Was he right?

Was he right?

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>eat tons and tons of shit
>get fat
fuck this movie

What was to point of the movie again? Oh yeah, 'murica's food system.

>le eating a lot of fast food makes you fat

what did he mean by this?

The guy is a douche and I hope he's dead from choking to death on a artichoke

>The guy is a douche

how so?

My favorite thing about this movie is how it only shamed McDonald's into decreasing its portion sizes. Meanwhile, rival chains not only kept the same sizes, they offered even larger/unhealthier items (e.g. Wendy's Baconator) and made a selling point out of doing so.

I can't help but wonder if this guy was paid under the table to shit mostly on the company by one of its competitors.

>eating greasy trash everyday is bad!
Oh wow, do the Bogs bow to this enlightened demigod

>I can't help but wonder if this guy was paid under the table to shit mostly on the company by one of its competitors.
I will bet 100 dollars that this is true

I, for one, love how at the end he invertedly admits that this whole experiment is a complete bullshit, saying, that this diet is retardedly hyperbolized and less then 1% of fast food goers actually eat like this and even for them to eat the amount he ate in a month they would need a 4-5.

Friendly reminder that even eating trash food 3 meals a day, even the biggest portions, and including desserts, doesn't get you to 5000 calories which he claimed to consume daily.

This shit is awful, I remember when they passed some law that made restaurants disclose calories and shit and a bunch of them decreased portion size by a bunch to keep the calories down but still charged the same price. Anti consumer shit parading around in the name of health.

No. He literally faked results.

>that made restaurants disclose calories and shit
I for one love this since I can eat junk food while still losing weight

No, he was

You can eat nothing but shit and still not be a fat shit

The moment I called bullshit was when I believe was the 2nd day of the experiment. He ordered a pretty big sandwich, got sick from overeating, and blamed it on the food.

You're on day #2. You're still a lightweight. I know you know this. I know you need a gross-out moment besides the gut you're gonna grow later, but come on.

That actually could have been semi-legit.

Remember, he wasn't just eating normal amounts of fast food. He was stuffing 5k calories down his throat to get the results he wanted. I could honestly see someone just starting something like that getting sick from it because it takes effort to eat that much food.

It's still misleading if not outright lying to make it look like he's getting ill just from normal portions, though.



Also the movie tries too hard to bring McDonald's down with all the focus on the food being shit and finding a hair in it, etc.

He ate McDonald's 3 times a day for what, 3 months? Or 1 month? Either way, of course he was going to gain weight and his health would decline.

Looked it up. Double Quarter Pounder (easily one of the largest menu items,) and the very first meal that was super sized. How fortunate.

baconator came out several years later

Has anyone ever binged so hard that the next morning your shit peeks out of the water like a grand pyramid - some sort of monument of the hubris of man?

>4 McDoubles
>2 McChickens
>20 McNuggets
>1 Apple Pie
>1 Large Fries
>1 Large Soda

What's your wost?

that's not really that much

i ate mcdonalds every day after school for like 3 years and I was fit as fuck

its called exercise.

these fat cunts dont exercise at all. dieting doesnt work.

You can eat garbage food and still maintain or even lose weight. And even if you're a pig you're probably not eating anything near the 5000 calories Spurlock was sucking down every day.

yeah people really are stupid enough to fall for obvious propaganda

>Sup Forums calls me a fat unhealthy shit for eating McDonalds every day
>but for some reason hates this movie for saying McDonalds is bad for you

Exercising burns a negligible amount of extra calories.

If you work out a lot and build up some muscle mass, you'll raise your resting metabolic rate and burn more calories during the day, but that's a consequence of having to fuel a larger body, not actually burning it off by working.

There are countless reasons why you should exercise, but diet is still king when it comes to weight control.

I prefer when Trevor Moore did it with whiskey

Holy shit, yes it is.

How fucking fat are you?

it's almost like people on Sup Forums dont understand basic biology and are still parroting ancient media memes originally created for corporate marketing purposes.

The entire point of this movie is antiquated. Why even watch it anymore?

>basic biolgy
You're retarded. Nutrition is in it's infancy.

I mean dieting in the pop culture sense not the actual sense of diet.

the fuck are you talking about

Not really dude that's like less than what bodybuilders eat. Definitely exaggeration

6'4" lean 175 i do a high cardio sport probably 20 hours a week.
thats a lot of food, but not grotesque for someone active.

Dude are you retarded

Americans are still poor, and poor people still eat McDonald's. How is it antiquated?

I'm poor and i don't eat 5000 calories a day of McDonald's

We've now got fat acceptance.

Instead of the fats blaming McDonalds for being fat, they're just happy dying early.

obviously not, but you already know that

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>Exercising burns a negligible amount of extra calories.
Yeah maybe your faggoty little run around the park 4 times a week.
Actual intense workouts burn 500 calories an hour.

