Recent BvS threads have managed to convince me to do something I swore to never do: to watch another capeshit movie...

Recent BvS threads have managed to convince me to do something I swore to never do: to watch another capeshit movie. Like, right now. Literally have the movie on pause with the WB logo onscreen and a single dead leave falling across.

I hope you fags haven't meme'd me into watching horrid bullshit, and this is actually the capekino that was promised. See you in 3 (hopefuly not wasted) hours.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I hope you fags haven't meme'd me into watching horrid bullshit


the movie is shit but you will come back, pretending to be a neutral from the beginning, and say it's kino

i see through your bullshit DCuck

Prepare to watch one of the best comic book films of all time. right behind Man of Steel.

I wish I could watch it for the first time again.

Its the second best capekino of all time

makes marvel look (even more) small and childish in comparison

it's just an average/okay-ish actioner

and a must watch, just because both batman and superman are such iconic characters for many people.

It's fucking garbage. It is not "ok" or "meh" tier, it's fucking bad. It's loaded with plotholes and has the worst rendition of Lex Luthor ever conceived. People get mad at Chris Pratt from GotG for being a memeter, at he succeeded it being a memester. This fag sounds like he wanted his every quote to be on a Hot Topic t-shirt, it's fucking awful. Watch Suicide Squad, it's actually a good movie because it copied Marvel which is why it has an oscar and was actually watched by people. That's also why the DCucks on Sup Forums hate it so much, it proves if you ignore the Snyderfags you'll have a good franchise.

Don't watch this trash...

>the state of anons here saying its trash yet pay to watch the same movie 3 times a year with a different marvel hero badge
the film has redeeming qualities and IMO made Superman an actual decent character. Some here will also moan about muh comics but genuine criticism it isnt

sup marvelcuck where dat oscar?

remind me

what Oscar did the DCEU win?

Oh God, me too, and have that same dawning sense of understanding.

How many threads do you need to keep spamming?

>Watch Suicide Squad, it's actually a good movie
This... this is bait, right?

first time watching this was in theaters on a Wednesday night around 10pm, it was out for about 4 weeks and the entire theater was empty except for me, it was the greatest movie experience of my life.

it makes me sad that DCucks need to meme themselves to death to shield the fact that their movies are shit :/ I truly wish they get just one win.. just once

just so they know what it feels like

I hope Wonder Woman is their first success :) good luck!

at this point, if you're an active peruser of BvS threads, and you still think it's a bad movie, you're stupid. that's all there is to it. or you're shockingly stubborn to the point that you're for all practical purposes stupid. it's been laid out in so many ways and in so many places why this film is a masterpiece in its genre that if you're still going around saying BvS is shit, you're just an obtuse moron and not worth talking to.

Where can I subscribe, faggot?

>it's been laid out in so many ways and in so many placces why this film is a masterpiece

by who, the DCucks on here? the memesters who try their best to try to convince others and themselves that BvS isn't hot trash



Go to bed Paki. You've done enough shitposting for the day. The quota has been filled.

>costumes and makeup do nothing for film

40 keks user

I'm glad the works of DC still trigger so many.

>and a single dead leave falling across.
Let's talk about this

It's a great movie undermined by legions of paid Marvel Pakis shitposting on Sup Forums 24/7. That's it.

>award winning make up and costume

remind me

what Oscar did the MCU win?

A movie that makes so many pakistani Marvel shills cry after one year can NOT be bad

are we still pretending BvS is a bad movie?


>"costumes do nothing for immersion or tone in movies"

when will the meme end?

Man of Steel is kino, Suicide Squad is Marvel-level but BvS is garbage and Snyder did everything wrong.

they certainly immerse me, these costumes showed perfectly why i made right decision pirating it

>user mentions its been explained many times through many threads why the film is good
>but theyre wrong
your entire argument

The only memers here are you. Marvel is objectively superior.

When the capeshit era ends what will replace it?

it fit the film. not sure why you're so bent out of shape about this

>movie is revered by the entire world
>but some user with a headcanon on a tawainese nitting board is right

>entire world
youre delusional

>Paki still pushing the narrative that it's one guy vs the world
You should probably kill yourself on your poo.

keep convincing yourself that BvS isn't trash

one day you'll be enlightened and realize that the flick is a flick of all flicks

and the film was shit
your point?

I'm sure you losers will make Up a new buzzword for things you don't like.

I know OP is trolling, but why he didn't watch Logan instead is baffling.



One is in the theaters the other is available in HD on the internet. You don't have to be baffled.

Why are marvelcucks still this triggered about this movie? I mean it's better than the entire MCU but a lot of movies are, Logan for instance. Why are they so scared?

Alright I'll try again then, faggot. When the Superhero-era ends what will replace it? Try a nonmeme answer this time.

