What kino is Sup Forums watching tonight?

What kino is Sup Forums watching tonight?


Just watched The Nice Guys, pretty good, shit ending. Tried to watch Fantastic Beasts but 15 minutes was all I could take.

Might watch Yellow Sea.

Commando (1985)

Didn't like Nice guys thought it was degen

>Didn't like Nice guys thought it was degen
>set in the 70s

Gee willickers

The Walking Dead

why does she have a career

Breakfast at Tiffanys

just discovered that lost highway exists so gona check that out

yellow sea is cool. some torrents have bizarre subtitles tho

Will probably start re watching some of Antonioni's films before the Blow Up blu ray comes out on the 27th.

Spartacus. It's pretty boring

Watched The Last Ship. Cant decide whether to watch The Affair or Westworld. Pls help

who is this chic

watching suicide squad for the first time. its entertaining in a shitty way

watching Grace Helbig make food quirkily.

think I may kill myself later

whats it like being a faggot?

I don't get how anyone though this was a good movie.


>little girl talks about anal with a whore
>not degenerate
The whole movie was kike proganganda

the least talented actress in the world


Bitches love sob stories, and what could be more appealing than the story of a ditzy retard taking care of a cripple then assisting his suicide and getting all his money.

Rewatching Logan from a camrip.

>Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland
>A Bronx Tale
>Eros + Massacre
>Il Conformista

what should i watch bros?

Just finished The Fugitive. Eating dinner watching The Grand Budapest now. Think I might watch sopranos and go to bed.

The same thing I watch every night: Tyrone satisfying my wife.

I'll watch the latest episode of Legion and then I don't know.

Is that any good, I need a TV show to binge watch.

It's much better than I expected, I like it.

Sons of Anarchy, finishing season 5, then The Walking Dead and maybe some Ash vs Evil Dead, while I eat pizza and drink peach juice.
A pretty comfy night if you ask me.

You probably wrote this as an hyperbole but it's actually true.

>just discovered that lost highway exists
Really? Have you watched other Lynch stuff?

Leon: The Professional

meant to reply to

The first season of dexter, which I haven't watched in years. I started it on friday and am already on the second to last episode.

i didn't write it as a hyperbole, i at first was going to qualify that she's the worst british actress on television, but then thought about it and realized i couldnt think of any other working actress on earth thats worse than her