Was Xerxes gay or just flamboyant?

Was Xerxes gay or just flamboyant?

Brazilian people are weird and friendly like that.

He was a generous god


He considered himself a God, so he was above notions like gay or straight. He probably had a harem of mortals he banged interchangeably, and he probably had some little boys he fucked too.

He saw himself divine, and thus his flesh was thought to be a work of art. Besides given the era, no one gave a shit about clothes

He was a eunuch

I think the overall point was just that he was supposed to be this scary, degenerate freak Other

This. Frank Miller's fucked up in the head.

The real Xerxes was always surrounded by eunuchs, that was the thing back then. They were all faggots, the greek, the persians, the medes, etc.
Spartans all fucked each other in the ass during war time to "bond" with the troops.
Xerxes was a spoiled little shit who started the decadence of the Persian empire. His legacy was of irrelevant faggots, which eventually got curbstomped by Phillip and his son Alexander the great.


>Spartans all fucked each other in the ass during war time to "bond" with the troops.
Why can't we go back to those days?

All Persians are gay

He was a big guy.
I mean literally.
That fucker was HUGE.
Like fucking goddamn.
Even Bane isn't that big of a guy.
No wonder he considering himself a God.
What about that other big guy who gave everyone middle fingers?
He was a big guy too.
Where are all these big guys coming from?
You don't see big guys like this in every day life.

Because STDs, faggot.

>Red Bull

Yeah, they are pretty gay.

I've wondered about Eunuchs.

I know they were supposed to have been castrated in order to be more subdued as servants and less sexually aggressive around the harems, but I wonder if Eunuchs were also made as sex slaves.

Doesn't castration keep a young male more youthful? I suppose it was often about Middle Eastern boyslaves being kept as pretty and feminine as possible.

and why was he 10' tall?

>me on th--

Probably to seem more monstrous and uncanny and freakishly godlike and villainous.

Can't get STDs if you don't fuck people with STDs.

>the Other
Did your marxist sociology professor teach you that?

It is opposite. He is meant to be vain to an otherworldly extreme, adorning his body in jewelry and with a deep voice, smooth like oiled leather.

Those persians liked their twinks. Eunuchs were used as spunkbuckets, but also as dancers, singers and servants in general.

Yeah, a bunch of soldiers during wartime doesn't sound like breeding ground for all kinds of diseases and shit.

How humiliating. To be forcefully denied your manhood and adulthood to be a fucking dancer and slave to a bunch of disgusting hairy marauders.

Ancient times were brutal.

>How humiliating. To be forcefully denied your manhood and adulthood to be a fucking dancer and slave to a bunch of disgusting hairy marauders.
Sort of like child actors nowadays.

Explain how you would get a penis disease from war.

Might not be so bad to do it by choice, though.

Wasnt this actor in Westworld? What's up with him and interpreting weirdass looking villains?


He's not actually giant, user. Just really big.

Rodrigo Santoro

He was in LOST too

Neither, the story is told from the point of view of one eyed dude so Xerxes was made out to be weird homo when in fact he was just dude with a beard and a daddy complex.

Really? I don't remember him there.

How can you confuse a nigger for a spic?

From your perspective.

Dude's an Arab or something.

Brazilians, the center of the venn diagram of nig and spic.

>given the era, no one gave a shit about clothes

pants were for barbarians

>mfw we could have a good thread with meems but these two faggots had to argue about which ethnicity of nigger they'd rather get aids from

Nah, they're flat-out niggers. So are cubans.

>spardaaa! XD
>omg tonite we dine in hell!
>what is you're le profession?

Are we good? I think we're good. Reminder that the entire "grorious" last stand of the 300 spartans (and hundreds of other greek) at the hot gates was nothing but a bump on the road for the persians on their way to Athens.

both characters still look completely different


Both Santoro's parents were Italian immigrants. He's white.


Doesn't look white to me


garuantee xerxes prance around wearing whatever the fuck that is supposed to be
