Holy crap this was bad

Holy crap this was bad...

but I just saw another thread that said it was good.

Was that guy lying?

everyone lies on Sup Forums those are the rules

No. The movie Logan was holy crap bad.

Is that a lie?

Opinions are not lies. Opinions are also not truth. They're just opinions. Especially critics' opinions.

Nobody follows rules on Sup Forums, muh goat.

I don't get it.
I remember everyone liked it.
Then I bitched because Deadpool wasn't like the comics.

>in two weeks, it will be /teevee/'s opinion that this film is underrated, and much better than Logan

Is this the movie where the guy tosses his guns up into the air and then tosses fresh magazines up into them?
A group of people developed that idea, wrote it into a script, and "filmed" it.
That was probably the stupidest thing ever committed to film.

>wants physics in high fantasy

muh goat

But the whole forest wood cutter atmosphere is great.

Definitely better than the other disgusting weeb b8 movie in Japan. So awful.

Screencap this everyone


because batman is from dc and wolverine is from marvel

sabretooth was great in this

Ohh god i remember..the horror.
>sabertooth-"nobody kills you but me &back to back"
The moment the asian pistol guy you mentioned does a leap from 500 yards into a helicopter, i threw up in disgust.

>screenplay by David Benioff
Ohh that's why it was so bad.

anyone watch the leaked screener where the effects weren't fully in place? thats how i watched it

it's a fucking classic.
it had a better deadpool too.

Same but desu the effects didnt add much to the already shitshow.

Yes, it added a layer of comedy that improves the experience a whole lot.

>bothered by leap from 500 yards into helicopter
>not bothered by metal claws coming out hands, eyes shooting lasers, girls controlling storms


I was so fucking disappointed that they didn't bring Sabretooth back for the new movie. He was the only part of Origins that was 10/10 and I loved his dynamic with Logan

It's really the only way to see it

Aww u mad i didnt type an essay on every single bad part, get fucked kiddo

remember that leaked copy with no special effects and only placeholders?

that was better than the final movie

>does not refute points raised
>unable to refute points raised


I still have that rip. The final fight scene is hilarious

that wasn't the final movie?