How does he bend his arms when the Katanas are retracted?

How does he bend his arms when the Katanas are retracted?

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who cares lol

>he doesn't know about bendable katanas

The same way you do.

>optic blasts generate heat

fuck mangold and fuck Singer.

Origins was garbage but had the most aesthetic logan

shouldn't they?

I don't have Katanas in my arms. At least to the best of my knowledge.

He has teleporting powers, he teleports the blades into your mom's asshole while he's not using them.

folded steel

No. They are concussive blasts, not lasers. Idiot.

Katanas are folded over 1000 times, makes sense that they can fold 1001 times

Everyone on the internet and here specially hated this movie. I liked it, what is so bad about it? Super heroe movies are all dumb anyways

>what is friction

>y he no wear blue and gold outfit ;___;

Imagine being that pleb.

Remember how all those battering rams set doors on fire?

fucking idiot.

does friction apply to eye beams?

But light always generates heat

They turn into liquid ephebamantium when he retracts them.

This guy

Kek Sup Forums is gud tonight

How does Logan bend his wrists when his blades are retracted?

>implying I've watched this movie enough times to remember whatever the fuck you're talking about

how the hell should i know

look at that. Peak Logan.

Wait, how does he ride a motorcycle if he can't bend his wrists?

Chemical light don't.

Who's playing the next Wolverine?

>concussive blasts
Are you a retarded?

blades rest from wrist - elbow?

It's just not powerful enough

>REEEEEE the movie about teleporting ninjas and guys with lasers from a different dimension in his eyes isn't realistic enough REEEEEE

Very carefully.

Cunny claws

same with Wolverine
How the fuck does he bend his wrists?

Neither Mangold nor Singer directed this movie though?

then why they come from his knuckles when not retracted, instead from his wrists?
Where the fuck do they retract if he makes pic related position?

Man that CGI is


Isn't there an xray from the scene where he gets them?

man those blades look like shit

Holy kek. That looks so fucking bad.

Then whats the point of them ? How do they damage things

it's CGI nigga I aint gotta explain shit

claws and forearm are not aligned with hand direction, so:
A- claws retract into oblivion
B-Wolverine should not be able to change direction between hand and forearm, making 99% of his ilustration impossible
C-it's just a retarded concept, who the fuck cares.
They could have easily explain it with some telescopic blades, with the first portion resting in the hand, allowing the dude fucking wrist rotation, but no, they had to go with the rest in forearm, solid blades nonsense

>10 years ago

It looked shit 10 years ago too.

Who cares?

It was the best version of Deadpool in comics or movies to date.

He got an Adamantium coating over his biological bone claws. Since he has biological bone claws it is safe to assume that the muscles and bones on his forearm and hand are different than normal people.

When retracted his bone claws stay in his forearms, when he gets his claws out they push all the way from his forearms using his muscles(there is a scene in Origins where you can see the bones in his wrist and palm, and how they rearrange as his claws come out of between his knuckles.

I'm assuming that during the time where they come and transition from his wrist to his hands that's where his hands and forearms must be straight to allow their passage.

I'm guessing his claws are probably around 12 inches long, with 3 of those inches staying inside his hand while 9inches are outside.

That's how I've always understood it and assume it works.

It just didn't make sense how he was able to move his wrist if parts of the claw already extends to his knuckles when he's not using them.

>He got an Adamantium coating over his biological bone claws. Since he has biological bone claws it is safe to assume that the muscles and bones on his forearm and hand are different than normal people.

no problem with that concept

>When retracted his bone claws stay in his forearms, when he gets his claws out they push all the way from his forearms using his muscles(there is a scene in Origins where you can see the bones in his wrist and palm, and how they rearrange as his claws come out of between his knuckles.

would wour if our wrists were not a movable thing, because:

>I'm assuming that during the time where they come and transition from his wrist to his hands that's where his hands and forearms must be straight to allow their passage.

what if not? what if he bend his hands down? does the claws get shot from his body? literally, what muscle/mechanism actually hold them and prevent that?
and if he bend his hands up? does the claws open its way trought the palm?

