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This is going to kill him.

how old is this?

Look how low his nipples are, dude's got some seriously stretched out skin.

Try using google

>How you want your nips, Jonah?

I really hope he keeps his weight down this time. This amount of yo yo dieting cannot be good for your heart

Why are his nipples all the way down to his midsection? Does he have that much hanging skin?

fuck you you made the thread you provide info


Our guy

he should just get gastric bypass surgery

Damn Jonah Hill looks like THAT?

this guy has weight problems, imagine being rich and eating all that yum yum food and having a shiska whore suck you off oy vey

>that weight fluctuation

Is he trying to imitate Christian Bale? That shit's gonna fuck you up in the long term

how many times are we going to go through this charade jonah?


That french chick better watch her fucking back.

hasn't your shirt ever stuck to your chest and you pulled it off of it a little bit and in the process it left little nipple-like marks since it was wet?

I like him more when he is a fat fuck

Nips aside, that's probably the best he'll ever look.
That beard really hides his weird face and ears.
The dude looks pretty good desu

he honestly should lift weights look at how chubby yet skinny he looks at the same time

He won't survive his 50s

Cigs & Cocaine. He eats one meal a day. He is wired constantly. His friends are really worried but he is desperate to land a romantic lead.
I see him around and he is always in SO much makeup. I give him 5 years at this rate. 5 years until his heart packs up.

Ever since that French host BTFO him he's been km suicide watch.
Poor Jonah.


>Going to the gym on white converses and shin height social socks
>shorts with big pockets
>cotton shirt that accentuates your flaccid bitch tits

It's like he never worked out in his entire life

>be fat ass
>lose weight
>have tits like an 80 year old woman
>still can't take shirt off when at the beach

Honestly it shows that bullying works

>those legs

That looks unhealthy. So did he get liposuction everywhere but in his legs? That's certainly not muscle

Why doesn't he try to get a little bit of muscle? Like he goes from fat to skinny to fat back to skinny. He should try lifting a dumbbell.

chucks are optimal gym shoes and you are there to train not to catwalk DYEL

it does 100%. Its really sad because most bullying actually has positive effects on the human condition

We have surgery for that

Chucks are great shoes for lifting faggot, nice and flat. I prefer Vans tho

>tattoo with a heart
what does it say Sup Forums ?

>be fat
>look like shit with and without clothing
>most people subconsciously think of you as a child because you can't control yourself around food
>lose weight
>look like shit without clothes on but can be mostly corrected with light surgery
>people respect you because of the hard work and mental rewiring you put yourself through
>also look good with clothes on
Id rather be a former fatty than a current fatass

The trick is to get buff while you're fat, then get skinny

>I can eat whatever I want and not get fat xD" people

Nice myth

I hope he keeps it off this time

Don't. Our actions have consequences. They did it to themselves.

what the FUCK


wHY? thin people are not funny, he's wasting his career away by this

Whats with his proportions?

quite frankly, fuck his career

>he's fat: Sup Forums shits on him
>he gets thinner: Sup Forums shits on him
>he's fat again: Sup Forums shits on him
>he gets thinner again: Sup Forums shits on him

give the subwayman a break

I'm 25 and I eat whatever I want and I wish I could gain some weight

I don't need to that coming from a prolific pedo Selena ((Gomez))


>fitness thread

Time for spazzes to quote shit they read elsewhere and pretend it makes them a fitness expert

what's going to happen when his agent tells him to lard up again for his next movie

Fuck them for making mistakes!

>be american
>go to the gym
>free pizza
>disregard the pizza, start lifting
>nu-male employee sounds "lunk alarm" because your fitness level is triggering other people

>go to the gym
That's wasn't a gym user

>socks pulled up

What a basic fucking bitch. When did this shit become in-fashion again?

>Wearing Vans

Are you in fucking highschool? Who the fuck wears this shit?

Running shoes for the gym. Hit the treadmill after lifting.

There's a point in time when you're overeating where you realize you're putting on a few pounds. It's 100% their fault for continuing along that path to the extremes of morbid obesity. Their only regret should be not putting the fucking burger down before they got to the point where they can't even tie their own shoes.

hopefully he's at a point where he can just say "fuck you"
but then again, he is an actor; if it's a choice between health and attention, he'll pick attention

>lunk alarm
the what?

>I don't know how skin works

please hang yourself to spare the rest of us your stupidity

But Jonah has the moneys for the surgery, though.

I'd like to see the face of that stupid french WHORE when she sees this!

why the hate?

Man, that frog chick really got to him, huh?

Drink lots of milk and eat more, you are eating less than you think

Disgusting fatass detected. Jump your gelatinous ass off the nearest high rise building.

He's a faggot who goes to PF, which is the "SJW safe-space" of gyms.

If you vocalize your physical exertion there, they sound an alarm to shame you, because making noises when lifting scares the feminists and trannies.

your health insurance will cover the cost of surgery if you lose enough weight
I mean, those are usually extreme cases but they do

Not once in my life has this happened

It's not hate, it's contempt. Take responsibility for your actions.

okay, why the contempt?

Fuck PF. I hate that place but my fucking gf won't go to a real gym because she's afraid people are watching her. She also won't go by herself, so even this I get to experience.

Yeah, nobody ever tells you about that when you're trying to get fit
Probably because very few people actually go from fat to thin, they usually stay within a few pounds of their weight class for the rest of their lives. Never maxing out more than 20 lbs or so in weight loss

kek that's pretty funny
just found out about this.

i think most guys that grunt, including myself, aren't doing it to intimidate or impress, it just happens when you lift heavy weights.

If you grunt too loud of rerack or drop a bar too loudly a fucking alarm goes off

Basically you can't act like a man there

Take responsibility for your actions

t. /fit/

>Lifting with your back
See there's the problem. He's not gonna get anywhere doing that.

The lunk alarm is basically a fucking air raid siren they set off in the "gym" when someone makes the smallest amount of noice via physical exertion.

>our gym doesn't judge
>let's make an alarm to stop people from "fitness shaming" the pod of landwhales
>employees have to make a judgement and turn the alarm on to enforce it

Wonder who's logical mind came up with that little living contradiction.

which actions?

>lifting in running shoes
Please don't do this, lifting shoes need to be stable. Bring two pairs if you absolutely have to run afterwards.

if he eats something about 400 calories itll put fat on immediatly.

crash dieting with """""""""exercise"""""""" is quick results but fucks you in the long run...

also you can see the fucking pixels around his face. some PR cunt has used a basic phone app editor.

People are watching her at PF as well: creepers in their 50s who want her nubile butthole

>heavier things

You are suppose to lift to feel better.

Read the previous posts or fuck off.

Barefoot or gtfo.

Tried explaining that to her too. She still doesn't get it.

No, good shoes are better than barefoot, even if barefoot is superior to running shoes.

i saw this picture and my first thought was that he was once a fatass i don't even know who this is and i could tell from the thumbnail how strange

he's a good looking guy. good bone structure. if he gets into shape he could be one of those hollywood heart throb types

I've been fat my whole life.

Which is achieved by lifting heavier things.

>celebrating some fat fuck's weight loss while ignoring he shouldn't have been that big in the first place

Then you have shitty parents who allowed you to gorge your fatass your entire life.

Have some money saved a doctor picked out, because if you ever decide to lose weight you'll need someone to tighten up your droopy skin

Jesus christ how is this even possible? This just seems way too fast to be safe.

Right so it's not my fault.

They weren't forcing the food down your fat gullet, now where they?

People who decided to change for the better deserve praise.