series arc after the first or second season, and the Section 31 business all over.

Voyager is a dumpster fire; nothing but meme episodes with terrible showrunning that led to stupid shit like the main cast being told to underplay everything to make the meme of the week aliens more interesting. Enterprise sucks overall, but there's actually some pretty great episodes in it once in awhile (especially in the last season). And all of the non-TOS movies are terrible, outside of maybe Generations.

So that personnel can stay with their families and to ensure recruitment by avoiding Starfleet being a fast track to retiring alone with no descendants. Not different families on military bases.

Also they're not going where no man has gone before quite so much anymore. THey're more likely to be doing routine missions in known space or patrolling the neutral zone.

Fuck you.

>they kinda phase them out later

it seemed after wolf 359 they no longer launched any more ships with families (ex Defiant, Voyager, Enterprise-E)

it was just a stupid practice that started because an entire generation fedbabbies grew up in relavtive peace

>I can't seem to find a single reason for The Federation to send children and untrained civilians off in the Enterprise besides the crew missing their family while away.
The Enterprise is the flagship that rarely returns to Earth. It doesn't even have a port of call. The crew of the Enterprise doesn't have a "home" to which they can go back, the Enterprise is their home.

Now why would they expect anyone to throw their life away just so they could scrub Jeffries tubes for 20 years?

Stop nitpicking.

I was in your situation, got hooked on TOS and moved to TNG. Season 1 is total trash. Season 2 is bad, but has a new doctor that is basically a female McCoy, so the show was tolerable. She's gone by 3, but the quality has a noticeable uptick. Everything after is fantastic. I recommend running the first couple of seasons as background noise while doing something more productive.

>Computer, generate a universe where I'm not a 27 year old kissless virgin
>Unable to comply with your request ... virgin

>Computer, pls reply


What's with people like who repost the same thing in every Star Trek thread?

The sexual organs guy is REALLY funny, but the rest of the reposters... hmm...

It does get better

>still having your virginity intact when you can fuck literally anyone in the Holodeck