Peter, there's nothing wrong with pumping a few IQ points into a sheboon's womb...

>Peter, there's nothing wrong with pumping a few IQ points into a sheboon's womb. Just make sure you don't give her your real name. I've had to cure the odd case of jungle fever on quite a few occasions myself, and Lord knows most of the halflings in Harlem are wondering where old Papa Ben went. But Peter, if I ever see you bring a sheboon home, I'll tie the noose myself.

I'm really surprised that Rami managed to get this into the script. Still, words to live by tbqfh.

>tfw you live long enough to see another one of these threads

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...on The Day of the Rope they shall all swing from the elm. We will have all niggers dead or in chains in the next ten years, and if I'm wrong may God have me shot by a carjacker this very night. God bless the American Nazi Party."

Powerful, powerful stuff.


>Oh, you're sad because a girl at your high-school doesn't like you back? Peter, when I was your age, I left school to bullseye gooks from a helicopter in the middle of some god forsaken jungle. I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate, steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his chink village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Peter! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my car.

my sides

Funny, but racist, but funny.


> name's the human holocaust


No shit
Who cares
Why does it need to be pointed out

these are funny
these are not

>Human holodomor? Kid that's dangerous, lots of drunk ukes in the stands tonight.
>I know, we'll call you the Human Holocaust!


Why did you feel the need to respond to my post?

wew, relax pol



how fucking new

The human holocaust? That's it? The best you goy?

>But Uncle Ben, surely if I want to mate with black females despite all the white supremacist indoctrination I endured, that must just be nature's way of telling me to do the right thing. That race mixing is okay. If miscegenation was truly degenerate, then surely I would be physically repelled by the notion of intercourse with a non-european female, no? How do you explain that, Uncle Ben?

>Harry tells me you're quite the science whiz. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. I like to pee on ants and watch them swim around in it. I sometimes wonder what they think of the mysterious yleeow rain. They panic at first, mandiples flaining, running into each other, trying to escape the warm, bitter stream, but eventually the come to accept it, maybe even enjoy it. Really puts things into perspective. So Pete, if you ever find yourself in doubt, just find an ant hill, and pee on it. You'll thank me later.



jesus christ raimi

normieville is that way

>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do. I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I...we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl...they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than will know that the rent has been paid.

For this month

>The sum of six gorillion dollars, will be paid to the memorable, the terrifying, HOLOCAUST MAN!



I know what I said

put me in the screencap



>oh, you're sad because a girl at your tosche station doesn't like you back? Luke, when I was your age, I left jedi academy to bullseye droids from a LAAT in the middle of some god forsaken star system. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the wookie-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing wroshyr shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his mutt village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Luke! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my speeder.
fucking hell lucas

And he was a good friend.

>watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground

jesus fucking christ every goddamn time ffs I can't

I miss Obiposting so much christmas 2016 was a great time...and a good friend

>Raimi later admitted that roughly 50 hours of footage was filmed of Dafoe's performance as Norman Osborn, with barely 1% of this making the final cut. 'We just had reels and reels of it,' the director said, 'I would say cut, but he would just keep going deeper and darker, bringing all of these ideas into it that weren't in the script. For example, a sub plot of Norman's father being an SS officer, or the idea that the Goblin transformation represented Nietzsche's Ubermensch. So after I while, I stopped saying 'cut'.' Other actors recalled Dafoe's usage of multiple props to aid his performance that he brought himself, presumably from his own home. 'He had this large green dildo he loved to wave about,' Tobey Maguire remembers, 'sometimes he would bring it out of nowhere and slap me across the face with it. During fight scenes when we were grappling on the ground he would tease it around my 'beautiful asshole', as he called it.' James Franco also recalled him having 'this large, antique bullwhip... we asked where he got it from, and he would only say that it was a family heirloom. Some prop guys on set said it must have been from at least the 1800s. ON a few occasions when I fucked up my lines, he would threaten me with it, telling me to give him an excuse 'to pay out like old Buck Dafoe did to the little negro boys'. Another actor from the film, who requested she remained private, said Dafoe always had a copy of the Quran lying around on set, and some PAs caught him 'poring over it repeatedly' in his trailer.

>Peter, did I ever tell you how I left your grandfather to rot as a slave on the shittiest street in Harlem until he got murdered by sandpeople? I really wanted to rescue him but an important part of the Jedi Order was that we were essentially attack dogs of the Republic. The official stance on our authoritative powers was that we had no authority until given special powers. Qui-Gon didn't give a fuck about political sensitivity, but I did and I didn't want to endanger the order.

>So that's why I left him to get gangbanged to death by foot-long, spiny Tusken Raider cocks until he died from internal hemorrhaging while your grandmother held him in her arms. She then proceeded to slaughter a bunch of sandpeople civilians like animals, even the children. Then she told your mom that she would become the most powerful Jedi ever and she would even stop people from dying. All that happened not too far from here.

>Shmi was not a good friend.


