What was your favourite creature from Kang Kong? Mine was the giant water buffalo

What was your favourite creature from Kang Kong? Mine was the giant water buffalo

Loved this movie in general btw. I liked how they didn't just remake the original with all the lame dinosaur knock-offs but actually bothered to design original creatures. A real feast for the eyes. I recommend seeing it in IMAX

Thanks shill

In all seriousness though, good monster movie with adequate pacing, good cinematography, and John C Reilly was the heart of the movie.

Nice subversion of trope with the boardwalk empire soldier guy blowing himself up with grenades, nice symbolism with chains, saying this Kong ain't a slave like dumb cuck from Jackson's movie.

Is this the official King Kong™ thread?

Walking Tree dude was pretty cool, too bad he didn't get to do much

The giant ant that sounds like a bird.

You can't be serious. It was shit.

Didn't mean to sound so shill-ish, I just really liked the movie

How much is Marvel^tm paying you?

The giant stick bug made me laugh. It just gave the most "Well fuck you too buddy" reaction to that soldier

The bamboo spider was cool at first but the scene went on way too long.
>hmm these humans are chopping my legs off I'd better just stand here and try to eat this one dude

desu the skull crawlers were the worst monsters in terms of design

they didn't even show these hellish tree ants

Your favorite creature was the one that was just a slightly larger version of a regular animal that only showed up twice in the movie twice and didn't even do anything? Why?

It's a fuckin ant

I felt bad for the giant antelope.

They need some giant ass killer hippos or something.

I dunno, it looked cool and was the only thing that wasn't trying to kill everyone. It also advanced the character development on two separate occasions

This was my favorite creature. I was so bewildered by it. I couldn't tell if she was hot or not.

she was not very hot, and she is a crap actress and her character was shit

He made like a tree and got out of town.

>design original creatures

>big stick bug
>big buffalo
>big spider

real fucking original.

How did they learn to mimic the sound of birds?

>why did you like Kino

Maybe you would enjoy little nicky more

it wouldn't be kino if they wasted time talking about the anatomy of ants

What sort of creatures would you design?

>sounds like a bird but it's a fucking ant

Brule was the best character of the whole movie.

That was the point. We had already seen some horrifying stuff, the idea of giant ants sitting in trees, whistling like birds to lull their prey into a false sense of security is just terrifying.

we got chase by some big lizards. I call em school crawlers cus they crawl outta th'ground. I told em t'listen to me cus I been on this friggin island for twenty eight ninety n-twenty eight years here. but go ahead n' run aroun' th' jungle.

She has nice bobbers though

It they could spend the time talking about Vietnamese farmers, they can spend the time talking about giant fucking ants.

ahn be sure t' go out at nigh-at too, even tho' I said dun go out at nigh-at

The movie was an abomination, but John C Reilly's character and acting were really amazing.

follow with the theme of primordial shit like kong, and weirder creatures, like a Deinotheriums, Arthropleura, definitely a Chalicotherium looking thing, Purlovia, Phiomia or Paracer. There are so many weird looking prehistoric mammals but they went with a buffalo.

I would've just loved to have seen an island full of mega fauna, a giant beezlebufo wouldve been especially cool to see even if it isnt original.

and the island being just completely crowded with mega fauna and flora wouldve explained how kong could sustain his size, but there weren't any big plants for the herbivores to graze on.

buncha dopes

I really like that too. They didn't do ANOTHER reboot. Seeing them stay on the island was a relief. That fucking spider crab too, hell of a surprise. Way better than the 2014 Godzilla, too. We got enough focus on Kong, and the human action was actually interesting.

>completely submerged into muddy shitty water in one scene
>next scene, maybe 10-15 min later
>her hair is perfectly dry and looks like she had time to style it and everything

>and the human action was actually interesting.

You're bad at hiding your shill level

Yeah exactly

I was waiting for the insufferable yawnfest of poor little Kong being shipped off to LA/New York/Washington and the rest of the film being a one-dimensional narrative about how urban civilisation is fucking evil and nature is so much better and actually city people kind of deserve to die for being so decadent and complacent

Thank God that never happened and the humans just fucked off at the end

>Thanks the shill
>is shill himself ("GOOD PACING")


It actually showed up three times, first is the one in ops image, second is the one being eaten by a skull crawler and third is when that chick tried saving one but kong had to help her.

How the fuck do these creatures don't crash/implode due to pressure?


>The movie was an abomination
No it wasn't kiddo

Desu I felt she and Hiddleston had the same problem that the producers couldn't decide what character they wanted them to act as. So they keep being different people in different scenes, which makes them come across as blank slates.

"Alright Tom, you're a badass wild card. Kick some ass"
"Will do"
"Ah shit, we need the male lead to be a responsible caretaker. Just fuck everyone's shit up by leading them into certain death to save one guy's life even though the most we've foreshadowed your compassion for your fellow man is a single conversation with Generic Female Reporter okay?"

"Alright, what's my character?"
"You're a spunky female reporter"
"Do I actually have a character arc?"
"No, you're like-nice and animals like you apparently. You're barely any more phased than Hiddleston's character"

"Why am I here?"
"Because qt introverted, professional azn women are our new pandering technique for the ching chong audience. See: Independence Day: Resurgence and Transformers: Age of Extinction"
"My character barely has any personality traits!"
"HA, she thinks she actually needs to act!"

Seriously, as an actual chink-fuck that last part so hard. It's like how MonMu ruined the monstergirl pandering by being bloody blatent about it. If I wanted to watch azns, I wouldn't be watching a movie about a big black monkey.

At least he seemed like an actual person rather than an amalgamation of of vague stereotypes.

General failure might've been interesting if they made him go full Kilgore instead of constantly M-MUH 'NAM

>ywn see Dolph Lundgren struggling to control a chariot pulled by two entelodons while battling a giant dimetrodon

Square-cube law doesn't exist in giant moster movies m8

>toxic gas grenades go off right next to the unconcious guy
>Tom takes out a gas mask and borrows John C's legendary sword
>doesn't even bother to show him put on the gas mask fast and professionally as hell before diving into the cloud
>Tom turns into Mr. Foster for about 2-3 minutes and slices up birds
>when he gets through the other guy isn't actually in the toxic cloud and apparently is fine
>doesn't even show how they got back through it

That whole graveyard scene was weird as fuck. The one time someone tries to smoke, it creates a corpse gas explosion, but it doesn't happen again when they cover the entire area in flames.