"Not that user,but..."

>"Not that user,but..."
>I'm actually that user

Other urls found in this thread:


hey....Im not that kind of frogposter!

I'm not a frogposter but I think frogposters are pretty cool guys.

what movie is this

im a frogposter and compliment all the other smart frogposters, inlcluding OP

I'm both a Frogposter and a Dumb Frogposter-poster


>post something serious
>no replies

>be contrarian on purpose
>(You)'s galore

>lose an argument
>start shitposting to convince the other person I was trolling the whole time

>don't have the creativeness to make a good funny post
>copy a post i saw in a thread yesterday
>reap (you)s


So many things to do in this world and you choose to post the same shitty thread here


Begone, morning star, you don't belong in this world.

Not that user, but I've never seen that thread posted here

That's because you're a newfag.

>go to other boards and create Sup Forums threads
>don't even browse Sup Forums

>post from phone on wifi
>bump by using cellular data
>sometimes call myself out
If I convinced two "women" in a chat I was, in fact, a sexually curious but virginal blonde who was into futanari then this is childs play.

>Sup Forums

>What are traps?

>impersonate a hothead
>actually a big guy

>What is Forechan the hacker?

>be me
>be a girl
>never tell anyone on the Internet
>no one even knows
>people just treat me like a typical user
>no extra attention

>shitpost incessantly even in threads that are genuinely interesting
>forget which side I'm shilling and switch sides mid-post
>get called schizo