So what's the best "villain falls to their death" scene?

so what's the best "villain falls to their death" scene?

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You posted it.


see you at the party richter

fell to his death, survived, then crushed by a satellite dish

fucking god damned Hunchback of Notre Dame and it's not even close


Ah yes!

Either Dredd or Goldeneye


006 had a hard life

Judge Dredd roboot.

Hand's down

>muh Cossacks

lol fuck off.

Lion king

Are you implying Mufasa was a villain?


>Death comes for us all, Oroku Saki, but something much worse comes for you. For when you die, it will be....without honor.

>stabbed with a japanese samurai sword called a 'katana'
>back broken over Steven Seagal's knee like a twig
>thrown 3 stories down elevator shaft and impaled at the bottom

All Disney villains die like that.

Off the top of my head: Witch in Snow White, Frollo, Scar, Gaston, Captain Hook, Hades, that rat guy from mouse detective, probably more that I forget or fringe versions like Cruela De Ville driving off a cliff.



The pic is so tiny he looks like AVGN


McGruber is one of my top favourite villains. He's the reason why I love Die Hard so much

its the fall into the pool that done killed him


Lel. I can't read good

p much

>a demon smirks as it escorts you into hell

>For England James?

this was awesome seeing this as a kid

Not a villain

>No. For me.
I love Goldeneye.

Deserves a mention.

yeah huh faggot


Sheev throwing Sam Jackson out the window.

Also Sheev himself getting thrown down the shaft.

Vader falling into the reactor core

Even now it's a great scene, and while I lamented the fact it wasn't the turtles that beat him at the time (just all 4 rush him) it gives Splinter a chance to both avenge his master and his own kidnapping by going from hostage to hero, plus it hammers home that as good as the Turtles are, they still need more training.

>ywn have TMNT this good or better ever again


Step it up, Sup Forums

>git off me plane m8

>see this thread
>open up my old toys box of my old TMNT
>see my leonardo, raphael, michaelangelo and Donatello all dusty
>shredder, chrome dome, 2 foot soldiers, casey jones
>turtle van,
>still remember acting like a little cunt when my mom didn't buy me the evil homebase to couple with the home sewer

;_; i miss being a child bros

"Hasta la vista, baby."

That's what this place is for. It's like an eye injection straight to the visuals of your early life and it never goes away.


did she choose correctly?

he shot that dog bro, he had it coming.

Anthony Dawson's death in the spaghetti western "death rides a horse"

man this movie made me feel sad. like dude she killed her own child, that's fucking heavy shit there

Kinda cheesy, but awesome as well.
It's at the end.

fuck you Jesse

It's a pretty awful feeling, but the audience would have fucking rioted if she had dropped Mr Frodo, don't forget he killed his baby brother and almost killed his sister too.

Ricochet represent

Blind Fury is excellent well aged cheese

>if you kill me you'll become just like me!

"I'm learning to live with a lot of things."