Movie autism thread?

Movie autism thread?

>few years ago
>mom wants to take me to the theater to see a movie as a christmas gift since she has a day off
>she asks me what movie i want to see and i tell her that she can choose
>she wants to see Up In The Air
>i agree thinking that it was the pixar movie Up i had heard about
>get to the theater in the local mall
>see the movie posters and realize i've made a mistake
>realize im about to see some boring george clooney movie about planes
>Up isn't even playing anymore
>mom buys our tickets and we go in to find some seats
>the theater is full of old people
>when we sit down mom smiles and hands me 20 dollars
>she tells me i can buy whatever snacks I want but asks if I can buy her a small diet coke as well
>i take the money and head out of the theater
>notice avatar is starting soon as well
>use my moms money to buy a ticket to see avatar along with the avatar combo which includes large popcorn a large fountain drink and a bag of m&ms
>rush into Avatar before it starts spilling some popcorn along the way
>only seats left are some shitty ones right in the front rows
>text my mom that i lost my ticket and that I will walk around the mall until her movie is done
>watch the movie and finish with a sore neck and an upset stomach
>check my phone to see that my mom had texted me back to tell me that she had bought me a new ticket for Up In The Air and that she has been waiting outside in the theater lobby looking for me
>leave my theater
>notice my mom sitting on a bench in the lobby looking at her phone
>try to blend in with the crowd of people that just left the same theater I was in and sneak into the nearby washrooms unseen
>text her back and apologize saying i didnt see the message
>tell her to meet me at the car
>wait a few minutes in the washroom and then leave and walk back to meet her at the car
>i ask her how the movie was
>she says she didnt see it because she was looking for me

What the fuck

This is pasta. I've seen this already posted a few times.

I don't go to the cinema so I only have at home related autism stories

>in my room the whole day as usual
>feel like I need to shit
>crawl out to the bathroom and let the kraken out
>someone rings the bell, it's some work friend of my mom
>stay in the shitter the whole time waiting for her friend to leave because she said "she's just passing by"
>the conversation just keeps on going, I already browsed through a whole catalog of threads while sitting and my legs are losing circulation
>45 mins pass by, whole time I thought both of them didn't know I was in the bathroom
>hear her friend ask "What is your son still doing in the bathroom?"
>I freeze completely, mom shouts "user GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM ALREADY"
>"I-I-I'll be out in a minute!"
>stay there for 15 more mins constantly flushing the water and randomly opening drawers so they think I am doing something
>she finally leaves and actually says goodbye to me through the closed bathroom door
>"b-bye you too!"
>leave the bathroom and crawl back to the room
>mom doesn't say anything when I pass by her, just a look of dissapointment
>watch a marathon of Coen bros movies just to forget and deny everything that happened

Blood Simple is an underrated Coen bros movie, I recommend it to all.

You're an asshole user. You could have just told her that you wanted to watch Avatar instead. Your mom didn't even get to enjoy a nice cold diet coke after all she did to please you. Just kill yourself OP, your mother deserves a better son than you could ever hope to be.

>go the theaters
>it's Casual Friday and they force me to leave my $50,000 suit at the check stand
>makes me wear the Charlie Brown sweater full of retard germs and smells because it's usually given to the local mentally disabled man
>local mentally disabled man in the same showing as me
>he turns around and smirks up at me from his seat, notice he's wearing my suit

>$50,000 suit
come on

that's not autism, you're just a piece of shit

$49,950 worth of extra chromosomes.

I know right? Going to have to throw it out now that it smells like the inside of a used cast.

You're a fag

You're confusing autism with being an asshole

Cameronfags, everyone.

but Up in the Air is actual Kino, its a solid piece of cinema

I'm not an asshole I just don't like shitty movies.


yeah and I fucked your dad and wiped my shit covered dick all over his lips

well that doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do

Stop bullying me

>Hate other people in movie theater. Everyone is always annoying.
>Never had the balls to tell people to be quite.
>Too big a pussy
>Amped to see John Wick 2 with friend
>Two ladies directly in front of me
>One is trying to watch the movie and the other is fucking obnoxious
>Wont shut up for one second. And always threw her hands up in the air whenever something cool happened. Very distracting
>Had enough
>Time for me to grow some balls
>Kick the back of her chair
>Lean my head over and yell "WOULD YOU FUCKING SHUT UP!"
>Realize this woman is special needs. Autism probably
>I tried to apologize. Felt like shit and got embarrased.
>Mom or wrangler yells at me.
>Whole theater is looking
>Walk out during the movie
>leave friend in there
>Wait in the parking lot for movie to end

u guys all sound like u deserved it

Serves her right for having such shit taste in film when she could've suggested Avatar to watch. Why do people intentionally fuck up like this?