He better be a troll

he better be a troll

Honestly a bit baffled why he's so popular with basic bitches here. Is it because he's a Britbong or something?

Half the posts on my yik yak are from bland women swooning over him.

He's likeable and talented.

It ain't all about looks, son.

have no fear we've got stories for years

He was already in that garbage Bastard Executioner show as some apprentice scribe or some shit.

I don't get the deal


It's amazing what you can do when you have rich parents.

GoT has had lots of musician cameos. It's kind of their schtick at this point.

He's working the pop industry. He's actually super talented, but does what he does for that fat stacks.

Honestly he looks like he belongs in middle earth

hes changing the game for gingers famalam

He's has above average talent in today's market and his songs are millennial take on love and relationships.

Honestly, from what I've read about him, seems like a cool guy.

yik yak is still a thing?

Who the fuck is this dude? I'm guessing he's a brit from the inbred look he's rocking.

He's probably gonna do a Rains of Castamere cover.

>caring about GoT

His music lacks both style and substance
Yet women love him
Why do women have such shit taste?

>hurr I hate women they only like chads
>women start liking regular looking guys
>hurr what a shit taste, fucking whores

>implying I hate women
>implying they like him for him looks
>implying they don't like him because his songs are borderline pop bullshit with lyrics on par with those of a boy band with just a tiny bit of rock in it so they can feel above the ones who listen to boy bands

Why are British men so fucking ugly


how comes he makes such boring ass music then?

jenna bush was saying "you can see the attractiveness of talent..." over and over
essentially saying he's an ugly fuck

t. femanon
i cant listen to this guys music because even though he has a nice voice i cant help but imagine the face that voice is coming out of and it just makes me want to vomit

How does he get so much pussy?

>Mfw he gets the role of Kvothe in Name of the Wind

You know it'll happen

Shallow cunt

your self awareness is pretty pathetic

My favourite artists are Adele & Meghan Trainor, but nice projection

how many waifu threads calling actresses ugly cunts have you participated in today my man

0 I only just got to work, but one of my favourite actresses is Maggie Gyllenhaal, now go vomit some more, you got to keep your figure girl

>tfw meghan trainor will never sit on my face and crush my skull under her fat ass
Why even live desu?

All he does is make songs for basic bitches. Ed Sheeran's divide became the fastest selling vinyl in UK history this week and 9/10 of the top 10 tracks were from the album.

He smashed this

>his songs are borderline pop bullshit with lyrics on par with those of a boy band with just a tiny bit of rock in it so they can feel above the ones who listen to boy bands

>He smashed this

You heard me. He's just the NSYNC of this generation. Shallow lyrics and shitty catchy music made to sell to girls-

>the NSYNC of this generation.

So he's timberlake? How is that a negative?

For what?

What the fuck is wrong with her foot?


im glad im not as insecure and lonely as you