Avengers box office surge

What is the cause of this? How could the box office revenue increase by over 1500% 3 months after the movie was released?

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disney sent a bunch of paki's to go watch it

I guess it's because it re-opened in 1500 theatres, but why would they do that?

look at the Theaters/Change column you dipshit

Oh shit, it might be international markets getting the film later

because people still wanted to see but a lot of theaters had stopped showing

I'm pretty sure Marvel inflates their numbers, this very same thing happened to Civil War when they were at 800 mil, it jumped to 1 billion on a Sunday


>it's an OP can't use google thread

second run

Jewish accounting.

>it's fine when Marvel does it
>but when WB releases extended editions on home video OMGGGGG

>its a Marvel-drone-doesnt-understand-cinema-episode


>talking about theatrical BO
>"but when WB releases extended editions on home video"
I think you may have played yourself, homeboy

>new footage
>post credits scene of them eating a kebab
I bet you marvelshits ate it on toast

That's the cheapest gimmick i've ever heard of. They keep footage out of the original so they can re-release the movie a few months later with it.

I noticed it, to a lesser extent, on other big movies. Is it just that they often do second runs on labor day weekend?

>He thinks that numbers aren't independently tracked by third parties

>releasing an extended cut on theaters to boost box office isn't worse than releasing extended footage for people who buy the bluray

It isn't any worse. You don't have to go watch the movie again just to see 10 minutes extra pointless scenes. Just like you don't have to buy the blu-ray (which costs more) to see those scenes.

>a company paid itself money so there could be one very obvious data blip and to be not #1 on some internet net site's top grossing list.

Woah. So this is the power of a best makeup Oscar.

Buying the blu-ray would be more expensive to the consumer though so they're actually costing themselves money. Unless you live in some weird country/state where blu-rays are cheaper than movie tickets.

What is the labor day holiday for 600$, Alex?

This never happened. It wasnt even a re-release as it never left theatres. It was merely a re-expansion for the labor day holiday.

I'm always saddened by any box office thread on Sup Forums as its quite clear the majority of you have no clue what you're talking about.

Would you mind explaining this phenomenon to us plebians?

This board Is full of literal retards

The world is full of literal retards. Sup Forums only represents a small part of it.

Well for one it costs less. And two people saw The Avengers several times in theaters; getting a screening with an extra ten minutes for the same cost sounds like a perk, not a negative.

How about the fact that idiots are discussing a extended cut release of The Avengers that NEVER happened?