Homeland general

/homeland/ general.

anybody watching tonight?

will quinn get raped today???

>mfw he does...

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>tfw no one hosts showtimes streams so always have to wait til the next day to find a torrent.

this is undoubtedly the last season of this show.

it was fun Sup Forums. say goodbye to the last ever homeland thread.

Hope I find a working stream

I miss Currie

Is it the finale? Not watched homeland since the first episode of the season before the latest.

Wait, isnt it supposed to air in 1 hour?

i can't find one either. no one cares about it enough to host.

comes on at 9 as i recall senpai

No my cable box says there are more et

I haven't watched since Quinn shot the rock thrower. Has anything interesting happened?

Another terrorist attack and alliances falling apart.

well,. its weird cuz im watchin it rite now
cant post link, gives me spam msg

plus salieri raped quinn when he was a boy.

Oops soz, forgot the attack happened before the rock throwing.

i want to boyfuck quinn

Why would Quinn work for his rapist

There's a conspiracy involving a creepy private intelligence contractor company that Carrie's FBI agent friend went to check out, then he was murdered at his home.

damn, i wonder who got the quints.... it's all good.

because he his a sex slave super soldier. plus salerie said he never forced himself onto anyone, only that he fucked quinn

Hey he never forced himself on anybody

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And I feel sorry for him

was quinn a top or a bottom?

why is this ep so slow???

Did Brody knew about the bomb?

Guys, you think Brody knew about to bomb?

german fu is dead!!

that punch... ):

Am I the only one who didn't realize dar is a poofter? Did he raep young peter? Does the cia have a casting couch?

She's 18 here, right?

it's another quinn is retarded but outfights a super sholder episode

rip assturd

), :

quinn survived rape and everything else.

is /our guy/ a mary sue?

quinn is the writers ticket out when it eventually kicks off

either he kills dar adal in some superhero meme action

or gets killed and carrie goes completely mental for half a season and moves to caracas or something where next season starts

What was that subplot where the pres-elect was holed up at the country house and they wouldn't let her speak to her CoS?

so Alex Jones is the mastermind behind everything?

truck blew up in middle of new york, she got evacuated

bumpin, just started watching the new episode.

how the fuck are we going to make it through a season 8?

spoiler alert, next season, trump is the bad guy.`

childhood is when you idolize saul, adulthood is when you realise dar adal makes more sense

Just heard that in the States got +1 hour on the clock, my bad.

The Alex Jones parody is pretty mediocre, they could have done better.

Was this episode any good?


Disagree, I thought it was one of the season's best episodes.