This is the the thing who insists she's not plus size?

This is the the thing who insists she's not plus size?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Plus" size implies that there's something else there.

I would fuck the shit out of her, I dont even care she isnt funny she is just the type of fatty I would destroy, they love to do nasty shit.

It really eats you up inside, doesn' it, cloister? The fact that no woman would ever find a troll who jerks off in his basement, all day, attractive in any way.
That's why you attack women every day.
You're pathetic.


Lol that comedy special has a one star rating on netflix. Fucking blatant nepotism

reminder: she is next years lead actress in the live action Barbie movie

In America her amount of fat is average.
Thus she's not a plus size.

Friendly reminder that she dated this.

She is not pulse sized, she is +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sized. (all clothing is + sized)


this special WAS hilarious though

Amy Pigmore

More like Barbecue

>bitching about twitter in your stand-up act
Is this what "comedy" is now?

Damn bruh she has some broad ass shoulders, is it genetic like cgm or is it because of the weight?

is cloister a new meme insult or something

i dont know what you mean by that

She looks like a cabbage patch kid whose body never caught up with their face.

So she's 20 pounds overweight? Who really cares when shes sucking that dick?


>I know, let's cast this boar that is always rants about vaginas as Barbie, the doll.
>Brilliant Mr. Executive! Girls will love it!

This. Fat chicks do more stuff, I just typically have to turn the lights out.

I'd hatefuck Schumer because I find her incredibly annoying.

I care, because I'm not a filthy degenerate Zoophile.

So you'd rather the normal zero amount of dick sucking you get now? Fucking fag.

Shes a bit more then 20lbs overweight,friend.

Sure if you like spooky skellentons.

Shes pretty big though,look at her fucking arms

Just make sure to pull out before you cum, or her instinct will kick in and she'll bite your dick clean off.

Thank you. I was wondering the same thing.

Chubby chaser here...Amy Schumer is hideous. Not even a good fatty.

Either a bunch of threads on Sup Forums are made by the same guy, or some guy is so paranoid to think that any thread he doesn't like is made by the same guy. I don't even know which is sadder.

Her pussy stinks really bad.

She's size 6-8.... I get that boys will be boys but cummon

>muh unattainable gender expectations

no toys are in proportion

none, fuck, this whole century is shit so far

She has really small hands.


>mr executive
>not mr jew

Than get my dick sucked by Amy Schumer? Yeah. If that makes me a faggot, I'm very proud to be gay.

Its the latter, some autist is spamming his "I know its your, cloister" in every thread he doesnt like. Sometimes he also brings up another fictional character, cats.

And unless I had written this last sentence, he would now quote me and link to an archive page showing some tripfag named cloister. A sad autist indeed.

because shes disgustingly fat

average size in America

America is plus sized

It's a pretty bad health epidemic that people are afraid to address

>he thinks there a single media executive that isn't Jewish

Son you got a life of learnin ahead of ya

Anal leakage is my fetish.

I'll bet you a hundred dollars she is a size 14 or higher.

Kristina Hendricks is a size 14.

Also hilariously enough all celebs are lying about their dress size unless they are a size 4-8.

Liars: Melissa McCarthy claims to be an 18. THICC Aguilera claims to be a size 4. J-Lo is likely fibbing in the other direction as she claims she is a 6 but is probably smaller than that. KIm Kardashian is probably fibbing a bit when she claims she hovers between sizes 4-8.

Truth tellers: Aniston, size 0-2. Hendricks size 14. Monica from friends size 0.

Have you ever seen a real woman irl?
That's the size of woman you get unless you're Eroll Flynn

if it bother her so much I guess we can say SUM size.

wtfs going on with americans? why do they shit themselves at walmart?

She's ^ size

>lets get some handsome buff Chad as her love interest

Like in trainwreck, where she fucks a bunch of athletes and gets a rich doctor to fall in love with her because she's quirky and unique.

where is her jaw

>White knighting celebrities at all.
Hang yourself reddifaggot. You're literal fucking cancer.


is wrong
In the us since every one is fat and all fats are offended to being reminded their condition, they make the clothes larger without changing the number of size. Or they categorize bigger clothes in a size smaller.
here's a link:
"Vanity sizing, or size inflation, is the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing of the same nominal size becoming bigger in physical size over time.[1][2] This has been documented primarily in the United States and the United Kingdom. Vanity sizing tends to occur where clothing sizes are not standardized, such as the U.S. market.[3][verification needed] In the United States, although clothing size standards exist (i.e., ASTM), most companies do not use them any longer."

They can't even assume their clothes sizes so they changes the clothes sizes to not hurt their fee-fees

People I we better watch what I do
I've never been funny but my dad's a famous Jew
If you ever insult me my lawyer can sue

Indians detected