What are some snowy movies?

What are some snowy movies?

Is this recent?

Hateful Eight
Home Alone

The Thing

The Thing
How the Grinch Stole Christmas


>Hateful Eight
Well this is mandatory.
> Everest
Forgot about this one.

>bostons going to get 18-24 now
going to re-watch Saw and HP: Goblet of Fire

tip top comfy movies

Day After Tomorrow

>tfw live in The South with warm sunny weather

How's that refugee problem, cucks?


Houston reporting

I can only stand snowy scenes when there's trees and buildings in it. Otherwise it's just a bunch of glaciers or endless grey mountains with some snow.

Snow Dogs

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

For possibly less famous ones, all sort of horror too:

The Corridor
Pontypool (sort of, its mainly indoors)
The Last Winter

Also Krampus

Houston fucking sucks

The south is inferior in every way imaginable

Starts in a few hours

The Thing


The Shining

Who /8-12''/ here?

i'm 8 inches

Fuck the northeast and fuck New England

Better than your shit city

>tfw uni cancelled tomorrow
I'm gonna watch all of True Detective S1


Sorry, I'm not interested in being friends with midgets

How is JJL's foot game?

DC here. I be we get cucked again. All I'm seeing is rain. I saw some snow an hour ago.



I'm in Baltimore, no snow yet

Frowny face

Extinction starring Burn Notice and Jack from Lost

Sky is very clear tonight in the Boston area. Super cozy and awaiting a comfy snow day tomorrow. Think I'm gonna watch The Revenant and play metroid prime all day :)

How's high school going?

Less than an hour from you. Haven't seen any rain or snow at all tonight.

is there anything more comfy than a snowstorm?

Fuck. Well I'm starting stardew valley again. I don't want to have to go into work tomorrow.

I saw some for like 5 minutes at around 7. I guess it was a band of it

Not being in a snowstorm.

>the state of yankeecucks


Getting a bj while sitting on the balcony of a cruise ship at night

The Great Silence > Hateful Eight

Philly reporting in.
I put out a cardboard box for a stray cat and his possum bro to huddle in.

>mfw they're in it right now.

having sex in your middle school parking lot after ripping bong with the love of your life

Does your city smell like cheesesteaks?

>finally getting a few inches of snow

I need to fucking move further north.


fishtown here

Boston here, ready for some fun lads?


Why does the weather stop at the Canadian border? Do they have a wall?

Not watching Muh Pelts

smells like diesel fuel and dirt.

and there's plenty of trash on the ground.

I hate this city.

>getting cucked by the weather

>Work already closed for tomorrow
>Will probably be closed Wednesday
>Have the apartment to myself
>Bought case of beer
>Gonna settle in and watch some kino

What should I watch lads?

70s high/ 40s low. Clear skies.

Good posts, good juxtaposition, good joke, good dubs

Watertown reporting in, I'm excited for white-out conditions.

I live by the airport. It's how you'd imagine.

They have a leaf

Why does every Texan have mental problems?

i'm really sorry to hear that

snowy days are comfy, nerd

Storm of the Century

It's not a mental problem it's a freedom problem. You northerners just don't get it

MKE was nearly impassable today if youre wondering.

Unless it can beat the 22 inches of 2 years ago I don't think so.


this was unwatchably bad


The Gold Rush

We don't want your kind, anyhow.

Is this foreal? I've been meaning to watch this forever but never knew it was in the snow.

> Ctrl F
>Search Dreamcatcher
>No results

Am disappoint

Yes. Chaplin's character gets stuck in a blizzard with an outlaw in the Yukon and most of it is set in the Yukon.

God damn it feels good to be a Texasn. Steers and queers lmao!

No, the Stephen King miniseries

By your kind do you mean educated?

>living in a place where the weather impacts your daily routine

Well I feel stupid.

Unless you live in space, you're literally affected by weather every day.

Northerners ladies and gents

How are those """""gun control""""" laws working out for you?

I'm not from the north, cotton picker.

>in before commiefornia

Nope, not from there either.

Tell me how the weather effects my day in San Diego.

P.S. I own an umbrella

>Lose war
>inferiority complex forever

Really makes you think.

Le Guess Where I Live meme

Wherever that is you have inferior local economy and less freedom then me bozo

won't be comfy tomorrow!

>midwest trash
>thinking your opinion on anything matters

>can't have something
Y-you have small penis syndrome

PAfag here. Working fine. Everyone around here has guns. A stolen car is a huge deal and no one locks their doors.


>tfw in MD
>Live right on the line between 17+ and 5

Can I get the 5 please, I have stuff to do tonight/tomorrow that requires me to not lose power.

I'm in the South, in the mountains. It's snowing here. Pretty comfy after all this unseasonable weather we've had.

I wish your shitstain of a state would leave the union. It'd be so hilarious to watch you fail.

Whoa my bad man

Not from the Midwest, idiot

What state are you in friend?

>inb4 no reply

Daily reminder that in the book, Duddits wasn't an alien. He was just a retarded kid with psychic powers who wanted his friends to come back and play with him. Mr. Gray wasn't real.

PA, outside of Pittsburgh and Philly, is a whole different state.