

He looked so shit as a less fat person

but at least if he stayed non fat he wouldn't be dead by 35

By the time 23 Jump Street comes out this dude will look like Big the Cat.

He looked pretty good to me.

that french bitch really got to him

His poor legs

>have all that money
>wear those trash shoes

I hate richfags like this.

how do you get that fat? Especially after getting thin? I don't understand. It seems like something you actively have to try to accomplish.


By not caring. He also probably got tired of hearing "you were so much better when you were fat" and thought that getting fat again would get him more roles, so he doubled down the double pounders


>They called me Jonah Two Subs

He's skinny again and now has a big beard. He still maintains that he got fat on purpose for war dogs even though the real guy was in great shape

*Loses weight behind you*
Nothing personal, kid

His agent probably recommended him to gain back the weight because the audience wants to see him as the funny fat guy

face still looks fat

makes him look uncanny

He's thin now. Op is an autistic no life faggot.

Hollywood jews may be rich and have sex with models every day, but you can still take comfort from the fact that every single one of them is just miserable and they all lead bad and depressing lifes.

oh boy its the ebin jonah hill is fat posting starting up again!

i see you waited a few weeks after we started to post that he was losing weight and will lose more weight

looks like a much sexier bond here.

Gotta get the subway footlong with the meatball on the side.

What do you think his favorite Subway sandwich is?


More like "Jonah Mountain"

Hhahahaa I hope he fucking gets diabetes

Relax Jonah, a little memeing never hurt anyone.

Go home, Jonah. Your meatball sub sandwich is getting cold.

Holy shit it must suck to put all the effort into losing weight and you only go from a 4/10 to a 5

No nigga he looks awful
nigga looks like a bobble head
nigga looks like a lollipop with a black stick
nigga jeans is screaming just burn me now you got me all embarrassed and shit
nigga jacket looking like it wants to cry
Look at his face you can see the nigga thinking about 30 cheeseburgers
I know when fat people get thin like that all they think about is food shit is worst than being an alcoholic

>Jonah? no, I'm Negan

well, yeah, most people who aren't in shape look shit. not being fat is just the baseline for appearing human

Fat people look more human than skellingtons mate.

it's a good thing fat and skinny aren't the only two options


>The fat guy who is constantly rebounding his weight back up and down will surely turn his life around one day. This time he means it!

skinny guys get more pussy tho

lol. No they don't.

t. fatass
majority of girls would rather fuck a twig than a lard comet. It's an objective fact.

no they wouldn't

compared to fat guys it's not even fair

I know he got that big again for the film War Dogs, it's more fat than he even usually is so he probably doesn't plan to keep it.

None of the actual people involved in that story was that fat, why did he get fat?

what the fuck man

has anyone ever given up on anything as hard as this guy has given up on fitness??

>happened ONE TIME

if he does it again then you can say this retard

can we talk about the girl in the back to the left

It's his fat face that looks off.
It's why he's better off playing the fat guy roles.

Fat people who became thin still fart like fat people. Jonah must have blasted one off and she walked through the cloud.


it was a good effort, but he didn't follow through enough. he still had some weight to lose and he needed to put on some muscle. if he had given it a year or two of the same progress he would have been golden

Does head fat just take longer to circulate to the rest of the body or what?


If he still hung out with Channing Tatum this wouldn't have happened.

He's doesn't?

>portray a fat guy
>say he gained weight to get in character

>the real guy is not fat

are you quoting hey arnold?

>tfw used to be a fat 300lb neckbeard
>start working out and dieting
>genuinley enjoy working
>dieting makes me want to kill myself
>give up and just decide to just be a fat fuck that works out
>lose weight even while eating like shit
>now fit and still eat whatever the fuck I want
Feelsgoodman. Must suck to be a metabolismlet.

thin Jonah Hill looks just like my dealer.


No, that's just what happens when you get liposuction. They can't suck the fat out of your head so you're stuck with it.

Is he always losing and gaining weight all over again?

If you don't lose weight naturally (aka with diet and exercise) you're doomed to not only get it back but moreso the next time because your body thinks something massively traumatic happened and it needs to double up on its stockpiles.

to be fair, that movie was great

is he ok?