Is he truly the best actor of all time?

Is he truly the best actor of all time?

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Oldman is better

e is good but suffers from the "only do one movie every year or two" syndrome some of the greats get

peaked at lolita

is this fpbpkino?

Tom Hanks is

mfw not watching the Kubrick version actually written by the author...


>Role of a Lifetime
>Plays a midget
>Tip Toes Exists

Where can I see this fucking movie?

"All-Time" for me:

>1. Marlon Brando
>2. Katharine Hepburn
>3. Gene Kelly
>4. DDL
>5. Orson Welles
>6. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
>7. Robert Duvall
>8. Robin Williams
>9. Patrick Stewart
>10. Ian McKellen

Greatest living actor of this era?
DDL without a doubt.

You misspelled his last name. It's C-R-U-I-S-E

Damn, that's a pretty spot on list. I want to put PSH a little higher because I just really liked the dude, but I cant. I feel like maybe Phoenix should be up there, but it's a solid list

ur buggin

I thought about Phoenix but he's only been in like 3 really good films for me. The Master was pure kino though. His performance was underrated.

Phoenix definitely deserves to be on there. Dude's talented and not a hollywood hack

I should have put Audrey Hepburn on there

>literally all hollywood actors

As if you would know any of the non-American actors I like you fucking brainlet. I live in America, so the list is mostly American.

>you fucking brainlet. I live in America, so the list is mostly American.

saw him on comedians in cars getting coffee

pretentious twat!

I'd love for you to tell me what's wrong with that. Seeing as American cinema is currently the most popular source of modern film in the entire collective first world, next to goddamn Bollywood..


You aren't making an argument. Stop wasting your time.

his son goes to my college. kid looks like a blonde sloth. see him at all the alt parties lighting up

No love for old Bob DeNiro? He sucks now, but he was fantastic at his peak.

No Albert Finney
No Tom Courtenay

what do you expect when DDL was just method acting fatherhood.

>best actor of all time
>too conceited to do capeshit
I don't think so, kiddo

If he is going up against Marlon and

Nope, almost like this is my opinion

Off the top of my head, Gary Oldman and Ed Harris are both at the same level of skill.