/24/ - watch thread general

Yeah, Eazy-E Eazy-E Eazy-E can eat a big fat dick

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Who's ready for some REAL interrogation?

>From "CTU", Two Phantoms Were Born

He's taken out some kneecaps now, but they were an arms dealer's and not some innocent bystander's. I want to believe he can do what's necessary when the time comes, but I just don't know.

>Last episode
>Carter's phone rings
>"Hey, it's Jack. can you help me break outta this Russian Gulog?"

It's the only way to salvage this season.


>Get shot through the head
>Still alive

Now that's shitty writing!

>All those people

Yeah, all those 5 something people and that 1 cop.

>getting a signal in an underground parking garage
immersion ruined

archive those servers you queer

>just casually discussing black sites
I thought they didn't exist?

Why a bridge? If you're trying to maximize human death that's like a terrible choice.


>Look, I'm already in deep shit and I'm also a queer. Don't make me do this Carter....

Any building with Tony inside is a black site.

>They got my wife

If Carter truly is Black Jack, then she's already dead you nigger.


and she's going to be murdered by the poo in loo version of nina

Who's the mole?

>You won't tell CTU right?

Not like they would do anything, cause "he gets results!"

mm this ass commercial

>I didn't watch theist 4 seasons of 24: The post

We need to see more of the bridge explosion aftermath

I already forgot it even happened.

what's the difference between briefing and debriefing

>A lot of people are dead because of Tony

You could say the same about Jack desu.

briefing is before, debriefing is after

Before and after


Wait, field agent guy is gay too?


Man, Tony's packing some sweet gear there.

ok, seeing that shitty ad for the 20th time convinced me
I'm definitely going to drop $600+ to see a 5-minute VR video



so are the ratings still as bad as first?

far worse

the fact that designated is back certainly will hurt too

I don't think anyone thought this would be a ratings power house. Plus I don't think this would ever be anything more then a 1 off.

>it's a sexy terrorist episode

>I don't think anyone thought this would be a ratings power house.
but 24 was huge. only a idiot would treat it like some throw away franchise
>the fact that designated is back certainly will hurt too
then why did they make him black?

yeah it WAS huge. And the fact that it's a new lead with no Jack probably turned a lot of old and new fans off of it.

That was the most pathetic "damn it" I've ever heard

>A suicide mission

Yeah, like Carter would be killed off there if they were planning on going on...

If she's worried about using Tony to not get tied back to CTU, then why the hell is she overseeing this off the record interrogation?

What legal grounds do they have to do this?

They don't have any. That's the point. That way they can torture him

first time watching 24?

I'm starting to see why Dubya liked this show

Pfft, CTU's gonna surprise raid on his ass when Carter wipes the drive.

>Meet you in another life

God what a corny line...

Only one man ever pulled it off.

>It was after my wife was killed

So while everyone thought you were dead and you were going around being a psycho? WTF?

>Gay guy and Carter bonding

Guess one of them will be dead soon.

hey it's the junkyard from breaking bad

Junkyard is a terrible meet up spot. I mean CTU agents could jump outta the garbage at any time.

>let's make 24 only this time without the thing that made people love the show
>wtf why are the ratings so low?

Issac's gonna sacrifice himself

>it must be because racism

Issac gonna go back to his hood and gather his homies for a rescue mission.

>Take her to CTU

And Issac knows where that is?

>The bad guy goes against his word

I'm Shocked. SHOCKED!

Well CLEARY their plan to kill those two failed cause they are talking about saving Carter in that preview

Is it better than the shittier seasons of Jack (Season 6, 7)?

I was hoping the writers would at least go back to less grand-scale conspiracies and and more stuff like 24 S1 where it was just about a small senator assassination

24 is a political show.

Politics belong on Take your shit thread to The Sup Forums and reddit communities are overwhelmingly sick of your garbage on every sub.

It's even worse

This season is boring as hell. At least the worst seasons of old 24 were entertainingly stupid. This is just...slow

Wait, it was earlier today?

daylight saving time bro