"It" teaser trailer description

The trailer opens with footage of Bill Denbrough making a paper boat for his little brother Georgie. We then move outside, where Georgie is chasing his boat in a rainstorm as it floats next to the curb. Suddenly, Georgie runs right into a street barrier, which knocks him down on the ground. He then watches as his boat sails into a gutter. He runs to the gutter and tries to see if he can see his boat. As he looks deep into the sewers, Pennywise abruptly appears before the screen cuts to black.

Then we are shown the members of the Loser’s Club meeting each other and realizing that they’ve all been seeing the same entity, before one of them finally says “The Clown.” Once that happens, theteaser then moves into its centerpiece, which shows the members of the Loser’s Club looking at pictures on a carousel slide projector that suddenly acquires a life of its own and begins moving through the slides at an increasingly alarming speed. The pictures are of Georgie and his parents, and each slide zooms in on Georgie’s face before cutting to his mother, whose hair is covering her face. As the projector moves from slide to slide, the hair moves out of his mother’s face, and her face is revealed to be that of Pennywise himself.

The trailer then blows through a flurry of shots, as most trailers are wont to do. The most striking image from this succession of shots is the unforgettable moment when blood flows out of Beverly’s sink, only in Muschietti’s film it spews out like a geyser and blasts her in the face. There is also a sublime image of Pennywise approaching two of the children (he has them cornered against a wall), but the shot is framed in a way so that only his long, bony fingers fill the screen. The children are in the background, out of focus but clearly terrified.

The teaser ends with Bill walking down into his flooded basement, where Georgie’s ghost taunts him by repeatedly screaming “We all float down here!” before Pennywise rises from the water and rushes at him, in a moment that had the entire audience screaming. It is at this moment that the screen cuts to black and the word “IT” appears on screen.

Dancing Clown KINO incoming.

>no actual footage
I really hate how close they're keeping this to the chest. I hope it backfires and gets shit marketing.

is the novel worth reading? is it cozy?

Cautiously optimistic.

>Not showing Pennywise for more than 0,2 seconds
>No voice from Pennywise

What are they afraid?

>Teaser trailer description
>15 second teaser teaser
>Trailer #1
>Trailer #2
>TV spot #1
>TV spot #2
>TV spot #3
>Trailer #3
>TV spot #4

How many versions of this old crap do we need?

It's divided into two parts that run parallel - one where they're kids, set in the 50s and one when they're adults, set in the 80s. The parts with the kids are comfy as FUCK, besides when It appears. King was the same age as the kids in the book during that time frame, and it really shows.

sounds really good desu

this week i assume it comes out?

She just kept pushing...

i might pick up a copy then

Will it keep the scene where the seven 12 year old boys pull a train on the 12 year old girl?

No, but if movie is successful enough, they might do It XXX Parody

Correct. IT was written decades ago.
The source material is some of the finest horrorkino in written form
>how many
Considering the tv movie had to be tame and watered down the source material, this seems like a deserved readaptation.
Nobody needs film. It is luxury product.

Meant to be reply to And yes its worth picking up even if you have never read any of Kings books.


The only way this would happen outside of the dark net is with midgets.

How about the scene where one bully teaches another to jerk off?

just remember to skip the cp part

B-but it's the best part.

I do not know, but there is a rumor the leper scene will be in there, so one of the kids will be offered oral by a homeless man.

the scene after that was pretty nice tho and i hope it would get included.

Leper been confirmed but i think he'll be more hippie, less homeless.
If theres one scene i want, its Mikes run-in with Pennywise at Mikes marching parade.

it's bold and brave how they're now depicting Pennywise as being proud of his homosexuality. that costume really seals the deal. very progressive.

Fucking hilarious mate. How do i upvote in this forum? Your post needs to go to the top.

you need a Sup Forums pass, but don't worry, I know that you appreciate my humor. upvotes aren't necessary.

is it a drider?

Go back to the other thread.

you got me at "blash her in her face". cant wait for the gangbang scene

don't know what you're going on about

I dont think so.

The part where It appears to the one socio/psychopathic kid and It doesn't know what form to take so It's just a formless blob/smoke thing really creeped me out.

a midget clown would be pretty scary

It had already taken the form of leech flies at that point. His own blood gettin sucked by parasites was like the only thing that scared him.

Is he really a bully if he's helping his friend?

Bullies have friends.

Fuck you're a stupid faggot retard.

Wait is it Nicole Kidman in that picture ?