Such a shame we'll never get season 3

Such a shame we'll never get season 3.

Also I find it funny the shows called Marco Polo when he's barely in season 2 and it's obvious they just wanted to make a show about the mongolian empire but could only lure in normies with a famous name.

It didn't harm it, that he wasn't in the center, though.


Why did they pick a white guy to play Marco Polo

they also went full retard creating their own timeline of events like crusaders invading asia.

Everyone else was so much more interesting I didn't even realise how little Marco was showing up until halfway through.

I fucking hate Kokochin and every scene she's in though.

It's not about a famous name, it's about having just one caucasian for normies to identify with.

Why did this get shit on so much by critics anyways?

It's pretty much the successor to Rome with kangz foo instead of Juno's Cunt.

Why can't they do a histprical ACCURATE show about historical figures? Without making agendas, or needless romances?

Millions of fucking fake documentaries are left to the future from this era we live.

Because it's a show and they need viewers?

Because they expected asian Game of Thrones and got an actual decently paced drama instead. The action scenes are amazing, the costumes, Benedict Wong's performance. But because it doesn't have someone killed off every 5 minutes and everything isn't about threats of violence and conquest the normies get bored.

Also it cost them a shit ton of money to make and kikes gonna kike.

Was it canceled?

seems not, if they cancel it.

Anyways, should write it better then, not mixing dates and whatever

yeah. had to few blacks

I think it has more to do with how all the characters feel interchangeable and undeveloped no matter what happens

>blue princess is accosted the real blue princess come to reclaim her blue princessesness
>don't remember anything hinting at this from the first season
>try to skim through the first season to see if there even was an original blue princess
>can't tell cause gooks all rook arike
>turns out it was just her being crazy

they literally built a plotline around the fact no one can tell any of these characters apart

....there's a scene in season 1 where the mongols attack the place where the fake blue princess comes from, the real blue princess kills herself and her slave (or whatever she was) takes the blue princess clothes off and wears them

that wasn't her being crazy, that happened, she goes crazy in season 2 because she thinks everyone is going to find out she's a fake

Her and khutulun made my dick hard though


Because he was white

Jesus fucking christ

marco was shit in season 1, they sort of fixed that in season 2, he still wasn't as good as kublai but he wasn't as bad as he was in season 1

How much yellow pussay did Marco get?

>like crusaders invading asia
Is this the plot of S2?

Marco Polo was italian not white, the show was completely inaccurate

It's a shame but when the main character of your show is the worst character in it than you have problems. The dude was a charisma vacuum that made every scene he was in worse. You could see that they started to figure that out in season 2 but it was too little too late.

Venetians aren't Italians m8

The fact she could just be the blue princess and no one would notice is the center of the plotline and how the plotline was built around the fact no one can tell gooks apart.

Italians are white, the actor playing him looks Italian.

mei ling remind me of lonelyst4r webcam desu


About the only decent show that netflix has made, it's bullshit that it was cancelled while they keep making all of this SJW crap.

I hate life.

Do they invade Japan in S2?

That's not what Sup Forums told me, they told me only Nordics are white

Kuthulun and MeiLin for me. And maybe the queen

Sup Forums is full of 16 year olds role playing as nazis

Nordics aren't white.
Don't believe the lies Sup Forums tells.
Only real white people are the English. Everybody else is a swarthy nigger.

Mmm she looks like Aika Yumeno

Tbh if you don't burn and turn into ashes and the mere contact with sunlight, you aren't white no matter who pale, blonde and blue eyed you're.

not exactly. kublai and his brother fight over who should be khan of khans, kublai's cousin is a christian and he gets the crusaders involved and they ally with kublai's brother. it's more complicated than that because another character is the one manipulating all these people to go to war with each other

season 3 was going to involve some type of crusader war with prester john and the mongols, but the show got cancelled.

You know in alot of ways it is very accurate or at least close enough for a netflix series and talks about concepts most people would never think about (Mongols were often nestorian christians or muslims, Prestor John, etc...) But then they throw in the kung fu and shit.

Every character except marco is good or at least somewhat interesting to watch. Which sucks even more because season 2 was much better than 1 for that exact reason.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

that's what pissed me off the most, season 2 was a huge improvement over season 1, but it just wasn't a hit show and cost way too much money to produce.

i was really looking forward to the prester john war

>it's a Brit thinks he's white episode

because historical accuracy is never possible in the truest sense of the word and you need certain degree of dramatic license to make the show more engaging and entertaining to people unfamiliar of the (cultural and historical) intricacies of shit that happened centuries ago on the other side of the globe.

