WTF did I watch? There was literally no plot other than, "its oh so tough being a black gay guy"

WTF did I watch? There was literally no plot other than, "its oh so tough being a black gay guy"

fuck drumpf and fuck white people


>muh plot
t. ultrapleb

I thought i'd hate it but it wasn't bad

Was expecting some white guilt emotional torture porn, it's more gay than anything. Really, surprisingly gay

Sup Forums sperg'd out because the film is about a gay black dude, but that's all it is. It's literally a character study inspired by like Wong Kar-wai and maybe a few other directors. Go watch Medicine for Melancholy if you want to understand what the director is all about.

There's literally no ideology in the film about gays or blacks, just that being gay in a 'black environment' is impossible.

>gay niggas


what did you expect, it won the oscar. should have expected oppression olympics.


ITT: Movies heteros will never understand

Back to your containment board

Back to sucking this dick.

Kyron or whatever his name was is just a total bitch. If it turned into a gay black version of Falling Down then I would love fucking love it.

It has plenty of plot. If you didn't see it either your prejudices are too strong or you are dumb. Pick one.


>there was no plot other than the main character experiencing difficulty and working his way through it

sounds like a plot to me but what do i know

If all you see if gay black guy, than I'm afraid you should stick to your typical popcorn flick

It's a very well done film with some amazing performances, but I just thought it was overall boring. They could've tightened it up, imo

>there isn't a plot except the plot

>just that being gay in a 'black environment' is impossible
Not really. Black gang members straight up sexually assault their gang rivals. That's pretty fucking gay in a 'black environment'

Just finished this movie. Seemed good, but I didn't really see anything too new in it I hadn't seen before. Chair scene was awesome.

Best of 2016? Not imo but close.

Sir I believe that's not the same thing

Blacks, like most non-western cultures don't really see gays as a separate entity. There's just guys who fuck guys in the ass and guys who get fucked in the ass. Then both guys go home and give HIV to their wives.

It's not even really about being gay, it's more about being a loner in general. Chiron is pretty restrained and there is only one sex scene that is tastefully handled.