I´ts one of those concepts you really want to work and that feels even natural and plausible, but it gets sillier and sillier each minute you think about it.
telescopic claws resting in metacarpals, and coming between fingers is the only fucking logical way.

second paragraph
would WORK*
sorry m8

Actually he was depicted with claws shooting out of the wrong spot in some comic, I'll try to find it.

>Actually he was depicted with claws shooting out of the wrong spot in some comic, I'll try to find it.
Found it, see?

Well, that's how I've always rationalized it. There honestly seems to be conflicting information on the physiology of Logan. I think that's from the first X-Men movie. As you can see there they sit on his wrist and that makes no sense but in pic related(from Origins) you can see that they sit much farther back.

Honestly, it is something that most people don't wonder about and I'm guessing that's why it isn't that important to describe how they work.

Is this what they mean when they brag about folding their katanas over 5,000 times?

>Deadpool's supposed to be some quirky The Mask tier goofball
>made him a mute "evil" soulless killing machine
Christ what a complete fuck up

that does not solve the problem, how could then rotate the wrist? how could logan make poses like pic related?

>only 5,000 times

That ain't nothin', kid.
My katana is folded over 5,000,000 times.
It can cut all you with one stroke like mowin' the lawn.
I would advice not getting killed by it, it steals the souls of it's victims.

It's a reliable sword, it's got mah back.

How doesn't it solve the problem? They're situated like when retracted, and he has to have wrists in the right position when he extends them, and then they're attached to the back of the hand.

Cuz it's a fucking comic book and the people making it don't think about as hard some autist trying to make sense out of mutant superpowers.

its the length of his forearm

Better question: Why does Logan have two completely unrelated mutant powers? He has bone claws and the healing. Most mutants have one power. Or some like Xavier have many powers but related to the same thing (his mind)

Wolverine draws his claws from the sniktforce, an extradimensional energy that gives all sniktsters their power.

... or pic related?
if the claws rest on forearm, do they rotate when rotating the hands did they "revolt" inside the arm, shredding muscles to keep alignement with the hand?
when you prone the forearm is just radius and ulna moving from an H to an X position. there´s no way you could make the thing work

Cyclops would actually be cool if his lasers were actually lasers instead of punch blasts. I mean if nothing else it'd be easier to explain the scientific logic behind it instead of "his eyes open a portal to a dimension where light does kinetic damage" or some shit like that.


Did somebody say... WONDER?!?!?

>>if the claws rest on forearm, do they rotate when rotating the hands did they "revolt" inside the arm, shredding muscles to keep alignement with the hand?
>when you prone the forearm is just radius and ulna moving from an H to an X position. there´s no way you could make the thing work
Well in that case NOTHING could be inside the forearm, I thought we were just discussing the length and wrist problems.

Clearly three blades being inside the forearm itself is a ridiculous idea due to how the forearm functions.

I'm guessing that's how it works. While they come out he can't bend his wrist and has to keep them aligned or this happens.


He just doesn't.

- from Deadpool

Daily reminder

It does not solve the problem because what prevent the claws from get shot into oblivion if extends with the hand bend down? the mechanism of that picture does not have a clue about what prevents that, or how can logan extend the claws if proning the arm.
Seriously, I´m the biggest Logan fan, but sad thing is I studied anatomy, and there´s no fucking way pal. Only reasonable thing is telescopic claws between metacarpals.

Well, originally he didn't have bone claws, that's new bullshit from the 90s. Originally the claws were added when he was coated with adamantium.

Theres lots of mutants with more than 1 power or trait, its less common, but still fairly commonplace. Some easy examples:

Emma Frost
Jean Grey

>what prevent the claws from get shot into oblivion if extends with the hand bend down?
Presumably they are attached at the back with ligaments or muscles or something flexible and can only extend so much.

yes, sadly nothing solid could be inside the forearm and work. that´s because I always think of logan claws as telescopic blades resting in the hand. anything behind wrist is a mess

Well, the timelines in FOX-Men universe is already out of whack anyway

Maybe the better question now is how his pointy bone claws turns into razor sharp blades after undergoing the adamantium coating procedure?

