ITT: post the best unintentionally funny moments in movies. scenes where you shouldn't have laughed but did

ITT: post the best unintentionally funny moments in movies. scenes where you shouldn't have laughed but did.
hardmode: the movie is well-received by audiences.

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hearing him talk


that one scene in logan where he hits his car
fucking hilarious

When Cyrus says can you dig it in The Warriors


hello there

Burst out laugung at that scene OP

Never fails when its posted here either.

This from meet joe black

The entirety of the Last Airbender

"There's a powerful bender to the North" - haven't seen the film in years and it still makes me kek

pretty much the entirety of the happening but specifically the part where the guy gets his arms ripped off by tigers and the lady thay lays down infront of a lawnmower

>that scene where some waterbenders straight up murder the main antagonist and then just leave
>the entire earthbender scene, I don't even have to explain it

what a trainwreck

>hello inspector :o)

The scene in Kong: Skull Island when Reilly throws the sword to Hiddleston and he cuts up a bunch of nothing monsters while wearing a gas mask in slow motion. Rest of the movie was at least alright but I lost my fucking shit there.

Mullholland Drive, the hobo corner scene.
That dude just going hnnng makes me laugh every time.

This is the main reason why I find hp5 to be enjoyable to watch

This one reminds me of a similar scene in profondo rosso

Not even memeing, but in BvS when Ben Affleck pulls that guy out of the rubble in Metropolis and he goes "You're the boss... Boss!"

His death.

was probably the only highlight of the movie.
>"hey, i'm slipknot"
>dies like 2 min later

"This is Slipknot, he can tie a rope around anything. I advise not getting killed by him. His ropes trap the soul of it's victims."

so corny

How did he know his camouflage didn't look like shit?


>"Hey yo some ancient witch is loose on the city and is about to destroy the world, what should we do?"
>"Get me the fucking rope guy"


When Dylan's mom died in Independence Day Resurgence I laughed for a minute straight. Then started laughing later than night when I thought about it again. I think it was just cliche overload getting to me.

>that battle cry

Marky Mark in The Happening. All of it.

This is one of the first movies my girlfriend showed me after we started dating; I was damn near in tears the entire time.

That was somewhat played for laughs though

What! Nooooooo

how did he learn how to decorate cakes when he lives in a hungry society that gets excited at the sight of bread?

even the picture makes me kek

The guy who gets stabbed through the face in Braveheart as he makes a "bleeh" noise with his tongue out.

In starship troopers when Denise Richards is flying the aircraft and a guy outside the ship comically splats across the windshield. Also in teh same movie when the black sergeant goes "Razcaks roughnecks".

That's all I can think of now

Came to post this.

My dad rented this and when this scene came about we lmao'd so hard I almost pissed myself. I asked hin to rewind it and he did the madman.

One of my fondest memories because we didn't do many things together.

Shit, I dont know if I ever before realized what I was looking at there. That is fucking moronic symbolism and I hope the director never works again.



>We got government approval to put together a team of criminals who would be capable of taking down a Superman-tier threat
>Don't forget to recruit the girl whose power is owning a baseball bat

That scene genuinely looks like the intentionally awful makeup on the Mighty Boosh.

the exorcism in the conjuring

He spends his time decorating his face and imagining it is a cake

>it's your ba- *BANG*




This and also the talking with the sword scene.

Javert's death in Lea Miserables

She was trying so hard to make it serious and emotional. It was pretty funny.

jesus christ

I saw this in a theater and people cracked up at this too

can't recall the scene

When Prof X dies and Logan beats the car

That was supposed to be funny. The contrast provided by Laura looking at the man happily walking his dog to Logan bashing in his own car with a baseball bat.

fuck you

Is The Last Airbender one of those 'so bad it's good', high-camp value type movies?


>Take it from a nut, Utz are better than nuts!

your father rewinded the movie?!
the absolute MADMAN!


Deleted scenes don't count

That entire fucking movie m knight shamalan just cam out with about the schizo dude. I have no idea how it got decent reviews, everyone in the theater I saw it in was basically laughing the entire time

Oh boy here we go

What the actual fuck

>what kind of terrorists are these?

not really. It's mostly just bad in a way that makes you feel embarrassed for everyone involved. Watch it once just to see how shitty it is if you need to, but it's not on the level of The Room or Miami Connection where repeated watchings are still enjoyable

"I've only got 5 fucking lines in this turd so I need to sell them as hard as I can"

honest answer: Source Code

are you talking about the one with Russell Crowe? I couldn't stop laughing with the way he hits the water and then just kinda slumps over and gets washed away. Completely ruined the scene for me but at least it was funny in how shitty it was

The Conjuring in theaters.

No. There are only a couple of unintentionally funny parts; most of it is boring straight-to-DVD fantasy bullshit. The acting is awful, but in a 'cringeworthy child actor' way rather than something like The Room.


when merry and pippin are decking and possibly killing uruk-hai with pebbles

Any close up of McGregor in RotS is funny. He's clearly holding back laughter in most scenes. His eyes are too expressive.

Wat movie


better one is when he fucking suplexes the orc after running on falling bricks


I stole a loaf of bread

Shooter Edward Furlong.



The Pianist, the second time I watched it, my brother did too (in class).

This is when they ask the wheelchair guy to get up.

ya know, considering everything we know about elves that's not outside his capabilities. Still pretty dumb tho

No. It's just awful from start to finish, an insult to The Last Airbender and movies in general.


Nice gets, kid

In Maze Runner, at the very end, where the fat kid gets shot and dies, I don't know if it was the look on his face or what, but my friends and I just laughed at that.

>we better have him literally murder children. That's pretty evil, right?

that one was pretty fucking funny


I laughed my ass off famalam

That scene in John Wick 2 where Keanu and the nigger is firing at each other in the crowded area and missing every shot.

The scene in It Follows where the guy's mom rapes him death


The rape scene in Air Bud.

At least Tolkien didn't live to see this. I grieve for Christopher though.

Haha oh lord, I just imagine all the people working in this, all those hours of work.

a city size gunfight/brawl that contains no blood