What do my friends at Sup Forums think of black mirror?

what do my friends at Sup Forums think of black mirror?
what is your favourite episode?

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christmas one was great

The Entire History of You is one of the best episodes of a show I've ever seen
I also like the one with the bees

I only watched one. Didn't care for it.

I only watched the first episode and couldn't drop it hard enough. Absolutely disgusting.

to be fair thats a pretty terrible episode to start with, dont know why they made it the first one. watch shut up and dance

A lot of the episodes are really bad. I just watched the one with the female soldiers it was all crap and they stole the plot from star trek.

idk why people hated that one, I liked it thought it felt a bit long.

Some of them are good and some of them are just awful like the Waldo one.

It's pretty shit and that's probably because british people made it. I hope the new tales from the crypt is better.

I just wanted to punch the main actor though. He has a really punchable looking face.

go back to redd it you sheltered fuck

Hated in the Nation for best, although Kelly MacDonald was phoning it in

It was too dumbed-down

My favorite was the first one that I watched. The one that was a satire of facebook, and the society where everything revolved about people liking what you posted. With the underground society of people with zero stars.

Every episode I watched after that seemed to be worse and worse and repetitive.

Muslim detected

I thought White Bear was the best.

San Junipero and Shut Up and Dance are great, as well as Fifteen Million Merits

>girl screams and cries for an hour
>then REALLY screams at the end
She's a fine screamer I tell you what

San Junipiero is the only one I've seen and really liked. The first part of Black Christmas or whatever it was called was great too, the second was so awful I couldn't finish it

San Junipero almost made me cry

>San Junipero
queer shit

i thought hated in the nation was great, really great commentary on twitter hivemind attacking people for stupid shit just so they can impress their friends

It says alot about the state of modern audiences where San Junipero is hailed as some sort of ground-breaking story and the best episode of that season, when Shut Up And Dance was a far more daring and interesting story and managed to do so in a context which is relevant right now and not just in a vaguely defined future.

I do feel the change to six episodes didn't help Season 3, however - it gets a bit too edgy and the depressing twist endings get more and more ridiculous the more you see them.

Black Mirror is just typical sci-fi with an extra layer of intrigue and that's not enough to sustain a bunch of stories without it getting old and tired really quickly. That being said, i'm glad it exists cos not even movies do interesting sci-fi anymore.

>Watch the first 7/8ths of white bear
>"Well this is stupid and unimaginative"
>Watch last 1/8th
>That was worth the twist

That ending completely made that episode.

>which is relevant right now and not just in a vaguely defined future.
Regret at a wasted life, possibilities of starting over, fear of dying and the fantasy of a life after death are always relevant. Its one of the episodes less rooted in technophobia, if at all

It was garbage and all the 90's born fags here went nuts for it because of dykes and 80's hits.

good episodes

shut up and dance
san juniperio
entire history of you
15 million merits
white christmas

rest are meh or shit

Playtest is underrated as fuck

I fucking hated the main guy to death


Shut Up and Dance is shit too

San Junipero is literally the worst episode of a series that includes an episode about the British PM fucking a pig. Think about that.

he's Kurt Russell's son

he's an embarrassment

15 Million Merits is one of my favorite episodes of anything.

fifteen million merits by a LOT


'Man vs. technology' is only a step or two higher in thematic value than 'good vs. evil'. The show itself isn't very meaningful, but it entertains my autistic roommate, so I'm happy with it.

If you think that's what the show is, then you might be the autistic one.

It literally is. Every plot in the series can and quite likely already has been written without technology as a crutch.

>Not White Christmas

red pill me on shut up and dance, what was the moral of the story?

Its not about technology at all you pleb. Its about technology's effect on humans and their relationships

don't negotiate with terrorists, regardless of your own crimes

Playtest was fucking sick. Watched it with a friend,was expecting a totally different episode. Maybe it helped that I watched the episode as a kindof stand-alone (I had only seen a few random episodes before), and had no clues about how it was gonna play out.

