You now remember that Marlon Brando purposely pissed himself to ruin a shot in Desiree a movie he didn't want to be in...

>you now remember that Marlon Brando purposely pissed himself to ruin a shot in Desiree a movie he didn't want to be in to make everyone else's life harder

Other urls found in this thread:

It was also his idea to wear an ice bucket on his head in The Island of Doctor Moreau and that his character be part dolphin.

He was on top of the world and decided to troll everyone until he died. Unlike Brad Pitt who only fucked his own life up.

he looks like he just ate the 50's brando :(

>those stories from apocalypse now

Was he actually autistic?

Tfw they tried to get him to voice tge 2000s godfather game

They couldn't use his dialogue because his repiratirs were making too much noise

There is only one line of dialogue that's brandos and Its in the hospital level of the game

The entire tine brando was fascinated by the technology and was amenable and intriged at the concept of voice work


>during filming
>Kilmer asks Brando if he'd seen the reef near where they were filming
>Brando looks at him and says "Reef? I own a reef!" and that was all they ever spoke out of character

this guy lived a life only mere mortals can dream of

rib in piss m8

>Big Bug Man is an American animated movie starring Brendan Fraser and Marlon Brando. The movie is a Studio-Free Studios Production, and it was originally supposed to be released in between 2006 and 2008, but there is now no news on its release or distribution. The movie is Marlon Brando's last known film work.
>Brando was originally asked to be the voice of Nicholas Dunderbeck, but Brando thought it would be fun to voice the old lady Mrs. Sour instead.
>Mrs. Sour is only in three scenes, so it took only one day to record the voice of this character.[5] According to the director Bob Bendetson, Brando wore a blond wig, a dress, white gloves, and full makeup while recording the voice of Mrs. Sour. Bendetson believes this was part humorous, and part wanting to get into character. Bendetson said "About halfway through he took off the wig because he was getting too hot."[5] According to the film's executive producer Gabriel Grunfeld, Brando described the part as "the most fun I've had since playing Julius Caesar." Grunfeld said that even though Brando was frail, he was full of energy and invention.[4]
>The recording took place in Marlon Brando's home, on June 10, 2004. Brando was on oxygen six hours a day.[5] He died the next month, on July 1, 2004.

I like to think that during this movie is when Brando passed on the JUST curse to Brendan Fraser.

Was he really? That's nice.

No, he just like fucking with people. He was Andy Kaufman before Andy Kaufman did his thing

Why was old Brando's career like 80% movies he didn't want to be in and purposefully fucked around with? Why didn't he just not take the rolls?

How does an actor make money when he's not acting?

But he's Marlon fucking Brando. He could have been in tons of actually good movies. It's like he purposefully picked shit.


Perhaps he lost his ambition or he simply knew he didnt have the passion anymore. Use ur imagination user

He was old and fat and despite who he was, that limits the roles he can take. Who's gonna hire fat Marlon Brando to be a leading man?

>implying a guy who let himself go like this would care about dignity

I love brando stories. Like when he had friends throw him hot dogs from pinks over the fence of his house in the middle of the night


Delete This


>on “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962), James Taylor, claims Brando split 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, due to his wild swings in weight. This necessitated a stretch fabric be used on his wardrobe replacement clothes. He split these pants too. During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.

>During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.

Holy shit that is epic if True

Is he Our Guy?


i laffed

>you're just a clerk............... sent by grocers................... to collect a bill
what a profound fucking line, he was a true visionary in his field.

I had to write a lengthy article on celebs then vs now and the most drastic changes.

Apparently he really didn't give a fuck. He was a complete badass of his time and once his movie career was over, all he did was eat. His wife even tried putting a lock on the fridge to stop him from eating. I am fascinated by who this guy used to be. If he was any edgier, he would've been up there with GG Alin

That's not the line you homo.

Does anyone know how to find his forum posts?

The little guy was his idea, too. Or maybe it was his idea for the little guy to dress like him and always be by his side. I can't remember. Anyway, they were good friends on the set.

Probably just because his fatass realized he could earn money from his bed.

Holy fuck this is insane, someone post more Brando stories

It's pretty sad desu

>Dick Loving (yes, that really was his name), who married Marlon’s sister, Frannie, said Marlon would eat “two chickens at a sitting and (go) through an entire Pepperidge Farm cookies [package]”.

Can you learn to not give any fucks? Or do you have to be born that way?

You're not born into it and you don't learn it; you earn it.

holy shit, how is this not a meme?

>$20m budget
>no release date in sight
"I told you guys Hollywood wasn't full of money-laundering!"

>During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.

both of which were pretty good ideas

Didn't he have like 20 kids?

i died

give me a quick rundown


he did what some actors do when theyre so handsome for so long. just sort of voluntarily retire from being good looking and enjoy the decadence of no longer giving a fuck. desu he probably didn't even have to give that much of one in the first place

Francis Ford Coppola decided that Marlon Brando was great in The Godfather so he might be just as great in Apocalypse Now. He was shocked to find out that Brando had put on over 100 pounds since the last time they saw each other, and that Brando had not read the script nor the book it’s based on (Heart of Darkness). Coppola decided to ask other actors, but they all turned the movie down, and so Coppola made an agreement with Brando to pay him $1 million in advance and to film Brando in the shadows so people would not notice his. . .gut. Brando would show up drunk to set and throw coconuts at Coppola- who threatened suicide numerous times.

