Be Dunston

>be Dunston
>check in

>be Bill
>get killed

very nice, but that's nothing. check this out


>Be Dunston
>Check em

>A proposed sequel co-starring Tim Robbins, Dunston Checks In To Therapy, was later scrapped as market research found that fans of the franchise weren't interested in a tonal shift towards a more serious take on the character. Producer Todd Black was disappointed that his fellow investors were reluctant to fund the film despite movie-goers' opinions on a turn in the series. "I can certainly understand that no one expects the movies to go that way, but why not defy expectations, y'know?", Black said. "I've always wanted Dunston to continue on in the same way the Beethoven films have. And just because the original Dunston film is considered 'low brow', it doesn't mean that we couldn't transition into something with more substance. Tim (Robbins) was really enthusiastic about the project so I'm still hopeful it'll happen some day."


dunston checks out


I live for these threads

I literally just finished watching this, and I don't get why it's a meme. It's not so bad it's worth memeing about, it's not so good it's worth memeing about, it's just a middle of the road 90's children's flick.

Somebody start that thread again, you know the one, Hop in Keymaster, really could use a good chuckle right about now.

>be in a squad
>it's suicide

is this a real box

>be dark knight

Man that is so pathetic
They won an award for best costume design

That's it. It contributes nothing to the story besides visuals and usually this capeshit movies win in this category because it's so easy to do

Man fuck that shitty movie


>be Stella
>get my Groove back

Perfect Sunday afternoon kino


that looks like the cover for one of those sex comedies

Trips'O truth

>Be Dark Knight

When the weed kicks in

How DID Stella get her groove back?

>be Aliens

Getting married to a gay Jamaican man.


Found the 00's kid


>Be Dunston
>Czech out these dubs

>blink-182 starts playing


plot twist: he doesn't check out

>be Dunston
>cum inside

>be Shorty
>get gotten

>be Batman

>be Batman


>be never
>know best

>be Hogan
>know best

Who knew the bestest?