The only Anime I watched in my life was Genesis Evangelion and Miazaky's films, if that counts

The only Anime I watched in my life was Genesis Evangelion and Miazaky's films, if that counts.
Which series do you recommend me to start with Anime again?


Literally came to post this

Step up your game and watch some Satoshi Kon

It's like if David Lynch was a little saner and did chinese cartoons

If you like it more on the action side try OPM.

i bet your going to recommend sword art online next you fucking normalfag

>Wake up
>Remember that Satoshi Kon is dead

feels bad man

>I only like obscure things for refined anons like myself

He's asking for entry-level stuff, quit bitching if you're not gonna help.

Himouto! umaru-chan

I'm just getting into it too and it's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me so maybe I have pleb taste but I've been enjoying:

berserk (old and new one)
saga of Tanya the evil

people say hunterxhunter is good but I've been unimpressed 5 eps in.


>I've been unimpressed 5 eps in.

Carry on, you're very far from what the series is actually about, they don't even have their "powers" yet

Little Bitch Academia


JoJo's bizarre adventure
It's long as fuck but worth it

>New berserk
This user is trying to trick you, OP.
Do not under any circumstance watch Bersekr 2016/17.

Death Note nigga

Entry level tier aka pleb but enjoyable

Jojo's bizarre adventure
Attack on titan
Hunter X Hunter
Assassination Classroom
Psycho pass (only the 1st season, 2nd is trash)

Naoki Urasawa's Monster, it's real understated and real serious, it's also really well written and Del Toro wanted to adapt it for HBO but they turned him down.
Hajime No Ippo, it's a sports anime with some slice of life snuck in. The series is all about the buildup to the fight and it's pretty fucking awesome, I've never been so invested in an anime before, the finally gave me a boner, not kidding.The movies are also pretty good.

Attack on Titan is fucking great.
Pretty much Evangelion without Anno going full autismo in the middle.

Watch some FMA Brotherhood

I asked a serious question and I get trollololed from all sides? FU.

Masaaki Yuasa shows

I see only 2 shitposts in this thread, yours being one of them.

Non-anime fan here, AoT is pretty great, but it has some shit that pisses me off.

>first episode is amazing, subsequent episodes don't quite deliver on the promise of the first
>too many heroic speeches about nutting up and kicking some ass, kinda detracts from the impact
>protag's female friend who is a Mary Sue that's amazing at everything and can't die

Other than that, I like it. Pretty stoked for season 2, whenever the fuck it's coming out.


films by Satoshi Kon


april my dude

Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums

99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.

Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.

Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't be.

This, great series. Also Samurai Champloo, Basilisk and the original Berserker series

I'm not a weaboo or anime fag but I recently spend some time with a girl that loves that stuff

We watched deadman wonderland and I liked it

Is that pleb tier?

One Punch Man

(Not OP) I tried watching this after so many recomandations but I really can't get past the fucking childish humor. I know it's a shonen but come on, this is cringey as fuck, how do you enjoy this? I think I watched 6/7 episodes but then I stalled, does it gets better?

Stop recomending him One Punch Man if he never watched anime before faggots, he'll miss half the jokes and all the references

do you really need approval from sad fucks that dwell here? watch what you like

Watch Tekkonkinkreet
Then everything by Satoshi Kon

>Watch an anime
>It's bad
Never again don't see the appeal to be honest

Fuck off back to your moeshit

The anime is fucking trash tho

Why do you say that?

No I just wanted to know what the general opinion of the anime loser community is

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or /r/anime you fucking tourist

crest of the stars
its a good story

>start watching berserk
>it's not about a guy killing demons with a huge sword at all
>it finally gets interesting
>series end


Has there been a good series yet or do I need to read the manga?

Cause it's generic as fuck shonen shit, the anime really isn't worth your time if you want something actually good.

Kuromakuro is fucking awesome.

Sure its still on Netflix (UK)

All animes are pleb tier my dude. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.

this is the sort of autism that people avoid Sup Forums for. So what if a bunch of people want entry level suggestions and not your favourite anime, why do you give a shit, if you don't like the thread move on...

in the manga the end of the anime is a sort of new start to a much stranger world
pretty frustrating

For example greatest "cyber punk" anime? Rips off greater work and videogameizes it


back to your containment board

Greatest whatever plebs refer to eva as? Again rips off greater work and videogameizes it

For sort of slice of Life but fun misadventures try Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's normies as fuck, but an extremely good series. A big shame they never continued the original run and they had the repeat episodes, because it's legitimately funny.

Also, when you get to the repeat episodes, it's gonna feel like a slog, but actually watching them all till the end is extremely, extremely rewarding. I've never felt more relief than I did at the last repeat episode.

