Can someone recommend some good Joe Rogan podcast episodes?

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graham hancock

eggs are disgusting

I really liked the one he did with Sam Harris about Free Will. it got me to buy the book

why does Sup Forums love joe rogan so much? you realize in real life he'd hate you and think you're weird and beat the shit out of you, right?

>no Kale shake
Not the real Joe Rogan.

Nah, we'd get a long, i'm his kinda guy i think.

Sam Harris? His name is Faggot

"So tell me about Bane"






Do they have beef or something


Joe is such a fake LA weirdo now. Its almost impossible to get through his podcasts now because he approaches everything with such a a bizarre out of touch perspective.

Do Americans actually do this?

Pro-tip, I'm America, and no, we fucking don't do this. What the fuck is wrong with Joe Rogan?

>"It's just so bizarre, that we live in a world where hired guns have this much loyalty"
>"or perhaps he's wondering why you would smoke a joint before starting a podcast"
>"holy shit jaime, at least this one can talk, can you just briefly tell the audience who you are?"

he and his male secretary shill here. they came from /fit/ and /asp/ then '''diversified''' into this board on the pretext that he pretended to do shitty stand-up. this is a shill thread btw



too many red pills at once

No, Joe. The best egg sandwich contains the following:
2 fried eggs, over easy
pork roll
slice of yellow american
roasted peppers and caramelized onions
and an everything bagel

Fellow American here, I've had jalapenos on my breakfast sandwich before.

OP here. I literally have never listened to the JRE and have intention of doing so. I just saved that picture from /ck/ and posted it here for the (You)'s. You've all been hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amok, and are none the wiser for it.

that looks fuckin gross, why do people put sunny side up eggs on sandwiches, why do you want yolk running everywhere

It started as a joke with the "ITT: Comedians who really make you think" threads. Back then, almost nobody had anything positive to say about Rogan. I don't know what happened between then and now.

But you don't eat sauerkraut and jalapenos at the same time, do you? That's just d e g e n e r a t e.

You're disgusting now go eat dicks instead like you always do.

Pity he can't cook worth a shit.

His buddy Anthony Bordain would be disappointed.

he and I are passionate about preserving federal public land

Jamie is literally Sup Forums incarnate

His podcast got much more popular and he got known for more than being the comedian who did fear factor and UFC shit.

Calm down Samdi Al Hyade

>His buddy Anthony Bordain

>you realize in real life he'd hate you and think you're weird and beat the shit out of you, right?
>beat the shit out of you

Is that gay slang for a handjob?

Nice projection broseephus maximus.

His latest one with the football player was awesome.

That's a big sandwich

>that much cholesterol for breakfast

>cholesterol is bad for you

>Jamie, pull up that video of the chimp making an egg sandwich.
>Christ, that's like 400 lbs of eggs

>Joe's face that morning


The Alex Jones episode attracted the Sup Forumsreddit/newfag/memer crowd.


Memers like that have always been around, except now we have Alex Jones memes instead of
>Joey Diaz stories
>Jamie pull that up


So did anyone check out Buzz Aldrin's Instagram?

lol at this pic
he's definitely a closet faggot. He always hates on the Catholic Church. methinks a priest diddled him when he was young, which is the main way kids become gay these days.
he always makes references to sucking cock in a very Freudian way.

I feel bad for him, since he seems stuck in a "gotta act hypermasculine to throw people off" phase


Anyone else here convinced Joe has the chip? I'm like 99% certain he does. Listen to a lot of his spirituality podcasts, as well as the one with Kevin smith, who I'm sure got the chip just weeks before apesring on his episode. He seems really excited and amazed about it, which most people after time seem to lose that sense of wonder about it.

Eggs are bitter