Spotted the retarded /fit/ browsers.
The actual research science of nutrition is very theoretical and hard to extrapolate any meaningful data from. Basically, they don't really know shit yet.

I'm not sure they would've released something as decadent as that if they didn't think McDonald's no longer felt weighed down by any negative PR from the documentary. It was still on a lot of peoples' minds even after so many years.

It takes about 5 minutes to eat 500 calories. An hour to burn is horribly inefficient.

>didn't think

>Exercising burns a negligible amount of extra calories.
that must be why athletes have such huge caloric intakes
stick to lifting heavy objects at 110bpm you meathead

Literally lmaoing @ your baseless claims, fatfuck.

[citation needed]

No he's a little bitch who cried like a girl because he ate a big burger.

>mfw once a week I get a McSpicy Chicket filet combo + an extra Filet-o-fish because it costs less than $4.50 USD where I'm from.

And I'm still only 140lbs

And if we were talking about professional athletes spending hours in the gym everyday that might be relevant. An average person, even someone going to the gym everyday, is in no way comparable to a professional athlete. It's a whole different level.

You won't become fat from eating that once a week tardo, what is the point of your post

>that must be why athletes have such huge caloric intakes

No, as it says, it's because they have more muscle mass and muscle burns a lot of calories even when you're just sitting around. Their resting metabolic rate is higher than the average person.

That the movie was completely blowing things out of proportion and literally nobody binges on McDonalds every single meal for an entire month and 99% of people eating at McDonalds eats like I do.

Well yeah, it's just some people out for (you)'s in this thead, nobody can actually be retarded enough to think Supersize me was a good documenatary made to make society better in their eating habits

>Because the nutrition research community has failed to establish reliable, unambiguous knowledge about the environmental triggers of obesity and diabetes, it has opened the door to a diversity of opinions on the subject, of hypotheses about cause, cure and prevention, many of which cannot be refuted by the existing evidence. Everyone has a theory. The evidence doesn’t exist to say unequivocally who’s wrong."

Do you read ever? Do you ever look at medical or scientific journals?
Nutritional research is constantly debunking previously thought "facts".
There is no professional consensus about what does and doesn't work for weight loss or health in general for that matter.

>want to lose weight
>people say it doesn't burn any calories
>eat less
>people say I'm going into starvation mode
>do certain diet
>people say it's unhealthy and doesn't work
>tfw so confused about all this I give up and go back to gaining more weight

This movie was MUCH better, and actually came to sensible conclusions.

Handlebar man is a terrible filmmaker. He's like the movie equivalent of clickbait.

so you dont understand what calories are is what you're saying?

He didn't even put on that much weight de he? I thought he even lost weight during it

>There is no professional consensus about what does and doesn't work for weight loss or health in general for that matter.

why even try

>There is no professional consensus about what does and doesn't work for weight loss

Pretty sure eating less is the solution.

Going to the gym burns very little calories, cardio/swimming/biking makes you lose calories

If you don't want to lose muscle or have excess skin when you lose weight then don't lose it to fast, use Scooby's meal planner to figure out how much calories you should eat per day depending on how fast you want to lose weight


All of the diets he has on his planner are what is considered good diets and not retarded fad diets.

If you do cardio for -500 calories you should use those on the same day to reward yourself for doing cardio, the afterburner effect will make you lose more than 500 calories from excersise anyway

t. /fit/

Eat less food, exercise, and make sure food your eating isn't fried, or a combination of high fat/high carbs.

If you want to lose weight, cut the French fries and things like it out of your diet, as well as cutting soda pop out of your diet.

Also look up intermittent fasting. I've never personally done it (I've done keto, however, for short periods of time), but from what I've heard from friends that have done it that it's great. It helps develop discipline over controlling your hunger pains, and helps break the fat ass conditioning we've received in U.S.

I mean, it just sounds like you're a fat apologist.

thats because they go there and dick around barely breaking a sweat.
lifting weights doesnt burn shit for calories because you arent actually working out you're just tearing muscle.

>and make sure food your eating isn't fried
Doesn't matter if you want to lose weight, count the calories
>Don't eat french fries
Yes you can, count the calories
>Cut soda
Yeah, here we come to something reasonable, go to soda diets at least if you find it hard to cut, don't drink you calories
>Intermittent fasting
Retard alert

Not really.. fasting yes. "dieting" no. taking more than a 500 cal decrease.
It's been proven over and over that dieting doesn't work. It lowers your mbr and doesnt control insulin.

they need exercise. real dynamic and high intensity exercise. not lifting weights and not putting around on a treadmill for 15 minutes a day.

>in b4 500 comments saying this is all wrong.

Here's one already: Forget it. I'm not falling for the weight loss meme anymore. I'll just accept living the fatty lifestyle.