Cover your fucking webcam and use proxies.

dont look at child porn or cheat on your wife

be right back and entire history of you are my favorite episodes

found the second and third seasons to be very spotty. one episode would be terrible and the next awesome.

>cheat on your wife
pretty sure he was expecting more than a prostitute.

fuck off with that bullshit

explain the black guy then


Why does everyone say with 100% certainty the kid was looking at child porn. Even though the mom says the sister saw the video, it would have to have been edited since the webcam can't pick up both the kid fapping and what he's fapping to at the same time. Episode is much more disturbing if he was just fapping to normal porn because it implies that this can happen to anyone for completely innocent reasons. If he's a pedo then the end becomes almost satisfying instead of unsettling.

They want you to empathise with kenny to avoid thinking bad stuff about him similar to white bear.

That's my point. There's no reason to empathize with him if he's a pedo.



>Episode is much more disturbing if he was just fapping to normal porn

No it isn't, because you're just trying to figure out what the fuck his problem is and the only moral of the story is not to be a total weirdo retard. Seriously, bro, put down the gun and admit to your mom that you look at boobs from time to time.

Pedo stuff makes a little more sense, but still not much. I feel like he or anybody else could have easily pulled the Shaggy defense and gotten away with it.

>Excuse me, sir, we've heard that you watch porn
It wasn't me
>We have you on film masturbating
It wasn't me
>The video shows the pictures split-screen with you jerking it
It wasn't me
>Hmm, well this did come from an anonymous hacker. .
It wasn't me
>Well, carry on then. . . we've got our eye on you.

what the fuck

I guess I can see the resemblance...




Watching S3 right now, just finished the one with the time-traveling lesbian deathbed patients.

Quality really varies by episode but the Christmas one with Jon Hamm was the best so far. Also not sure why because she is kinda ugly but watching Abi turn into a whore was hot as fuck.

>Its not about technology at all you pleb. Its about technology's effect on humans and their relationships
>Its about technology's effect on humans and their relationships
>about technology's effect on humans
>about technology

The episode is full of reference from Carpenter movies. Look at the shirt he wears and his quips. At one point in the nightmare he sees a giant spider with his friend's head, very much like The Thing.

And San Junipero reflects Thelma and Louise.

wasn't full of video game references? kinda dissapointed desu

Two main ones:

1. Don't participate in activities you would be able to be blackmailed by.
2. Do not negotiate with terrorists.

Those can be extrapolated into a million different sub-meanings, but those are basically it.

I marathoned the first episode and didn't care for it. Does it get better?


what an odd choice for a first episode, not sure what were they thinking

San Junipero is highly overrated. One of the biggest plot points (needing to get married) makes no fucking sense, and the ending feels like a betrayal to the black chick's family.

the best episode is where technology ruins sexual intercourse for everyone

Why did the episode with the lesbians have a happy ending? They should have had the server shut down at the end or something. This show is too reddit for me

it was the first time I was hoping for some sort of sad ending

I don't really know what it's even about but I heard a really hipster looking dude talking about it IRL once and I've decided I don't like it.

I wish I was kidding

top tier:
White Christmas

>she is kinda ugly
What the fuck

I get that they wanted a happy ending for once, but they forced it too much. Should have had the black woman make the choice to pass on and then have the redhead learn how to move on. More bittersweet instead of a cliche "good" ending.

yeah I can greentext too, you know what I meant. Its not about some antagonism like you suggested.

Someone post a rear view of the thicc honey from the stationary bike episode

How do you marathon a single episode

check out her fappening shit

Weird facial structure

Playtest is pretty obviously the best one


Cameron detected

so do i stop watching after san junipero?

I liked that episode but the ending was a bit much, I feel cheated that we didn't truly learn the purpose of the device and everything we saw was essentially all in his head...

But it's still bitter sweet, they both died, they're just copies of themselves and possibly just advance AI replicating what it thinks they were like rather than actually being either.