I've just finished binge-watching the entire thing. How do I fill the void? Is there any other TV comedy like this one?

I've just finished binge-watching the entire thing. How do I fill the void? Is there any other TV comedy like this one?

Eastbound and Down is basically Sunny with one guy

the office, curb your enthusiasm

without the laughs

>curb your enthusiasm
Is this the show with sad bald guy doing sad unfunny improv?

Also, can some Sup Forums expert explain to me how the fuck a show this long has so few truly bad episodes?

yeah and more depressing

you'd probably enjoy the lime and times of tim

pick one, pleb

A group close friends that are also terrible, terrible people will never not be funny.

I've never seen funny improv anywhere except several times in original Whose Line

Trailer Park Boys until season 6

No. Just research all the episodes over and over again like everyone else.

Rewatch the episodes*

I kind of want to see the first episodes again because I remember them to be quite weak. (I really hate "racism is so bad, oh my god, he didn't just say that" american humor)

I wonder if now that I know the characters it will be less awful.

First 2-3 seasons was too improv for me too but as the seasons went on it felt a lot more structured and I grew to really like the show a lot more.

Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and It's Always Sunny are all 3 God-Tier comedy shows. Unfortunately everything else sort of pales in comparison. They all of their flaws but they all bring something different to the table and do it perfectly.

This OP
the later seasons are definitely watchable, just not as good as before but hey

if you're autistic, sure

>I've just finished binge-watching the entire thing.

Me too a couple weeks ago, fun experience til it gets very spotty.

Other great comedy includes Larry Sanders Show, Inbetweeners, Eaastbound/Vice Principals, Nathan for You, Peep Show, Snuff Box, Baskets is amazing, the new series Crashing is really funny.

do you know why the yellow? cause that's what 'Murica is about,yellow. All their food are yellow,cause are fried,then all their poop come out yellowed, therefore indicating the bad health

dennis > charlie > frank > mac > dee

farewell dennis, you glorious bastard

charlie > dennis > mac = frank > dee

I always feel like Workaholics has a reasonably similar vibe to Always Sunny.

Stupid overrated garbage. I've tried on 5 occasions to watch this garbage and hated it each time.

On one hand I love Charlie, but on the other I know he's a meme character, scientifically designed for me to love him and that just makes me sad. Is this autism yet?

Give it a sixth time.
I've had around 4 false starts with i, then one night I got through the first few episodes while drunk and eventually fell in love.

First episodes (and the first episode specifically) are just bad.

People keep telling me this but I can't see the likeness at all. I dropped Eastbound and Down after the first season though. Does it get better?

I couldn't get into Curb at first as well but after giving it a proper chance it ended up becoming one of my favorite comedies. I sincerely recommend you to give it a try. It only gets better and better with each season. Not many series can boast of such a feat.

this, but only if we're talking late, psycho-dennis

>I dropped Eastbound and Down after the first season though. Does it get better?

No, S1 is the peak.

While I don't agree with the comparison myself a lot of people recommend Workaholics as a substitute for It's always sunny.

Arrested Development is definetly up there. The first three seasons anyway.

Also Black Books is the greatest sitcom of all time.

OP here, good taste, already know these two by heart.

I can't believe Charlie actually shagged the waitress after 15 years
That might be the longest running joke on the show

And also they didn't give in to the santhimentalism, good endings and fuzzy feelings and made her a beach in the end. That has to be appreciated.

Believe it or not, I did not mean to write 'beach'

Metalocalpyse is actually pretty similar to always sunny now that I think about it.