Ridley Scott wants to make Gladiator sequel

How do we stop Ridley?


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You mean it wasn't a fatsuit in Nice Guys?

Gladiator 2 : Maximus FatBastardus

I'll watch it if Hans Zimmer does the score again


>James Cameron locking himself down to 4 Avatar sequels
>Ridley stripping the flesh from his successes

where have all the cowboys gone? ;__;

how do we save russell?

Why did Crow let himself go so fast? As far as I know he still lifting weights as a hobby, but why he give a fuck about his eating habits? Being fat is neither good or healthy.

is this another production shot from GITS

Implying he needs saving, he looks comfy as fuck

hehe nice one

He should just use Gerald Butler if Russel is too fat.
For the longest time I thought that Butler was actually in the Gladiator.


but being fat is enjoyable.

enjoy your lettuce

When will someone say to that senile demented old fuck to just fucking stop already?

With every project he takes he just keeps defecating all over his career.

>For the longest time I thought that Butler was actually in the Gladiator.

People like you should be gassed.

It all comes down to long-term vs. short-term happiness. Getting/staying in shape benefits you in the long run, but when you can't muster up the motivation for that you resort to other stuff like eating. Everybody enjoys a good meal and it doesn't require much effort to get something to eat.

Well, honestly, the first one wasn't very good as it is....

It's not like they're ruining the legacy of a cinamatic masterpiece.

After 15 minutes of watching the first I could usually predict every next line pretty closely because the dialogue was so bad and predictable. I could have told you the whole plot after 15 minutes.

I guess some of the battles were alright. But good action sequences don't make a good movie if the plot and acting are bad.

And as far as Russell Crowe goes. He could get back in shape if they gave him appropriate amount of time (and money) to do so. Older actors do that all the time in Hollywood. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher both were about 100 lbs overweight and lost it in a year (though Mark still has a few more to go, that's part of why I think his part in TFA was so minimal, he didn't reach the target weight the contract stipulated).

Honestly man, if someone offered you 10 million plus to do a movie and you were 100lbs overweight and they gave you a year to lose it. You could afford your own trainer, your own gym, and hire your own cook that cooks you healthy meals with appropriate calories and nutrition for weight loss at a significant weight.

Also, he could be taking some type of steroid like Trenbalone that causes extremely fast muscle gaining and fat loss. Steroids are SUPER common in Hollywood to bulk up for action movie roles. MOST of them use them as needed.

And it's not like he has a day job, so it shouldn't be hard for him to do 3 hours at some type of home gym daily.

The fat isn't the problem.

The problem is even the worst one wasn't good and you can't polish a turd.

He's obviously going senile and deserves our sympathy

>being fat is enjoyable

Yeah for a brief moment when you stuff your face with garbage it is, not in the long run.
Short term happiness is just for plebeians.

shut up you stupid fuck

>I thought that Butler was actually in
>the Gladiator.
kill yourself underage faggot

that belly isnt because of eating, its because he drinks 16 pints of beer a day like all Australians

Ridleys like the senile professor x in logan.

What I disliked about Gladiator was the beginning with Marcus Aurelius babbling something about returning to Republic or some shit.

Every single Roman would find this ridiculous, the republican government started to collapse as soon as the country expanded outside of Italy for a very good reason.

Literally pandering to "muh democracy" crowd.

It's a good film though.

You'll probably end up getting cancer anyway and all your work will have been for nothing


We need to stop him making all these side projects and get him to focus on his Forever War movie!

life is short term happiness user. your organs will fail and you'll die at 75 no matter how much rabbit food you eat.

Not really. Romans still clung to the idea of being a republic well after Augustus set the imperial precedent. A quick way to earn yourself a death as a Roman emperor would be to call yourself one.

>The water diviner

I actually saw that piece of crap....