This show was so fucking bad.

It wasn't bad for this reason, it had terrible writing.
>As to why?:
They clearly and repeatedly stated that they wanted to introduce Western audiences to Chinese actors. How do you do that? Have Marco Polo act like the bridge. He's kind of perfect actually, given his historical role.


im going to be honest they all looked the same to me

This show was just too fucking terrible to catch my attention. I wanted to watch it for the history and cute girls but they fucked it up so hard i couldn't even finish the first season.

it gets better in season 2

to get through the first season just ignore marco polo as a main character and think of kublai as the main character

i never saw it/him as a big problem. He was a small nobody compared to the Khan, of course the show was focusing more on the empire than on him.

Yeah i'm willing to ignore a lot of shit if the show is well made or entertaining but watching marco polo was a chore.

I wanted to like it but i couldn't.

That sucks it got canned, Season 2 pretty much ended on a cliffhanger with lots of ends not tied up

1 more season to wrap things up would have been great, show the decline of the Mongol Empire & Marco being imprisoned

when did they announce the cancel? Is Soros' fault this too? (he bought some part of netflix around autumn)

>Cancelled when it's actually turning to be good
>Meanwhile shit like GoT, TWD, TBBT, etc still airing when they never were good

>cost way too much money to produce.
i doubt that a bit, knowing they shoot it at Hungary, with a lot of hungarian ni the crew, i doubt the payed the same wages as if it were in the west

SJW's are correct that studios know that normie white people will only watch something if there's a white dude as the lead, there problem is that there's nothing wrong with this

I liked the first season but the second season is just too ridiculous and quite frankly too disgusting, I never asked to see an arab get pegged by a chink

Marco Polo is just like Vikings. A sad parody of the setting with so many faults that it's a wonder the writers didn't get the death penalty.

>>it's a american thinks he's white episode

screw this completely humorless, cliche'd, color-correction mess

It was a great show, but expensive as fuck

No one watched it because Westerners don't wanna watch Asian Game of Thrones

Not even being a SJW, im a Sup Forumstard but it is what it is

for me too , but to the end of season 1 the main 3-4 woman got identifiable , for getting to know their ranks/relations/attitudes


>fucked it up so hard

What's b8, my post or what Sup Forums says

Marco Polo was too expensive, that's why it got canned, the ratings were fine, but they wanted it to be the next GOT with that budget

>cancel this
>fund dear white people and iron fist instead
I hope you're happy

You just want (you)s

No I don't, I'm Just saying what Sup Forums me, they whitewashed Marco Polo

This site is 18+. I see that you can't form your own opinions just yet. Next time have a guardian with you when you post.

Northern Italians are white on account of not being conquered and turned into rape babies by Mudslimes for hundreds of years. Same with Spain. The only reason why most people think of dark hair/eyes when they think of Italians/Spanish is because both of those places had moor genes raped into them in the 7th century.

I really liked this show. Goat opening credits. Shame it was cancelled, I always assumed it was very successful

>control one island for a couple of centuries
>somehow change the entire genetic makeup of half the peninsula

also with this logic they should all be white because they were under norman and later other white people control for more centuries

Fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes are recesive, user, they have very few chances of winning against dark features.


>no budget for large scale battles: the show

>muh explosions

when they're attacking a castle and there's about 5 people on screen at a time,it really takes me out of it, yeah.

It's a shame the show got canceled just as it was starting to hit its stride

fucking netflix

>Such a shame we'll never get season 3.

we won't?

season 1 was excellent, one of the best historical series portrayed. I never got aroudn to finishing the 2nd season.

the assasin of the Red Lotus. By the way, the chinese actresses playing in these series are all very patriotic about China, which rubs me the wrong way.

I don't understand why American care so much about race. This is crazy from my European (Swiss) perspective. Maybe it's because of the history of America with slavery and the one-drop rule but I never in my whole life heard somebody talk about race in my country, and we have black people, Asian, Arabs... My high school in Zurich was 1/3 immigrant but... nobody care.

that's because everybody in Zurich is rich and therefore easier for them to understand that classes have no nations/borders.

I've never wanted to get rammed by someone as much as I want Rick Yune to ram me

>europeans don't care about immigrants

lel turn on the news

>Swiss people going around assassinating refugees
>don't care about race

sure cousin.