Black Sails

How did he get the treasure secretly with one leg?

How did nigressprincess stayed alive and captured?

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Wow, you've managed to offend the differently abled, PoC and womynkind in one shitpost.

Congrats, dude

where do you think you are, tumblr?

>tfw you thought you got rid off Guthrie bossy, ther comes her older version

fuckinn bump

I can never tell who is more /ourguy/:
Or Silver

lets find out

> Not Flint.

He literally wants to punish the Normies.

/r/ing the image of flint looking thru telescope at gay pirates always give me a good chuckle, thnx.

>How did he get the treasure secretly with one leg?
He got the niggers to dig it up for him.

>How did nigressprincess stayed alive and captured?
Eleanor dragged her out before she died

Thanks breh

This doesn't make sense though flint held dying Eleanor in his arms. Are you suggesting the nigress just came to after she was saved and to do a runner leaving Elenaor to bleed out on the ground before flint returned?



Eleanor said she couldn't save Madi, so she didn't.

Isn't Flint busy being /ourgay/ ?

Rolled 20 on stealth check.
Billy saved her.

Billy could barely walk, also he didn't said he brought Madi to Rogers, and neither did the soldiers, he just said Rogers already has her.

Fuck. They got pretty lazy in the writing in the end. They never even spelled out Eleanor's pregnancy, just implied it with cringey long silence.

New Black Sails waifus at such a late stage...


Maybe she will be found in a boy disguise on Jack's ship in the next episode .... and call herself Mary Reed

That was my first thought too


Just watched the episode, I fucking loved the Woodes and Jack parts. London looked so good.

Too feminine though.

Nah Thomas is dead so now he's busy being Silver's conscience

They confirmed the pregnancy like episodes ago.

>>London looked so good.

Nah dude that was Philadelphia

Any webm requests for this episode?

This part was creepy as fuck.

Ah shit, my mistake.

Still, I was hoping Anne would be pregoes before she went off the ship.


I'm honestly looking forward to Jack more than Silver given that Madi's fucking up the team's spirit.

Still best waifu

>well, where is it?






He's bromo now

christ this episode was filler

So I'm figuring Eleanor brings Madi outside and some other spanish soldiers happen by and capture her.


I don't count it as filler much because Jack's given a purpose, Madi is revealed to live and now we know why Billy would soon fear Long Silver till his death.

Jack was the only interesting part, and then that just delved down into muh strong women and that insufferable canadian

the psychological state of some of the people that watch this show is pretty fucking incredible sometimes
i'd really like to know what sort of people you are out in the world

My interpretation is that they're dripping with self-importance; they somehow believe everything in the world should be catered to their "interests." It's especially egregious when they're an alt right or leftist SJW, because then they also believe their self-importance is a fucking political statement, which makes it even more insufferable.

Nah, I didn't mind the strong women. It's fucking pirate age after all.

Besides, the only thing that bored me in the episode was
-constant reminder to Woodes that she did it because she loved him
-Silver's parts, which surprisingly for the first time I did not look forward to.

>how dare you criticize my SJW pirate show

the interest in silvers character has been severely diminished by madi

>I didn't mind the strong women. It's fucking pirate age after all.

what did he mean by this

Captain Flint, I'm East India Trading Company


The fact that Flint's slightly less brooding makes me happier, but at the cost of Silver getting the worst of it in terms of probably killing Flint for a woman.

>You think Madi isn't worth saving?
>We'll fucking try to.
>Okay, I trust you

>*signals his men to get the cache*

the biggest issue is that absolutely everything they say has some sort of political foundation/relation so they assume everything counter to that also has political motivation
(see )

its honestly just EXHAUSTING, why cant i just like things because i like them why can i only like something because i'm an sjw

>you will never introduce her to the pirate life she's always dreamed of and help her explore her newfound sexual freedom
Just keelhaul me desu

It's probably the one of the few eras where stronk women exists historically, like that chinese pirate who used to be a concubine became one the richest deadliest commanders of the seas.

I get that they suddenly have another femGuthrie secretly pulling the strings but I don't see much of it as a political-gender motive.

It's not our fault you're a faggot with shit taste

You said it, it's because Sup Forums tards are SJWs with zero self-awareness. When they say this show is "SJW," what they really mean is that they're not being exclusively pandered to by it. Complaining about not being exclusively pandered to is pretty much the essence of what makes someone a social justice warrior.

>eras where stronk women exists historically,

this would have to be one of the first shows that ive seen in which a character being a fag didnt feel INSANELY contrived and artificial, just get over it man

>this would have to be one of the first shows that ive seen in which a character being a fag didnt feel INSANELY contrived and artificial

what nonsense, butthurt buttpirate

>How does the smartest most devious and selfish character on the show manage to do stuff?

