ITT: Essential dad kino

ITT: Essential dad kino


Pretty much most 80s comedies.

Spies like us
Ferris Beulers day off
Animal house

How do dads have such an encyclopedic knowledge of Three Stooges?


Every movie listed here my dad loves. How is it that they all happen to have the same exact tastes while still being genuine and unique people?

My dad's favorite movie is Taxi Driver.
I have yet to see it.



if your dad's favorite movie isn't Rocky, sorry but he's a big pussy and my dad would whoop his ass.

anything with prime Eastwood

Secret society of based dads

They didn't grow up in a time where it was trendy to hate anything popular.



Also Big Lebowski and Scrooge (1951 movie)

>his dad watched movies with Hanoi Jane

These plus every Mel Brooks movie except the Producers.

if your dad's favorite movie isn't Terminator 2: Judgement Day, sorry but he's probably a cyborg sent to protect John Connor and the T-1000 will be sent to destroy him

>dad worked on oil rigs for ten years
>got bored and decided to move into upper management of a multi billion dollar oil company
My dad would rek your dad, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.

But my dad hates commies

He just likes Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn a lot

and every other Hill+Spencer movie

My dad loved the revenant

Patton is to dads what Gone with the Wind is to moms.

My dad watches all of these. He also really likes a t.v. channel called "Grit" because all it plays are action movies, westerns, and Walker Texas ranger.

Hospitals give you a copy of their entire works after your firstborn is delivered. I got mine on DVD when my daughter was born, but nowadays they probably either give you a bluray or just a download code or something.



every fucking lee marvin and/or charles bronson kino


If you like old af war movies...

>dana andrews
this guy is in so many good films, its crazy.
good shit, user.

wow haha holy shit it's the "im in on something that everybody else plays along with while some people either pretend to or genuinely not know about just enough to make it a broad inside joke"
>tfw penis inspection day tomorrow

Every Kevin Costner baseball movie...

Congratulations, you successfully figured out that there is, in fact, not a secret cabal of hospitals ensuring every father sees The Three Stooges. Good for you, you're a very clever individual and I'm sure you'll go very far when you're so obviously socially savvy.

The meta-joke is that kind of joke is exactly the kind of humor dads have fun with their kids not catching. It's kinda rewarding to see your kid puzzle out years later that you were in fact joking about something that was obviously a joke.

Bull Durham too.


This is trulky a mystery to me. How is it, on a board where most people are of roughly hte same generation, their fathers are familiar with the most popular films of their era?

How is it they all managed to see a broadly similar mix of movies that were popular in their younger days?

It's truly a mystery!


Your dad has good taste and a plebeian for a son

We're at an age where either everyone knows that or has subconsciously become so accustomed to it that ironically ironic memes are actually very trendy

Dollars Trilogy
Apocalypse Now
Twilight Zone for TV kino
Back to the Future trilogy