Dear Hiro

Dear Hiro,

Please appoint mods on Sup Forums that will actually do their job and delete Sup Forums threads/spam.


Dear user,


You're welcome.

What a child you certainly are

You'd have to be a moron to think it's perfectly fine to post political threads on a television/film board.

go whine here redditor

This is the type of attitude that is driving people away from Sup Forums.
It has NOTHING to do with reddit.


>This is the type of attitude that is driving people away from Sup Forums.

>not the pedos
>not the blacked

yea /qa/ you don't have an agenda here at all

>This is the type of attitude that is driving people away from Sup Forums.
good. fuck off

I'll stop talking about politics in media when actors and producers stop shoving their politics in media.

So you're okay with Sup Forums dying because of your prissy attitudes?
Alright, then. Don't be shocked when it closes down in a few years.

i'm actually fed up with lefty/pol/ spams, blacked nigger shits, pol triggering shits, pedoshits, porn shits.

you blame Sup Forums, you lefty cunt, eventhought its obvious libtard lbgt shits are spamming Sup Forums

>he fell for the gib us money or we shut down meme
lmao put your pass sign on loser

You completely missed the point of my post.
It has nothing to do with donating money.

>go to /lgbt/
>gay general, lesbian general, tranny threads, feels thread
>go to Sup Forums
>nigger thread, refugee thread, cuck thread, trump/hillary thread
>go to Sup Forums
>find the same shit

Yeah, it's totally libtards lgbts spamming this board.

Signal bump


Everything is political to you guys. Just like SJWs see racism and sexism everywhere, you guys see globalist Jewish miscegenation conspiracy to turn all males into numale cucks everywhere.

>So you're okay with Sup Forums dying because of your prissy attitudes?
yes that would be ideal. the sooner the better. if I could shut it down now I would just to see how many autistic people kill themselves

>inb4 edgy

>Delete Sup Forums threads

Yeah but be sure to leave...

>What did they mean by this
>Crab legs
>Frog posting
>It ain't me
>No singles policy

And all the other shit posting that ruined this board alone

I'm not only ok with Sup Forums dying, I'm doing my best to make it happen as quickly as possible.

Let's face it, this place hasn't been good or fun in years. It's absolutely insufferable.

The only thing we can do now is ruin this place in a spectacular fashion

You did notice the "spam" part of the post, right?

All that other shit is spam too.

I don't give a fuck about this board. I only come here to shit post and ruin threads. Everyone else should do the same

Yeah but that's actually what's happening cuckboy

>m-mommy the mean people from Sup Forums are hurting my feelings

Yes, that's why it counts as spam...duh.
I care about this board, but the problem is the mods don't.
They don't do shit to pretend the spam.
Hiro needs to step up and appoint mods who will do something.

Some of those shitpost/meme threads are Sup Forums related though. I agree with permabanning cunny threads.

Sup Forums isn't dying

Fuck you. I think I'll post some Sup Forums spam right now

It's the best way to quickly ruin a thread


Yes it is. No one gives a shit about Sup Forums anymore.
When was the last time you had an actual discussion about anything on here?
This place has become a hell hole because mods are allowing it to.
No one wants to contribute and just walks the fuck out.