Well it is Sup Forums, where Sup Forums's obsession with interracial trying to make it synonymous with cuckoldry is shared by shitposters in this board.

>interracial trying to make it synonymous with cuckoldry
Well it is.

bestiality =/= cuckoldry

well there were several female pirate captains irl

and there have been other times with powerful women in history

Margaret of anjou and boudica to name two

For what it's worth in the books they always describe silver as being surprisingly fast as fuck even though he's a huge old guy with one leg.

I found it weird that Billy turned out to be the tallest of the trio.

all i wanna fucking do is talk about my favorite currently airing TV show just ONCE a week and every week the threads get shitted up by these actual degenerate underaged Sup Forums kiddies pushing their peurile agenda.
its fucking abhorrent and i genuinely dont think any of you deserve a fair chance at life

>well there were several female pirate captains irl

A handful sure, several of which probably weren't even real.

>Margaret of Anjou

Got where she was by marriage, and sparked a civil war that devastated England, had to get rescued by her cousin the King of France.


That meme was the figurehead of a revolt that killed some civilians and then got utterly BTFO by a single Roman legion.


t. reddit

the most newfag insult of them all

lol, the SJW mental illness strikes again

>it's a cuck projects his fetish on everyone else in order to tell himself he is normal
I love the mirror universe episodes.

is there room in your underdeveloped brain for a middle ground between not sharing your social beliefs and being an sjw? or is it super black and white (INTERRATIAL)

>>All those Jack scenes

Truly he is best boy. OR most entertaining


billy and rackham are the only characters that deserve to win

don't try to deny it

I honestly can't tell who the "good guy" is anymore. Flint? Silver? Billy? Jack? I just don't know who I should ve rooting for.

I think Jack and Billy are the two that haven't had a moment where they justify doing something undeniably evil because it will further their cause.

Well flint wants to free all the niggers so probably him

Entertaining. He's been cucked, redeemed with a threesome and won the Urcabowl.

If anything I sincerely hope he doesn't die but would have his story be lied in the books for the sake of making pirates look bad in history.

Pirates aren't decent men, but neither are their enemies.

The show wants to root for the TI characters. The revenge portion is so much better than the revolution at present.

is it gud? stopped watching, but liked it. just forgot about it along with a few other shows.

short answer: yes
long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeees

Nah, Flint wants his Nassau back. Silver only cares about his Madi, so by association he's more into saving the slaves than Flint.

Jack used to be someone for legacies, now into revenge. Woodes is the main antagonist.

Yep, it's probably one of the few shows I've loved a bit too much.

well there's plenty more strong women and minorities now

I get sucked in to shows too. So much that I forget about the rest.

>the soldier was dead before the fire consumed him

Didn't know Nassau had a CSI team

Problem is when a beloved show goes on for too long, you tend to get more disappointed as compared to other shows one casually enjoys.

Still, this is BS's final season and while I'm glad it's not being stretched, there are obvious tells that some parts are being too rushed because of the 100 hours they have left to tell the story and squish TI in it somehow.

I loved this scene. Jack simultaneously realizing that his lifelong dream to be a famous pirate of the likes of edward teach had been realized- people knew his name and spoke of him alongside all the other greats.

And at the same time, hearing how his dead friend's legacy had been twisted to make him into a flesh devouring monster, realizing that to most people pirates were just a scary story, an urban legend. That no matter what he did, he'd just end up some sort of romanticized fiction to the world.

I think he realized right there that his dream of becoming a well known pirate was foolish. If the people were just going to make up a bunch of shit regardless of what happened because it sounds cooler, why bother?

And I think that's why Jack is going along with the plan to kill Flint. His dream of being the legendary pirate jack rackham is crushed to dust.

Flint stopped giving a shit about Nassau when his wife died. It just became a means to an end in his war on civilization in the new world.

didn't the fire kill him ?
nothing makes sense

I think they looked at the body and found he had been shot/stabbed and wounded so they figured he was dead before he burned

>TV show set as a prequel to a fiction book based on a highly mythologised era of piracy isn't allowed to have female characters with any strength whatsoever otherwise its clearly trying to undermine Western civilization regardless if male pirates on the show have this as their l i t e r a l goal

not even the argument you simpleton.

yeah but then again he hardly has any killing skills.

He'll either die trying or die on the run. Either way he finally knew that to the rest of them, his name was known, among the madmen and the tyrants.

This is the most obvious. Eleanor had stab wounds so Woodes assumed that Eleanor died fighting, or survived an assassination attempt.

The best part was he finally went into civilization and felt unique. He was a pirate, but he dressed like he was noble. No one looked at him like a brute, much like the newspapers tend to say.

good one