Was Iron Man 2 era Scarlett Johansson peak Scarlett Johansson?

Was Iron Man 2 era Scarlett Johansson peak Scarlett Johansson?

No, but Home Alone 3 was

Nah, Lost in Translation

>not the island

no, Ghost World was

Literally and unironically yes she was fucking sexy and has never been at that point again

Yeah it was. Crazy, but she was only 23-24 there which is why she looks so beautiful. And now suddenly 10 years have passed so quickly... crazy.

Her cutest and most gf/wife material appearance

Her hottest most fuckable appearance

Get out

I miss when she was an indie actress and not a Hollywood sex symbol.

Same thing with Keira Knightley ("Bend It Like Beckham").

Edgy Scarlett from The Perfect Score was

Runner Up: The Nanny Diaries era Scarlett

Naw mang...The Island Scarjo was the bomb diggity yo

her retarded feminism and dyke haircuts in recent years hasn't helped her waifu status at all tbqhwy

No, she was peak during the Sofia Coppola movie

>Be 31
>Look 40

What the fuck? I see 30 year old chicks who like they could pass for 20 something all the time(Kat Dennings). Why is Scarlett aging so fast?

Scarlett Johansson is fucking terrible. I'm glad that she'll have aged out of Hollywood next month.

>sKat Dennings

She's 42

Spirit was peak Johansson

>mfw when she wanted to get nude for that movie

>mfw when Bay said no because he wanted a pg-13 rating

>mfw I have no face

nope she was best girl in Home Alone 3

She's 30

good choice

she wasn't in Get Out tho

Prime johanson was Eight legged Freaks

She's 56

>tfw she said she wants to play Zoey Quinn in a gamergate movie

She's 30 my nigga

That was a relatively new actress known for an HBO series.

Actually just finished rewatching The Prestige and completely forgot she was even in it. Was cute.


Alcohol, smoking


It was He's Not That Into You, it goes unnoticed because it's a chick flick

actress always lie about their age