What's their weakness?

What's their weakness?

Other urls found in this thread:


Their big eyes.


strained neck muscles

Copy that

just post the r34s

Ceiling fans.

there are r34s of this thing?

with or without futas?



It's hard for them to give birth

dirty ears.

How do we kill him?

space shekels

order 66

>can't even hold the saber correctly

Thanks Lucas

For you.

Big pocketbooks

>she'll never give you a deepthroat

They don't have weakness, they have perpetual high ground.

Republic credits, they'll do anything for republic credits.

Not doing a background check on their contractors.

so... where the porns at



Are they curling bars shooped in behind him?

They were in on Sheevs plan according to Clone wars.

>not wanting to do xeno

Elle fanning

Star wars confirmed for /fit/

getting into a GT40

In the expanded universe this guy's race has 4 arms and are related to the tiny six limbed race that was represented by a podracer in Episode I

Now that it's all not canon, I wonder if he still had 4 arms?

What's his backstory again?

HAHA I sure do love CAR HUMOR, that's a great automobile joke, user! haha, VROOM VROOM, cars go fast :D vroooom, haha, cars!

His backstory is he's a random Ayy Jedi which the Expanded universe would feet neatly into the idea that there is at least a jedi knight of every race in the franchise.

He's a poof


She's got mad back

what did he mean by this