Scarlett Johansson & Natalie Portman In Line To Play Lisbeth Salander In GIRL IN THE SPIDER'S WEB

>Sony has announced that the plan is to skip the next two books in Stieg Larsson’s best-selling Millennium trilogy, and move forward with the fourth installment, The Girl in the Spider's Web.

>Though this technically means that they'd be continuing the story, it looks like the movie is being set up as a soft reboot.

>Perhaps even more disappointingly, it doesn't look like Rooney Mara is going to be returning as Lisbeth Salander - however, Variety does add that Sony are looking at both Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman as potential replacements.

Other urls found in this thread:

> No Rooney Mara


there are other actresses besides scarjo

fucking stop

How does this make any sense? Did the first one flop?

This. I'm sick of seeing this big faced cunt in every movie. She's not hot anymore.

I thought they were getting Vikander or whatever, from Ex Machina?

>and move forward with the fourth installment, The Girl in the Spider's Web.

It's like Sony is deliberately trying to fail or something

From a money perspective the 4th is ideal

doesn't bother me. the books are garbage.

Emma Watson or I don't care


Will they pierce their nippies like roo roo though

Poor Roons. Amy tossing her to the side for Scarjo baka

scarlett johansson is no longer hot
>sounds like shit




So, no Roon-roon. Is Fincher directing?

>skipping ahead two installments
>scar "reverse eunuch" jo
>probably replacing fincher with whoever did the girl on the train or something

are sony deliberately fucking exactly everything up or does it come to them naturally?


Fede Alvarez (Don't Breathe, Evil Dead remake) is directing

>According to the press release, Fede Alvarez is now attached to direct, working off a script he wrote alongside Steven Knight (FX's Taboo) and Jay Basu (Monsters: Dark Continent).

This is a terrible idea. Fincher, rooney and Craig made that movie great. Just watch the Swedish version for generic bullshit

>From a money perspective the 4th is ideal


Man I am getting sick of ScarJo.

>it's another Sup Forums pretends ScarJo is ugly episode

this tbqh

>Monsters: Dark Continent

American setting and characters are involved. Intelligence community involved so the Sony hacks will think "socially relevant!" And it's a cleaner slate narratively. Easy for an audience to jump in there vs book 2 or 3

she's past her peak, but she;s still better than 99% of every other actress that (((Hollywood))) tries to push as "hot" on the public

fucking k-stew is supposed to be hot? really?

That's disappointing. No offense to Fede Alvarez but he's no Fincher, which is the only person who really elevated those trashy books.

>hey guys let's finally continue The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series
>yeah that's cool, I'll give Rooney Mara, the only reason anyone watched the American remake, a call and set it up
>Hol' up, let's recast Lisbeth even though Rooney's down for this and did a remarkable job on the first film

???? What?

She is

not with cancer hair she isn't

Fucking sony. I wish they would just die off. AMY YOU CUNT KYS REEEEEEEE

What are wigs for films

>bulldyke with a skrillex haircut is attractive

how deep in the closet are you?

Great a spic whose only experience is ok horror movies.

Wanna know something funny and shows how stupid Sony is? Both ScarJo and Portman would probably cost more than it would have than just to have Rooney to come back. They are deliberately making themselves spend more money than they need to.


>Skipping the rest of the trilogy to make a film version out of the unnecessary "milk the franchise for $" sequel


thats not roon, wtf is that? shitty swede version?

it's Sony. they have no idea what they are doing.

Fuck Sony. I hope this shit flops only because they're throwing Roons to the side. Nobody can outact that girl in that role, she played it perfect.

And Scarjo? I'm not even going to comment on the kikes looks because it doesn't matter, but she's a fucking terrible actor. Why is Hollywood pushing her so hard lately?

So we need a really skinny actress? Then I have just the person!


Does Mel lurk the Chloe threads?

They are both too fucking old to play Lisbeth. Scarjo can't pull it off. Natalie Portman could probably.

>declared spent money
thats how money laundering works, user.

no just rooney, portman would be fucking awful, I can't think of any popular actress who would do well as lisbeth desu



why the FUCK wouldn't they use rooney

She has autism

just watch the swedish originals lads, not to be "that guy" but they were faithful and made great casting choices

Fuck that, picking two hook nosed kikes over based Roons.

She literally makes everything she is in better, I watched Ain't Them Bodies Saints the other night and it was mediocre as fuck, but soft-lit Roons made it all worthwhile.


>Scarlett Johansson
>Natalie Portman

How are normies not bored of these two cunts yet?

so why the FUCK wouldn't they use rooney?