>Brando would show up drunk to set and throw coconuts at Coppola- who threatened suicide numerous times.
oh god thats so sad

he didn't look too bad

>"He was an avid user of the Internet in his final years, often going into chat rooms to start arguments."

>used to be a incredibly handsome and talented titan of the film industry
>a name everyone revered and knew about
>got extremely old and fat and stopped giving a shit about what he did
>started taking any role available
>his final role was in some random animated movie
>died shortly after completing said role

Welles and Brando were more similar than I thought


they used to live together
clearly they rubbed off on each other

>Welles and Brando were more similar than I thought
Did you know Welles practically begged for the role of Vito Corleone in Godfather

>When Brando arrived, he shocked everybody – he was enormous, maybe 300 pounds. "You couldn't see around him," says Frederickson. This gave Coppola palpitations, as he had envisioned Kurtz as a lean and hungry warrior. Also, what the hell was he going to wear? There was no Green Beret uniform on earth big enough!

>Worse, Brando hadn't learnt his lines or done any preparation whatsoever for the role. "Francis had to literally start from scratch with him," says Doug Claybourne. "He had to bring him up to speed on what the thing was about and who the character was." According to his co-star Dennis Hopper, the production was shut down for a week while Coppola read Brando the script out loud. "Nine-hundred people, the cast and crew, just sat and waited!"

>One day, suddenly, Brando shaved all his hair off and arrived at the idea of improvising his scenes and letting Coppola's camera capture whatever came out of his mouth. Self-conscious about his killer-whale appearance, Brando also stipulated that he dress in black and for the most part be filmed in shadow. Coppola agreed to steer his camera away from his enormous belly.

Is that picture fucking real


>You now remember Jared Leto raped a cat and licked the center of every one his castmates' Oreos for like nine months straight in order to bring us seven minutes of mediocre acting in one of the worst movies of the year.


From the book Brando Unzipped

The way I always heard it, he met the little guy filming and demanded he be put in the movie. And so he was. Alpha as fuck.


>Brando made a similar comment on Larry King Live in April 1996, saying "Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the nigger and greaseball, we've seen the chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything, but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around." Larry King, who is Jewish, replied, "When you say—when you say something like that, you are playing right in, though, to anti-Semitic people who say the Jews are—" Brando interrupted: "No, no, because I will be the first one who will appraise the Jews honestly and say 'Thank God for the Jews'."
literally /our guy/

>Brando would show up drunk to set and throw coconuts at Coppola- who threatened suicide numerous times.

That shitty movie game has better facial animations than modern AAA RPGs.

I'd say Orson kept himself more composed in his final years though. Apart from shit like the frozen peas commercial and the muaahwah the frensch, he was still try and make good shit, even if he was still getting screwed over. And he still made F For Fake.

one of us

It's actually a really good game
I loved it as a teenager before I grew out of videogames

Kinda like Herzog and Kinski

Sounds like a typical American tbf.

>Adam Beach, who plays Slipknot in Ayer’s super-villain team-up movie, talked to E! Online at the premiere of Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser, and told incredibly strange stories about Jared Leto’s, er, "presents" for his co-stars. These gifts included bullets for Will Smith, and a love letter for Margot Robbie that came with a black box and a live rat. Beach explained that Leto also made a video for the entire cast that included a dead hog.
>Basically, what he said was, 'Guys, I can't be there but I want you to know I'm doing my work as hard as you guys. The video he showed is in character. It blew our minds away. Then we realized that day, this is real. … He encompasses this beautiful man and he shows it in, 'Hello, how are you?' But in an instant, he goes to psychotic behavior where you're in fear. But you love him because he has both of those genuine sides."



Marlon was notorious for eating a lot of sugary shit, It's honestly a wonder he even lived as long as he did. Dude would eat more sugar in a breakfast than I eat in half a year.

Sup Forums filename, good job stealing somebody else's work, faggot.

>who plays Slipknot

Older you get, the less you give a fuck. Ever wonder why you see so few 60+ SJW? Even the hardcore 'feminists' think shit like trannies are retarded.

>worst movies of the year
>won an oscar

MCUcks on suicide watch

This is just dumbfounding to me. How could a grown man just piss himself like that to throw a temper tantrum?

Oh no! The Anonymous poster stole the Anonymous poster's work!

That isn't JUST that's MOAR

dude lost his daughter to suicide

I guess that made him lose all the interest he had in anything

Someone post the story where Brando, Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor all went on a roadtrip to escape 9/11 and stopped at every KFC across country

He told Richard Donner he wanted Jor-El to be a floating bagel that beeps instead of speaking just to see how he would react.




He looks like a captcha on the right

you're gonna freak

why has this not been made into a movie if true?

Holy shit, become literate

Omg glad I never started making that image now.

it hurt my brain to read that

phone poster


>this weak bit of voice acting by a man who died weeks later is better than all of the acting in Man of Steel

That's Brando for you.

This is the best Brando trivia hands down


Brando wasn't JUST. He chose to become a lazy fat shit and fuck around with people.

Finally, Disney shills.