Why is it that people criticize the Big Bang Theory for using the laugh-track too much...

Why is it that people criticize the Big Bang Theory for using the laugh-track too much, but Seinfeld somehow gets a a pass?

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The laugh track is one of the reasons why I cannot stand this show. It's fucking non-stop. The show is also not that funny and way overrated.

The best comedy shows don't use laugh tracks.

seinfled was filmed with a live audience, not laugh track

1) it had a live audience

2) tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny

Because Seinfeld is actually funny

This, also Seinfeld actually had jokes so it worked

>The best comedy shows don't use laugh tracks
This. Le Office and Its always sunny are the best imho. Upboated :^) lol

Wasnt there something about Larry David getting irate about how the audience would overly crack up whenever Kramer slid into a scene?

tbbt has a live audience too
Seinfeld was only funny to retards

Plenty of comedy shows don't use laugh tracks, dingus.

Friends > Seinfeld

I do not know personally, but I believe that.

pleb bait

I actually agree with this. Only edgy living meme man children who do things ironically think Seinfeld is the greatest sitcom.

Why are people so triggered by laugh tracks anyway? When they're in a movie theater watching a comedy, to they get mad when the audience laughs at the jokes?

Friends just copied Martin

Only a few parts of the show had a live audience. Most of the time they used a laugh track.

So is Big Bang Theory. All multi-cam shows are filmed in front of live audiences, with additional laugh tracks added in post. Nice argument

>Seinfeld was only funny to retards

Friends is the de facto man child show

Source please.

He's right. The show is comfy to watch but not funny at all.