>no Roon Roon
>no Fincher
Sony can suck a dick

Why has our actor worship gotten so bad? We worship these meme actors who aren't even that good. Netflix celebs are the worst and have now become my pleb filter. If they're in a blockbuster but have starred in a Netflix movie or show after becoming famous I wont watch it.

swedish Lisbeth>>>>american Lisbeth



Fucking Sony. I genuinely think they're a money laundering front at this point.

> On Oct 21, 2014, at 1:18 PM, RM wrote:

> Dear Amy,
> Hello, how are you? I hope you are well- its been a very long time!
> I'm writing because I wanted to ask you about the Dragon Tattoo
> sequels. Logic tells me they are not ever happening- as it's been
> almost 3 years since it came out. But I had still been holding out a
> little bit of hope. I know there had been talks to do some sort of TV
> version without me. People still ask me about it ALL the time. And I
> never know quite what to say. So I guess I just wanted to ask you so I
> could know for myself and so that I can let it go for good if that's
> the case. It's obviously a character and an experience I hold very
> close.
> Hope you're doing really well.

> Xo
> Sincerely,
> Rooney

How do you think she's taking this news Sup Forums

>no Fincher
>no Rooney > Mara

I'm guessing Roon Roon told them to fuck off if Finchie wasn't directing.

Or maybe they went for a more marketable lead now that Fincher isn't in control.

Why are you even making American versions when the Swedish ones are just fine?

A lot of companies and parties in the contemporary world are technically laundering fronts, user.

>Sony has announced that the plan is to skip the next two books in Stieg Larsson’s best-selling Millennium trilogy
Why ? That makes no fucking sense. The last book was disappointing, everyone agreed to that, and they would skip the good fluff for that ? What the fuck


Weren't they working on a completely original idea for the followup to Fincher's movie?

I wonder what that would've been.

I swear to god, I'm going to shoot up a hollywood soundstage, trenchcoat style.

How can they make those terrible decisions?
Millenium is technically a Social justice very liberal but pulpy airport thriller but Fincher really fleshed out out the characters and made the universe coherent and less cliche.

Casting was on fucking point, cinematography subtle, cgi use subdued, costumes dpt nailed it. One of the few movies that exists that makes hacking scenes bearable.

Can we talk about the fucking soundtrack? It was amazing.

Hello tidder

I want to marry this woman.

Fuck. This is going to be awful.

>Scarlett as Camilla
>Natalie as Lisbeth
It works

do they have the sex

>The Swedish version

you prolly enjoyed this to

Camilla hates Lisbeth, so she'll probably rape her at some point

>no Jane Levy Lisbeth

>I'm guessing Roon Roon told them to fuck off if Finchie wasn't directing.

It's because she wouldn't do an interracial scene IIRC.

Hollywood Jews went apeshit and shitcanned her.

what fucking horseshit. Rooney was literally PERFECT as Lisbeth.

>let's do the "fourth installment", that's written by another guy on the behest of the original author's greedy estranged father and brother who managed to steal the rights to the books to "safeguard his legacy"

There is not a single part of this that I do not despise.

That's really sad after those emails came out of Rooney Mara begging for a sequel so she could play that role again

I can't stand the acting. Nyqvist does a fucking school-tier pantomime slapping his arms and shit to convey that it's cold in his cabin and every person that isn't a main character talks in a weird stilted and artificial way. Especially the lawyer.

I'm almost convinced that the people who love those movies are either non-Swedes who can't pick up on the stilted dialogue delivery because of the language barrier, or shilling Swedes who just care about Swedish cinema being relevant.

The majority of the world are fucking non-Swedes, Börje.

>finally making a sequel half a decade after the last one, losing all momentum
>over a full decade since the book actually became a bestseller and everyone was excited about it
>to further drive away anyone who might have still been interested in it after all this time let's get a new director, recast everyone AND adapt the blatant cash-in fanfic sequel nobody gives a shit about

When was the last time Sony made a good decision?

The author's leech of a father must be dancing with joy over it, though.

Why do people care so much about these books (movies)? It's trashy airport fiction.


Why do people care so much about capeshit? It's trashy comic fiction.


Rooney was superior

When are they going to address the number of jews on screen?

Fuck I still love you Patricia

Aja Naomi King would make an excellent Lisbeth Zalander

We all must hurry. Rooney needs cuddles.

Refused to read the book as it was obviously a POS leeching off the success of the og trilogy-- this is just insult to injury at this point. Disgusting money grubbing off Stieg's work

Jewish nepotism hits again.

Prepare for jew + nigger cast.

Stopped reading there.

>Refused to read the book as it was obviously a POS leeching off the success of the og trilogy

My nigga.