>*giggles* you watched a superhero movie? Lol you are dumber than me xd

I've been getting fed up with these fucking invalids both on Sup Forums and other boards, and I've come to the conclusion that some of us are growing up, while others either aren't, or there's a large influx of younger people beginning to use these boards, and using them as means of shouting illogical assumptions and accusations at others in an attempt to belittle others and make themselves feel better about their own insecurities. Either way, there's an alarming amount of young people around here, and shit's getting real old real fast, because fuck their illogical shit is tiring.

Well said, friend.

I hear if they spam it enough theres a prize give away of a complete sewage system, so theyre fighting for it

>DCucks keep trying their best to push the agenda that a shit movie like BvS isn't shit
>Marvelbros keep dishing out wins
>Marvelbros are triggered


This post gave me the Poo.

oh yeah i forgot, theres are the people you want to be associated, Every reviewer, Fan and general movie goer is wrong but these guys seem intellectual enough to get it :^)

i thought batman's intro was silly. he looked fucking stupid trying to hide clung to the wall.

Relax buddy, I feel the MCU is getting closer to win an Oscar, maybe 14 movies more and that's it

Not until early 2018, when Cameron releases a trailer for Avatar 2. I guarantee that the shitstorm will be so huge, Sup Forums will completely forget capeshit.

>fan and general movie goer
doesn't the film have a high audience rating, dopey?

>being so buttblasted you actually scour social media to use for shitposting
I know Pakis are very bitter people but this is a new low even for Marvel's paid goons.

you are free to have shit taste, its a free country, but like spasses and autistic people, try and keep it to yourself. people are trying to discuss actual movies here

Smelly disneylets still can't let go of this kino destroying marvel forever.


If it's so hated why did it make more money than Civil War in blurays a few months after its release?

>high audience rating
even after drones spamming 10/10 before the movie released it could only muster a meager 63%
great audience score my friend


so youre wrong as usual. lol smelly disneylets at it again. cheeky

Thanks for confirming that Marvel Pakis were spamming the score with 1/10s for months on end.

Probably the same Pakis that actually gave the C-rate movie Civil War a 10/10 unironically.

Ultimate cut is Kino. Theatrical cut is fuckin garbage.

>that pic
Holy fucking chirst



The Paki obsession with BvS would be pathological if they weren't paid for their shitposting.

replace the trash with evanspictures

>another thread for this movie I didn't like, better spam it and make it reach bump limit instead of ignore it haha
Transparent shilling is transparent

I've always wondered if this guy is just pretending kinda like Parkourdude91

would that i could


>Superman II
>Nolan Batman trilogy
you've been too meme'd by this place

>when someone reposts a meme you made almost a year ago

it's a good meme

>mfw he actually fell for it

>that Marvel Poo post
They're actually doing this shit unironically. How long have they been at it?

>he fell for the BvS is bad meme

That man has such impeccable genetics, what the fuck.

Marlels mad

Dchads winning

Just another day on Sup Forums

Its definitely better than at least half of the marvel movies

Solid movie, but far more in the realm of magic realism than the superhero sub genre of fantasy.

Hands down the best X-Men movie, but it borrows heavily from the from a masterpiece(Children of Men), and not to the betterment of either film. Xavier's death was a travesty.

>Superman II
Solid fun, but take off the nostalgia goggles and give it a long, hard look. It's exactly half of a great movie, and we're it released today, it would be lambasted for many of the same reasons BvS was.

>Nolan Batman trilogy
Again, solid movies, but they fall short of real greatness due to editing, Nolan's tin ear for dialogue, and no one having the sack to tell Bale to dial the Bat-voice down a notch or three.

look at the top of his head though

Widow's peak? Suits some, especially those with 10/10 face structure.

The ultimate cut is worse because it takes the already paper thin and never fully discussed character motivation of Lex Luther and completely shits on it making him a meme who hates superman because he's supposed to

>marlel too dumb to understand Lex's motives when he literally spells it out for you

What are his motives? What I gleemed is he hates him because he's "god" there by making man irrelevant, fine I can deal with that even though he never has a real reason to hate him other than ego.

So why the fuck would he bring other "gods" to earth?


Well no, he spells out his rationale, not his motivations. At no point during the movie is it ever explained why Lex is willing to risk everything to make his thought experiment a reality.

Lex hates the idea of a messianic figure because his traumatic childhood made him lose hope of any kind of savior helping mankind. Seeing Superman saving people and seeing him worshipped as an all-powerful force of good destroys Lex as it undermines the trauma of his childhood where no such savior presented itself.

"Nobody saved me from my father's fists and abominations,"

You are the reason why capeshits are getting dumber and dumber. And BvS, despite being fairly light is clearly too much for you.

>im getting rumbled, better spam my chris evans collection

Case in point.

I think it was clear in the movie that is just an excuse, a lie that Lex himself probably buys. Much like in the comics, once you gets past Lex's bullshit, all that is left is a petty grudge because Superman makes him feel that he isn't the top dog anymore. Basically, a massive case of penis envy.