Anybody else still watching this show? It's a pretty dark comedy now.

Melissa is way better crazy than sane.

Is everybody going to die and leave Phil as the Last Man on Earth right before Kristen Wiig finds him?

they should show january jones panties then i would watch


It's crazy how much better the show has been this season, pretty much since Phil's brother and Black Phil died.

It definitely improved as soon as Nigger Phil died.

why do retards actively spoil this crap in the OP? It's completely unnecessary. Do you have complete hatred for anyone who can't watch it live on the east coast?

>browsing Sup Forums before a show airs

what's the opera near the end? I remember it because of underwater boobs in Pirahna 3D

First like, 5 episodes of this were GOAT. Then they made phil a fuckin pathetic cuck loser. Dropped that shit so quickly.

cool 2 new eps

i wont read the thread but im happy as fuck im gonna watch ep10 and ep11 later because i love this show eventhough its silly and retarded stupid as fuck it's just so fucking comfy and funny

im happy

it got better

nigger phil was a faggot nigger

I feel like in a way it was appropriate for Lewis to die that way if they were going to kill him. It was so abrupt that it was shocking but really beyond sad I mean shit he didn't even get an in cockpit shot of him smiling or laughing. Fuck man.

Sometimes I think this show really disrespects its characters.

I am so happy that we have a show this dark on network though. Hopefully they won't stretch out Mary's rebirth or make her suffer much more.

If any other characters die, I would like the really fat guy. Black Australian chick is obviously the next most expendable.

At this point they'll need to start preparing for more characters other than Kristen Wiig, but Aussie Mommy will surely die giving birth.

Grow up, faggot.

People still watch this show?
I barely completed the first season.

>Sometimes I think this show really disrespects its characters.
Yeah, that's how I felt in this case. It was a punchline with the wrong setup. I was anticipating it but hoping they would surprise me. The aftermath was kind of funny though.

what the fuck? you guys said this was cancelled

>Anybody else still watching this show?
Took me two episodes to see that it's shit. I always liked post-apocalyptic settings, but they somehow managed to put the least likable characters you can imagine into that show.

It's not that bad

the Kristen Wiig episode really was great

yeah it was better than i expected



How did this show make it past the pilot?

its charming

I thought the tone was all over the place, even though he was a small character in the grand scheme of things, he didn't deserve to die so quickly and have it glossed over like nothing happened.

>Last cuck on earth
that show still exists?

yes and its not bad


eat shit fag

Black Phil died, and his brother almost cucked him to get babies with Carol (who's also probably dying somewhere after getting infected with the virus)
So yeah, he's not getting cuck anymore

go back to redit you nigger

I really like the dino suit, this episode was creepier than usual

Too bad they gave him a cheap dino suit. The ones used for those Youtube pranks are way nicer and more realistic looking.

>Kristen Wiig

there's people who didnt drop this 3 episodes in?

Well to be fair, he got a pretty nice funeral scene.

Also the doubters and haters really need to come back and try starting again with the episode where Phils brother lands on Earth, the show gets legitimately interesting after that. You get a lot of lore, and it just develops after that with just so many great scenes with Jason Sudekis.

As long as you know its not about a single guy walking around playing real life Grand Theft Auto, it becomes a really fun serialized comedy with a deeper than usual plot and comfy stretches. Still, don't worry there are scenes where people do crazy things like go bowling with 1000 pins, take showers using sprinkler heads and dress up as dinosaurs too.

This show is quirky and different. Its still a survival show but not as much about apocalypse stuff as Season 1.

Its now a meditation on life, living as well as you can among people you can barely stand and the mysteries of death, trying to find little jokes that they can along the way. Phil is one of the most distinctive characters in TV history imho, because he causes so much pain and he is so eager to help but his "help" is so inadequate.

It never falls too deep into sitcom cliches, like Lewis' death doesn't attempt to give you any happy payoffs or anything easy like that. Its free of any pretense, which is refreshing the more I think of it. Yes the audience wanted Lewis to have a good ending but the show wants death to feel that it could happen in an instant, or you can die slow in an elevator.

Whenever they introduce a new character I have never regretted it either.

This show is worth your time, its going to be considered in the top all time comedies when its done I predict.

>its going to be considered in the top all time comedies when its done I predict.

let's not go that far...

so hot but so annoying

didnt even know this thing was still running...

the first episode was good, as soon as that dumb bitch came on and the main guy got cucked i gave it up

Stopped watching when the black guy literally brought a bull with him. Is Phil still getting cucked?

The Melissa thing is so dumb.
>Oh, I shoot someone
>He ded
>Now me slowly get weird
>Now me like guns
>Now me be creepy and overly cautious of possible intruders and Pat

Like fuckoff. I hope she kills Fat Man, or White Phil drugs her to death.

I watched the first couple of episodes of this a while back while I was channel flicking. Is it actually worth watching?

Is Kristen Schaal still on the show?

yes, and she's one of the best ones

Damn I should start this show up again. I love her.

Stopped watching after S02E18

Should i pick it up again? January Jones really is a godess and carol is kinda qt aswell

Season 3 is really shit

Is that chick still stuck in the elevator? They haven't brought her up at all lately. Did she die and I just totally forgot?

she'll be free next episode




>I love her.


Some people in this thread are over selling it but it's decent.

White Phil has been REALLY fucking annoying as a character this season and I know that's the point but goddamn.

u shut up

The black guy is dead lmao.