Except that's wrong. Eating less results in less energy for fat burning activities. While it's true that starving someone will eventually turn them into a skeleton it's probably one of the dumbest and most unhealthy way to lose weight.

Counting calories and excercising tend to work best for most people but gut flora apparently plays a huge role in weight loss. If you take the gut flora from a skinny person and give it to a fatty they will lose weight at a much faster rate than if he didn't get the gut flora.

dont diet, just offset your intake with exercise. your metabolism and insulin tolerance will adapt naturally
fast if you want, ive read the research seems convincing.

>6'4" 175lbs
Holy shit skelly I'm 6'4" and when I was 200lbs I was "too skinny"

If he's exercising its better to be eating food with actually nutritional benefits (vitamins/minerals) as opposed to just friend shit that will give him fuel, but won't help with cell growth/division.

The advice you give to people to lose weight is simple advice (that is accurate), as opposed to telling to count calories, which is typically something they will fucking beat themselves up over, quit, and continue to be fatties.

Intermittent fasting works, because typically fatties are fat because they are eating an ass ton of food over course of day. If they can give themselves that "full" feeling for 6 hours while eating ~2000 calories, and then not eat for 18, their body will dip into their fat reserves and they will lose weight (essentially what our bodies do when we sleep, but now you are expanding it to 2x amount of time).

I never had to do intermittent fasting, or seriously diet, because I had the discipline to not become a self-loathing fat ass after puberty. Keto I did for fun to see how it would affect cutting, and it worked really well, but I'd rather just keep my body supplied with adequate amounts of glucose, instead of bullshitting myself with trying to get amount of glucose my brain needs.

>don't diet
>other post: no do diet it's important

Fuck off

I'm not into eating shit pills though.

>mfw when, man, just after, like, ONE fucking Big Mac he fucking pukes, because, you know, his girlfriend had been totally feeding him truly healthy food for so long, and this shit is, what? fucking POISON, man, POISON

Good news! It's a suppository.

Intermittment doesn't work because fatties will relapse and binge easily on this, I've helped tons of fatties who want to lose weight and they try stupid fad diets and fasting and it works out for the worse 99% of the time

Hey man, how about this, eat chicken/broccoli/oats every day with a multivitamin, until you're not fat.

Good luck.

hang yourself you lethargic whale


Don't give any nutrition advice ever again, literally fuck yourself

im really lean though, like 10-12 %. I do a shitload of cardio. being heavy would be a disadvantage.

Not that user, but explain to a health pleb what's wrong with multivitamins

Hey, if they're already a fatass, taking a multivitamin probably won't hut them anymore seeing as their diet probably consist of soda, potatochips/French fries, and burgers.

At least they'll be getting the vitamins/minerals they need, even though many of the nutrients will battle each other for absorption/utilization.

Or what? Easier to tell them to not take zinc with magnesium, or that caffeine interrupts iron absorption. How about how Alcohol fucks up absorption of Folate and other B vitamins, as well as with magnesium. Yeah, that's a great idea, let's make something they fucking suck at already even harder.

The funny thing with how exaggerated his diet wad, he still had to fake stuff to get that extreme of an effect.

To this day, no one has ever had that extreme of a result when doing his experiment while following the rules he claimed to.

>implying you didn't give up because you're a stupid fat fuck with no self control

He doesn't know what he's talking about. Which is why he communicates with memespeech instead of proper dialoge.

Due to my own ignorance I can only give you a partial answer but cheaply made multivitamins are actually very bad for your heart. You also won't be able to take up all of the vitamins contained in a tablet at the same time and some(most?) will go to waste. It's probably not a bad thing to eat vitamin supplements with your meal but a varied and wholesome diet is still the best multivitamin. The secret to vibrant health is not consuming isolated nutrients like antioxidants in pill form but, rather, eating more foods that contain them. One thing that remains bedrock is the health benefit of eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Overall, I try to make sure my lunch and dinner plates are always colorful with fruits and vegetables.

Anyone seen this?

le epic pothead look at me i Smoke a Lotta weed llllllllllol XD

dude weed lmaokino

Wasn't there a part of the movie where he's literally throwing up from eating nothing but fast food?

Seems like bullshit. There was a summer where I ate nothing but McDonalds for 3 months and I was fine. I mean I gained some weight, but I was fucking bedridden and barfing everywhere.

Dude seems like a fag

>McDonalds and other fast food chains were doing promotions in the early 00s saying they're food was atypical and healthy
>this movie comes out
>underage and fatties still triggered to this day

He's a funny guy

congratulations, you discovered why everyone in the first world is fat


Stop asking for pity for your bad life decisions on the internet, fat fuck.

it's as if those are 2 separate groups of people that use Sup Forums

The McDoubles and fry used to be my hangover cure. I dont think I could stomach the rest.