What? He can phase through walls and that's it
>Emma Frost
All mind shit
Turns into iron or something and that's it
>Jean Grey
All mind shit

I already covered this mate. That work in that drawing, but forearm anatomy is not that simple, it rotates and prone, and make most of wolverine classic poses impossible,

Its just a movie user, its not real.

>Sup Forums needs a whole thread to establish that the x men are not realistic


The classic poses work with the classic claws, though.

Wolverine's claws are supposed to be thin little spikes (sorta like but thinner). It's when they turn to machetes that it all falls apart.

Nightcrawler is fucking blue, has a fucking tail, and can teleport

Emma Frost had telepathy and can also turn herself into diamond

Colossus can coat himself in steel and also has super strength

Jean Grey has telepathy as well as telekinesis

>but forearm anatomy is not that simple, it rotates and prone, and make most of wolverine classic poses impossible

Like I've said before too. Wolverine is a mutant and his bone claws(before he got his adamantium claws) are a part of his mutation. Who knows how the muscles and bones in his forearms, wrists and hand work.

You can't compare it to how normal humans work. There is no information about how Logan's muscle structure and bone structure on his arms truly work when he has his claws in and out. We've only caught glimpses of it. So to say that it's impossible in Logan's particular case is wrong because his body isn't like a normal human's.

This joke was too obscure for them

cyclops' eye beam punch people really hard. his eyes are a portal to the punch dimension

I don´t really like to be a dick constantly reasoning about why nowadays logan explanation is ridiculous, so I hope you guys don´t get mad!
having said that:
Ok, imagine your answer. when extended, they get attached with ligaments. now imagine wolvie slashing a concrete wall. Okay, his bones are undestructable but his muscles/ligaments are not (like most comics accurate depict)
Still imagine the scene? now tell my what prevents all that claw mechanism not tearing apart from his hand, since only ligaments atach it to logan's body.
see the thing? the most you think about it, the less it works.
now think about my telescopic metacarpal thing. since the claw mechanism is fused to between metacarpals (bone) is all an adamantium mess, so the thing won´t rip apart if logan shreds trough anything
(well, it would since you have another "weak" points between your arm and your torso, but that requieres MOAR anatomical knowledge most people would ever have, and that, in my opinion, is fine.
but a mechanism that makes no sense 5 minutes after thinking about not :(

Fuck off Sup Forumsmblr

that guy has no wrists mate

>Or some like Xavier have many powers but related to the same thing (his mind)
Telepathy is a single power.

He has that thing that the bondage lady from Soul Caliber has, his blades break into pieces when retracted

You can clearly see those are cartoon claws, added by CGI.

Don't you have a dick sucking appointment?

>Nightcrawler is fucking blue, has a fucking tail, and can teleport
The first two are just mutations, not powers

>Why does Logan have two completely unrelated mutant powers?

They're not unrelated. Pushing razor sharp claws out of your hands is pretty fucking useless if you risk bleeding out or getting a horrible infection.

I have a better question.
How the fuck did so many people working on this movie agree that the opening scene with lil kid Wolverine was a good idea?

>all this discussion about where the claws go

obviously, wolverine has control over a pocket universe where his claws teleport to when sheathed. the portals to and from this pocket universe are located between his knuckles, under the skin.

yea, you can have who knows what muscles inside the forearm, but as long as you rest 12 inch (or whatever) metal blades on it, you´re going to be an anatomical nonsense when trying to rotate, prone and fucking anything that requires moving the thing.

Even if you don't count the tail as a power (you should), his physiology makes him super-agile.

>Maybe the better question now is how his pointy bone claws turns into razor sharp blades after undergoing the adamantium coating procedure?
I would assume they were replaced and just attached to the same mechanism.

>now tell my what prevents all that claw mechanism not tearing apart from his hand, since only ligaments atach it to logan's body.
A bone "locking mechanism", like on a switchblade.

Only Logan, Laura and Daken has access to it
It all makes sense now

Bone claws are a power but blue skin and a tail is a mutation? Where exactly are you drawing the line here? Pretty sure mutations and "powers" are the same thing it just so happens that some are useful and some aren't