>people like this actually exist
wew lad

This is the best answer.

Then you have talentless hacks like who take from classics and as you know videogameizes it

>b-b-but the west stole the idea for his greatest film
Again the soulless asian "artists" stole from classic hollywood.

The only animes I watch are bobs burgers and reruns of the classic animes like bobs burgers

>all anime=moeshit

wtf I hate anime now

The directors are clearly paying tribute, not ripping it off. Besides its the themes of the films that differ.

Man anime is so fucking divisive, either you're an entire weeaboo and completely dedicated and hate any casual viewer, or someone who completely hates anime and tries to legitimize their criticism with some self-righteous "I know more than you".

Both sides are retarded, its entertainment nothing more nothing less

Once it really kicks into gear (I can't remember when but season 2 is a good guess) it's one of the best anime of all time. FMA:B definitely feels a little too episodic in the first several episodes though.

Well uhh it's not like there's any hurry

stop being homophobic

I once went over to Sup Forums to ask for similar movies to an anime I just watched, think it was Demon City or something.

They said I was incredibly rude for even asking such a thing.

Thanks user I will try it tomorrow.

Dogs mustn't eat chocolate

I don't particularly like Evangelion that much and I still got triggered by your terrible opinion

While some of the stuff you posted is legitimately entry level shit there's a lot that's really good, and you should feel bad for hating it because a lot of people know and like it.

for Sup Forums if you don't know every detail about every anime ever you're clearly the only one in the wrong, don't be slighted by those mongs.

This. This so fucking much.

Just because you hate moeshit doesn't mean you hate the anime medium as a whole

Berserk, although it has shitty animation the voice acting and OST are still great, much better than the shitty movies.

Something a little more entry level would be Death Note, it's relatively down to earth in terms of anime, and a good starting point.

Don't go to Sup Forums they're all autistic losers

And then finally the so called "creme de la creme" of anime? Nothing but stuff lifted from great artists like Godard, Altman, Polanski and even their own like Shuji Terayama.

which is why the bitch to the left is fighting her for it

You should read the manga, it's really good. No anime can do it justice.

>Cause it's generic as fuck shonen shit
After part 3 JoJo is anything but generic shonen.

Parts 4, 6 and 7 are all amazing.

Wait... What movie is it on bottom left?

Watch the 2003 version

Does Avatar/Legend of Korra count even if it originated in the US?

I know you weebs get upset about what gets defined as Anime.

Dead Ringers

More like "I don't want some stupid Moe shlock of cartoon underage girls and would prefer something that at least tries to have a little substance beyond fap material for ronery virgins to talk about on a Vietnamese knitting board starter pack"

No fuck off back to your containment board you subhuman. Next time ask permission before you leave the basement of Sup Forums that is Sup Forums.

That fucking broad is gonna get that doggo killed.

Now you see the Sup Forums weebs know all this. The videogame sensibilities that for some reason think they're welcome here do not. This is a big problem for art boards like Sup Forums

Dead Ringers by Cronenberg

Yeah the comic is decent, just the anime is fucking awful
And just because there are stands and the fights aren't just punching at first doesn't mean it's not generic

>Dead Ringers
Oh thanks man

Tatami Galaxy

That board is for something go fucking there you fucking weebs this is about television and film not about weeaboo cartoon shit.

Some people argue it should be considered, others don't. If you talk to anime purists they'll say it isn't.

Personally I think Avatar (specifically Last Airbender) is a very good series that incorporates both entry-level and advanced aspects. I wouldn't recommend it for non-english speakers though.

That's what I said!

Why would he do that after recommending the series where the super-edgy hardcore sword-wielding character with black face paint is even more of a running gag than the main character?

The manga is better, but part 4's anime was pretty great IMO, the budget went up quite a lot across the board.

And I could say the same about just because it has fighting, doesn't make it generic shonen. To each their own.

what are the most lewd anime that's 100% Sup Forumscore

that is the most basic-bitch i have ever seen.

Please step up your tastes

The anime part 1 is great, it's exactly the same 'List of Reasons Why Dio is a Dick' as the manga, but animated

Most of those aren't even a tribute, but I doubt these comparisons are sincere anyway.
At least I hope the person who made these doesn't actually think he found anything of note.

Mawaru Penguindrum
Gun X Sword
Yama no Susume
Martian Successor Nadesico
Now and Then, Here and There
Millennium Actress

JoJo is nice, I dislike anime overall but I loved it

>More like "I don't want some stupid Moe shlock of cartoon underage girls and would prefer something that at least tries to have a little substance beyond fap material for ronery virgins to talk about on a Vietnamese knitting board starter pack"

what do you think of the filmography of Lav Diaz? how do you feel about how Fabians decent into madness was portrayed in Norte?